How to delete the “My World” page. How to delete a page and account in my world How to delete a page on mail

Almost all Internet users have accounts on various social networks and email services. But there are already so many of these networks that the question often arises: “Why do I need four or five sites to communicate with the same friends?” The question is quite reasonable.

If you decide that one or two social networks are enough for you, then you can simply abandon the pages on the rest. However, your photos, contacts will remain there, and some friends may write there, and this is all fraught with problems and difficulties.

To avoid them, you just need to delete your pages. How to do this? In this article we will look at deleting your account from the network.

How to delete a profile in “My World” without deleting mail

It is very easy to leave “My World”. This deletion procedure is similar to deleting from another social network: . To do this, follow the instructions described below.

That's it, mission accomplished. And don’t forget that when you delete “My World”, your mailbox remains safe and sound.

What if you need to delete your entire mailbox? All you need to do is open your email.

Then go to the very bottom of the page and click the “Help” button. Now we see the 14 most frequently asked questions and problems.

Let’s open the eleventh question: “How can I delete a mailbox that I no longer need?”

But do not forget that along with your mail, you also delete your pages in other services: in blogs, in “My World”, in Photos.

If there is important information left there, it is better to copy it to your computer in advance.

Within three months, you will be able to restore your mailbox, but all mail stored there and all data from other services will be lost forever. Letters sent to your mailbox during this time will also not reach anywhere.

Good afternoon Today we’ll talk about how to delete the “My World” page forever. When registering a mailbox on the Russian communication portal “”, users receive access to the social network by default, without any additional conditions. However, after some time it may become necessary to delete personal information (photos, files, correspondence with friends).

Everyone has their own reasons:

  • I stopped liking it
  • distracts from business
  • advertising is annoying...

I think each of us will name our own, especially since the Mail.Ru service indeed has a lot of shortcomings, just like all Russian ones. It has long turned into a machine for pumping out money with the ability to spy on users in order to collect personal information. Now I in no way mean the special services watching over us with an all-seeing eye. Everything is much simpler and more banal.

Marketers are willing to pay good money for our data, from phone number to age, gender and preference for a particular brand. Therefore, personal information, despite all representations to the contrary, is used for commercial purposes. There is no need to talk about the unscrupulousness of spammers, thieves of content and personal photos. Actually, to those who firmly decided get rid of your profile in “My World” completely, and our detailed instructions below are intended.

Let's start with the fact that only its owner, or a person who has access to the profile, can remove an account from the user registry. You carry out any actions to liquidate your page “from the inside.” To do this, first of all, you need to log in using your username and password in your mailbox.

Next, go to “My World” to get to “Profile Settings”. After the update, you need to look for them closer to the “exit”. In the upper left corner, next to the mailbox name, there is an arrow. By clicking on it, you will expand a tab that contains the “Settings” line.

A “Delete” button will appear at the bottom of the page without the possibility of recovery. Actually, it is needed in order to get rid of the profile. Clicking on it takes you to the next page.

Under the inscription “Deleting the world” there is a list of benefits that you are giving up: music, photos, friends, groups, etc. Next to each line, in the window, you need to check the box and click on the “Delete your world” button.

Actually, these are all the steps you need to take to delete your “My World” page on It must be said that the system reserves the right for you to change your decision within two days. So, if after deleting the page you suddenly feel sad and sorry, go to your profile and click “ Restore My World" Otherwise, the data will be deleted permanently.

One of the most popular questions is “ will the mail remain if deleted?? Yes, your mailbox will function, but if you want to get rid of it, then move on to the next chapter.

How to delete mail

We have figured out how to remove traces of our virtual world, but we will not be able to completely remove our data from the system. The account that the phone number is associated with still exists because you still have your email account. Therefore, if your goal is to remove any information about yourself, you will have to sacrifice that too. Get rid of your mailbox It’s not that difficult; it’s enough to do several operations in sequence:

  1. Next, you will be asked why you want to delete the mailbox. You will need to indicate the reason in this field. Then enter the email password and captcha. After this, the box will be deleted along with all its contents. Together with him forever The “My World” page will disappear, video, music, but not right away. The process takes 5 days. After this, no personal data associated with this mailbox will remain.

If you change your mind, you can restore access to your mail within 3 months by simply clicking on the “Unblock” button in your profile. The mailing address will become active again, but letters sent during that period will no longer be received. All previously received correspondence, music recordings, videos, photos, etc. will also disappear.

The My World service, located on the portal, is a typical social network that has all the necessary functions: finding friends, adding media content, joining interest groups, etc.

However, this functionality turns out to be insufficient for the service to be popular among RuNet residents. Therefore, the question often arises of how to delete the My World page.

Deleting a profile

To delete a page on Odnoklassniki, you have to look for the required button in the portal regulations and indicate the reason. When deactivating a page in My World, nothing like this is required: in this sense, the procedure is similar to deleting a page in Photoland.

Only the user who has access to it - that is, the account owner - can delete a profile.

A message will appear on the screen stating that your profile has been blocked. At the same time, a duplicate message containing exactly the same information will be sent to the email linked to your account.

The account will disappear from the system forever only after 48 hours.

Simply put, you have two days to change your mind and return to the service. To do this, you just need to click the “Cancel deletion” button, which can be found in the letter sent to your email.

