Automation of a travel agency: choosing a cloud CRM system. The tour - GNU GPL computer program for travel agencies and travel agencies Program my documents tourism

How U-ON and QUI-QUO change lives for the better!
No more routine – just work for pleasure!

First, U-ON appeared in my life, I also went to it for a relatively long time - I worked for a year using old-fashioned accounting methods - a plate in Excel, addresses in the mail and other prehistoric tools for working as a travel agency. But then it became clear that the tourists recorded in the notebook were lost, maintaining a database in Excel was completely inconvenient, and in general, all this took a lot of time, which could be spent on things more useful for business. In U-ON I saw something about integration with QUI-QUO, but the word “integration” and especially “QUI-QUO” were incomprehensible, and I had the feeling that this was something tricky, I didn’t need it, and this not for me, everything is fine with me, etc., etc., etc.

Everyone can choose their own excuse. And, of course, everything new is frightening with the unknown, and new programs doubly so. Remember the stress and commotion that occurs when a new version of a familiar program is released. Then a friend who has 3 travel agencies said that her managers asked her to install KVI-KVO for them, and she agreed, i.e. the money is ridiculous, but the benefits are obvious) Now I praise U-ON and recommend making that very sophisticated integration to make her work easier. It’s not yielding yet, but I think it will ripen soon. In general, QUI-QUO was approaching me from different directions, but I did not give in and diligently composed the usual letters to clients with selections of prices and hotels, spending a lot of time on this.

The X-hour came at Travel It Workshop 28 2015, where I attended the presentation of QUI-QUO, which was conducted by the cheerful and very energetic Alexey Kamenchuk. Then I realized that something was passing me by, and something clearly interesting and modern. After the presentation, Alexey talked a little more about his brainchild and it turned out that the program has existed for 3 (THREE!!!) years, this is almost as long as I have been in the travel agency business, and all this time I have not used it! I urgently wanted to run to the office and finally install this miracle program to make the life of a travel agent easier.)

So I did and since then there is almost no place for routine in my daily activities - selecting a tour for tourists takes a minimum of time, tourists leave the office with a beautiful letterhead with tours, 100% agree to give their e-mail to receive this beautiful selection by mail, all requests are immediately taken into account in QUI-QUO and U-ON, at the same time the base of client phones and emails is growing, in the near future I plan to start sending out mailings using these magical services.

What else I like about QUO-QUO and U-ON is that you can write any wish for the program, and everything is corrected or added at lightning speed. So, for example, I asked Alexey to add links to groups on social media. networks in the signature of a letter to a tourist. During the day, the request was fulfilled, and I think that these buttons will benefit not only me, but also all users of the program.

I would like to thank the QUI-QUO and U-ON teams again for what they do! It’s simply wonderful that people have come up with and implemented such convenient things, are constantly improving them and clearly enjoy their work, just like I do now!

20071 January 14, 2015

It's not beer that ruins people, it's routine that ruins people. Even in the most beloved work there are always tedious, painstaking tasks that require close attention: paperwork, accounting for payments, searching and selecting tours among a whole scattering of offers from different tour operators, calculating costs, and the like. Fortunately, in our progressive age, many of these routine tasks can be entrusted to a computer, thereby speeding up and facilitating the work of the entire travel agency. A lot of automation systems that help organize business have been created for the tourism industry. Which one is the best?

To find out, we conducted a survey among visitors to our portal. More than 400 travel agents took part in it. The survey was conducted in November 2014.

First, let's figure out what business process automation systems are and what they are used for. Such systems are computer programs that perform standard operations using a single information space (database of customers, products, partners, completed sales, etc.).

The main functions that such a system performs are as follows:

  • Storing data about customers, orders, suppliers, etc.
  • Printing documents
  • Analytics of sales and agency relationships with clients
  • Accounting for payments and interaction with accounting department

If this is your first time thinking about automating workflows in your agency, then before choosing the most suitable system for you, we recommend that you carefully study the article. This material will not only tell you about what kind of automation systems there are, but also about their evolution in tourism.

There are quite a lot of such systems in the tourism sector. For our study we selected the most famous:

First of all, we decided to find out which of the listed systems are familiar to agencies. The question was: “What travel agency automation systems do you know?”

The “star” of the unique popularity rating among travel agents was “SELF-travel agent”, in second place was the option “I don’t know any”. As the survey showed, approximately a third of travel companies continue to work the old fashioned way, use their own inventions to optimize the work process, or, least likely, use a system that we do not yet know anything about.

Next, we moved from theory to practice... The question about the use of CRM systems in direct work confirmed our guess: it turned out that more than half of the agents continue to work the old fashioned way. Only 42% of agents keep up with the times and optimize their workflow using electronic systems.

Only 42% of agents keep up with the times and optimize their workflow using electronic systems.

Further conversation continued only with those who trust the organization of work with clients to computer technology (however, we will return to those who do not do this a little later). Now we had to find out which automation systems travel agents use in their work.

From the list given at the very beginning of the article, “SAMO-travel agent” is most often used, but a quarter of respondents prefer lesser-known CRM systems. The most popular among them are and TourFX or their own developments created within the travel agency.

The last question was addressed to those who do not use automation systems in their work. The most common reasons why agents refuse the benefits of the computer era are the high cost of software or... habit. 34% of agents have not thought about automating their work at all, 12% admitted that they are more familiar with good old Excel. Another 12% prefer “manual labor” due to the imperfections of all existing automation systems.

It turns out that progress has not had time to capture the tourism industry on a global scale. But perhaps this is a matter of time, but for now we decided to figure out what automation systems in the tourism industry are - the results of our research are shown in the comparative table below.

12% of travel agents prefer “manual labor” due to the imperfection of existing automation systems.

Some facts 3

U-ON Travel is a young company, on the market for only 3 years. Information about key clients is confidential.

MyDocuments-Tourism - 6 years of the company and 4 years of the program. Information about key clients is also confidential.

Megatech Master Agent - 18 years of the company, 12 years of the program. Key clients: TBG, Chip Trip, Sunexpress (Sunrise Tour agency network), Briscoe, TUI, Coral Travel, authorized agencies of Mouzenidis.

My tourists - a company on the market for about 9 years, the program - 3 years. Key clients - AGP network (Ukraine).

SAMO travel agent - 23 years of company and 14 years of program. The service is used by 300 franchise offices of Pegas Touristik, 1001 Tour - a network of 65 offices (franchise), Anexshop - a network of 19 offices, MTK Sputnik - a network of 10 offices, - a network of 18 offices, " Quadra" is a network of 17 offices. - 10 years on the market. Key clients: TUI, IGP. U-ON Travel Megatech Master Agent MyDocuments-Tourism My Tourists SAMO travel agent

1. Working with clients

Preliminary applications
Tracking the stages of work on pre-orders
History of tourist requests and trips
Gift certificates
TA’s own bonus system in the program
Automatic accrual/write-off of bonuses
Automatic calculation of discounts depending on the volume of purchases
e-mail newsletters
sms mailings
Automatic birthday reminders
Automatic reminders about passport expiration date
Other automatic reminders (before travel, after return)
Ready-made message templates for mailings
Individual and legal entity

2. Applications

Accounting for applications
Customized tours, including those involving multiple providers or destinations
Detailed composition of the tour package
Accounting for additional payments
Algorithm for calculating the cost/cost of an application
Automatic cost recalculation in accordance with the exchange rate
Connection of the application with an advertising source or recommender
Algorithm for providing discounts to tourists
Built-in ready-to-print documents
Editing and creating printed forms
Ability to download any forms/document templates
Receiving applications to the program from feedback forms and landing pages

3. Payments/Accounting

Reflection of tourist payments - TA
Reflection of payments between TA - TO
Reflection of other household transactions (office supplies, rent, water)
Reflection of payments by bank cards indicating the bank commission
Transactions with different currencies
Fixation of individual rates of suppliers
Taking into account exchange rate differences when creating payments
Payment with certificates
Payment with bonuses
Operations of closing the cash register, collection
Printing financial cash documents (RKO, KM3, PKO, Cash Book)

4. Analytics / reports

Editing and creating any custom reports
Uploading reports and statistics as a document

5. Integration

Integration with
IP telephony
Integration with 1C
Integration with Bank-client
Search and book tours from the program
Integration with the booking module on the TA website
Integration with bonus programs
Integration with payment system
Personal account for a tourist on the agency website (checking applications)
Integration with hotel booking system
Integration with Email (sending emails directly in the program)
Integration with Email (receiving emails directly in the program)

6. Administration

Access rights
Number of users:
No limits
Depending on the chosen tariff
Number of offices (network version): unlimited
Number of legal entities persons: no restrictions
Directories (already filled out)
Interface setup
Importing a customer database from Excel
Export reports to Excel, Word, PDF
Attaching files
Automatic loading of financial guarantees of tour operators
Importing data from other automation systems
Saving the history of changes to orders, clients, suppliers
Comparison of order change versions from previous versions
Revert to any previous version
The ability to independently change orders in bulk
The ability to independently change clients and suppliers in bulk
Separation of visibility of orders and clients by office
Separation of visibility of orders and clients by legal entity