After 48 hours, the page will be erased from the service along with all the data on it: there is no way to restore access to it. This, by the way, is one of the main drawbacks of the social service on the website. If, after deleting a page on VKontakte, users have six months to restore access to it, then here there are only two days. Therefore, think carefully before deactivating your profile - you will lose the deleted information forever.

It happens that a person, after registering, understands that this social network is not for him and wants to delete his page forever and completely.

Today we will talk about how to delete “My World” so that no data about you remains on the site.
On the main profile page, next to your first and last name, click on the button with the image of a pencil. After which a page with profile settings will open with tabs “Personal data”, “About myself”, “Education”, etc. Among them, find the “Settings” tab and go to it.

At the very bottom of the page you will see “ Delete your World"-confirm.

By clicking on it we will see sections with offers:

Attention!!! Be sure to check the box next to each proposal. If you do not enter all of them, the button will not become active and you will not be able to press it.

If everything was done correctly, you will receive a notification: “Your world is blocked. Will be deleted in 48 hours."

All photos and friends list will be deleted and you will be automatically excluded from all groups in which you are a member.

While your world is locked, other users cannot view it. If you change your mind, it's not too late to cancel. To cancel, click the " Cancel world deletion».

Many of you probably have several pages on various social networks. This is very convenient because you can find all your friends, communicate with them, and share interesting information. Modern technologies make it possible to talk even with people who are very far away. But it happens that you need to delete your profile on a website. And here many different questions arise. Let's try to understand this complex problem.

First, let's look at the main points of deleting pages on different sites, and then turn to two specific networks. You will learn about what methods of getting rid of unnecessary accounts exist, and also about that in “My World” and on “It’s a Small World”.

How to remove yourself from popular social networks

1. Use the delete function, which may be located in your profile or privacy settings. You can also find out how to delete a profile in the Help section.

2. Activate blocking. Please note that this procedure helps hide your profile from other users. Blocking is temporary, and you can return to the site at any time.

4. Write an official statement and send it to the physical address of the social network administration. In addition, the letter must be duplicated to the email address of this company.

5. Use some cunning secret method.

What to choose? It depends on you and your needs. But if your account is hacked, you can disinfect your computer, as well as provide enhanced protection for your social profile information. And then you won’t have to delete the page.

Now we’ll find out how to delete the “My World” page. It is important to follow all instructions. And then you will succeed!

"My world"

Go to your page, and then look at the left menu, where there are various options: “Photo”, “Video”, etc. Click on the arrow under the words “Guests”. Additional opportunities will open up. In the list that appears, select “Settings”.

You can also access this from the top menu. To do this, find the “Settings” item between your email address and the “Exit” button. Now let’s move on directly to how to delete a page in “My World”.

If everything is done correctly, you will find yourself on the settings page. Study it, consider all the operations and tabs. Among them there must be the heading “Delete “My World””. Read the warning about data loss and click on the button to confirm your actions.

A new page has opened with a list of sections of the “My World” network that can be deleted. Read the information provided, then check all the boxes and click the consent to delete button. A section with settings will again open in front of you, where you need to press the button to delete the page. You will now see a message stating that “World” is blocked and will be deleted soon. In addition, you will be informed that you can restore your profile within a certain time. All information about deletion will be sent to your email from Mail.Ru. Well, you have completed the task!

Important notes about the My World network

Don't want to regret the lost information? Be sure to save on your computer those data from “My World” that you consider important! These could be interesting notes, addresses of your friends’ pages...

To quickly delete your profile, it is recommended to clear all sections of it! Please note that your entries in the Answers service will remain. Apparently, this is done so that other users can find their questions among the existing ones. You will also have a mailbox at your disposal.

As you can see, the question of how to delete a page in “My World” turned out to be not so difficult. If you suddenly want to return, you can create it from scratch. You can create and delete social profiles as many times as you like!

We are leaving the site “It’s a small world”

You can leave the “It’s a Small World” site in two ways:

1. Change settings.

2. New secret option.

Let's consider each method separately. But first, don't forget to copy important information from your profile! What if it comes in handy?

Changing page settings

To get started, go to your page from Mirtesen.Ru. Find the button for editing your profile in the top menu, then click it and go to “Settings”. You will be taken to a tab dedicated directly to you. Delete the optional lines here, and fill in the required profile items with fictitious data. Please note that the photo cannot be deleted! Correct the remaining profile tabs in the same way. Now save your settings.

The system will return you to the main page. Follow the “Settings” link, which is located under the “Editing” item. Next, you need to go to the section with personal data and pay attention to who sees your page. In the list that opens, you should select just one word: “Nobody”, and then indicate the reason for deleting the profile. Here you can write whatever your heart desires.

In order to delete your page, you can only edit personal settings. But this doesn't always work. It may happen that your page will be deleted and then put on public display again. It is for this reason that we have corrected all other sections of the profile!

Our last step will be to delete various photos. To complete this task, find the “Photo” link under your avatar and go to the specified address. Now, by clicking on the crosses under each photo, clear your albums.

Hooray! Your profile will definitely be deleted! Now you know how to delete the “It’s a small world” page. You can act! But this is not the only solution to the problem.

How else can you remove “It’s a small world”

You need to join many different communities, and then post the link in the discussion of these groups: After this behavior you are guaranteed to be removed. Don't forget to change your profile information first!

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