7. Organization of internal office work

company's news
Manager's diary

8. Technical features

Boxed/desktop solution
Cloud solution
Web interface
Mobile app

9. Additional service

Demo version
Test access to the working version
Education n/a
Technical support
Update frequency:
Several times a year
Payment method:
Bank transfer by account
Bank card
Via terminal
"Yandex money"

10. Minimum cost, rub.

For a month 1999 1125
For a year 20390 13500 12000 8000
Forever 10000 45000 36000 20000
For a month 500 0 to 1999 500 590
For a year 6000 0 to 20390 6000 3990 9500

n/a - No data

For more information about the set of reports, please contact system representatives.

Basic reports:
- Advertising: Efficiency of advertising sources;
- Sales: Sales funnel, work of managers, report on orders/applications;
- Finance: Income and expenses, profit, balance, mutual settlements for maintenance;
- Others: Reports by couriers, clients, countries.

Installation is required, the cost of which is 29,900 rubles.

Information for this section was provided to the editors by the systems themselves. The TourManager system refused to provide information.

  • Bright and user-friendly interface, visual cues and color graphics
  • Travel agent desktop - quick access to orders and clients
  • Entering data by string with search by first letters
  • Quick search for tourists and tour orders
  • Quickly enter orders, services and clients
  • Ability to fill in the minimum required fields
  • Automatic control of passport expiration dates
  • Convenient entry of costs, discounts and commissions for both package and group tours
  • Saving files of questionnaires, photos, contracts, etc. directly to clients, suppliers and orders.
  • Fast payment acceptance and cash register operation
  • Fast Printing of contracts, Receipt and expense cash orders, applications to suppliers.

Modern, functional interface

Managers are the main users of the program in a travel agency, so we thought about them primarily when designing the interfaces and functionality of the program. We have listened to their wishes for many years and are constantly continuing to refine the program for travel agents.

Interface of the travel agency automation program " website» - functional and rich in visual cues, using highlighting and graphic elements. For example, order lists immediately display the percentage of payment by the client in the form of an icon, and canceled tours and confirmed tours are highlighted in color. Selecting a tour order line immediately displays the basic data on the order and the client in the quick view panel. Also, selecting a payment in the list of documents for the cash register shows not only the payer, but also the amount of money in the cash register at the time of payment.

Create an order in 4 minutes

The main screen for a travel agent in the program is certainly the tour order, since this is where most of the manager’s work takes place. Therefore, this screen has constantly changed in different versions of our program and the version presented in the current release is simplified as much as possible to speed up order creation.

In the program for a travel agency, the website is based on our measurements order creation speed is only 5 minutes, including creating tourist and service directories, printing contracts and accepting payment from the client. We consider this an absolute achievement, but with constant work in the program, a travel agency manager can reduce this time.

Checking that fields are required and data is correct

The program is configured in such a way that a minimum of order fields is required, however, as part of system implementations for agency networks, we can also configure individual rules. The program automatically helps the travel agent in checking the correctness of filling out the fields: it checks the validity of the passport and the correctness of the start and end dates of the tour and services, giving appropriate tips to the manager.

Also, to speed things up, the main order fields are filled in based on the services entered. For example, the tour customer is filled in from the first tourist, and the tour dates and destination are filled in from the services. At the same time, the customer, direction, dates, if necessary, can then be changed just as quickly.

Printing of all documents from the program, including the contract and PQS

Based on the order placed in the travel agency program, you can print out the contract with the client. Moreover, the contract will include all the details for the services that you filled out, as well as all the details of your company and the customer. Each contract is printed individually for the employee and contains information about the power of attorney for each specific manager who placed the order. Thus, the resulting document is immediately ready for printing. It is possible to save the contract as a file in MS Word or MS Excel on your computer.

In the same way as printing an agreement, you can print a cash receipt for a client's payment or a cash receipt for a return. For collection, a separate form is provided with details of cash transactions transferred to collectors. This is exactly how a travel agency automation program should work - all documents and forms come only from it.

Website web platform capabilities

While other travel agency automation programs add new filters and new fields to the presentations of their new releases, the website system basically provides such capabilities, the development of which in other products would cost more than them. For example, the ability to filter lists and search through lists using any fields, or modern search fields in drop-down lists immediately by the first letters. And also many other features, such as: add copy button; sorting by list columns; the ability to change the boundaries of forms; calculator for entering numbers; output lists in xls; recent activity history panel; transparent loading of data for lists when rewinding, rather than page navigation.

All documents on the client, order and supplier in one place - in the program

A travel agency constantly has to process flows of documents from clients for visas and tours. Very often all this is stored in packs on disks or on desktops and is often lost. When a client comes to your office again, you can no longer find his documents and have to re-scan and crop photographs and passports. In a travel agency automation system website It is possible to attach any files to clients, suppliers, tour orders and contracts with suppliers. Everything will always be at your fingertips, and at the same time in a safe and secure storage.

Tour operator opportunities are now available for agencies

For travel agencies, the program provides an expanded method for entering the cost of services, previously available only in tour operator systems: the cost can be specified per day, night or per period, for all or for each tourist separately - the system itself will add all this up and display the result. A discount to a client for a service can also be entered as a percentage or in absolute value. Thus, it is as convenient as possible to create any type of package: from individual to standard.

Another feature of the program for the convenience of working with group and corporate clients is the ability to add several rooms and services from different suppliers into one order.

All information on the desktop

The travel agent's workplace in the website program is specially designed and organized for quick access to the main functions in the work: working with clients and orders, monitoring payments to clients and suppliers, monitoring the collection and issuance of documents. Such a visual representation helps to increase the quality of work, since no client or order goes unnoticed. Managers will be able, without writing in notebooks, to always control orders that require payment, the receipt and transfer of visa documents, and the issuance of packages of documents to clients in the office and at the airport. Clients’ birthdays or clients who traveled last year and have not yet contacted your office for a repeat tour on the same approximate dates will not be forgotten. This is just a small list of possibilities in travel agency website automation program, which will make the work of travel agencies easier.

All sent messages are saved in the history of interaction with the client, and the travel agency manager will never forget whether the client was reminded of something or not. However, we recommend using SMS mailings only as an additional way to inform the client, and in case of important information, always call the client by phone, and send SMS only to remind the agreements.

Database of clients, tours, orders and tour operators in one place Full automation of the travel agency Monitoring the work of managers Easy installation and implementation Full free version for 30 days

Imagine that you or your managers have at least 10 free hours a week. What would you do with this time? And most importantly, how much additional income could this bring?

But this time can be added without increasing the working day, shortening lunch, installing video windows broadcasting daytime weather, or any other manipulations with time and consciousness. Everything is much simpler. You just need to reduce the time spent on completing all the documents and on the rest of the routine.

And for this, we offer you to download for free the program for the travel agency “Customer Accounting: Travel Agency”, with which you will have this time.

How the program will help you as a travel agency manager

The program “Customer Accounting: Travel Agency” from the company “Simple Software” helps the manager track all the key business processes of his company.

Results control and motivation for managers

In the program you see how each manager works and you can display this information in the form of reports and print it out. Thus, you will clearly see the performance of each manager and will be able to influence their motivation and results.

Accounting for financial transactions

Automatic calculation of the cost of a travel package and the percentage of payments to managers. Accounting for the status of payment, as well as the amount of debt of clients.

Increasing customer loyalty

Through the program you can send SMS and E-mail letters and congratulations. For example, you can congratulate your customers on their birthday and give them a discount. Or congratulate you on the New Year and offer to relax during the long holidays. There are many options and they are limited only by your marketing thinking.

Business automation

No more Excel spreadsheets or notebooks. All information is available in one program with a powerful filter and search tool.

Implementation without the involvement of IT specialists

You probably know how to install programs on your computer. It's absolutely the same principle. But even if you have any questions, our technical support will help you figure it out.

Lifetime license

No monthly, quarterly or annual fees. You paid 8,000 rubles for the program once and use it for an unlimited time. At least pass it on to your grandchildren along with the business.

Customizing the program to suit your needs

There are no identical travel agencies, so we have created a flexible system that can be customized to solve exactly your problems. And both independently and with the help of our specialists.

How the program will help your managers

CRM for a travel agency “Customer Accounting: Travel Agency” automates the work of managers and frees them up to 3 hours a day.

Accounting for all components of the tour

In the program, your managers can maintain all the necessary information for clients. How will they get to their vacation spot, will they be met upon arrival, what hotel will they stay at, availability of insurance, vaccinations, and so on. You can also create your own tables and enter information about the tour operators with whom you work, the countries to which you sell tours, and much, much more.

The program completely eliminates routine

Your managers will no longer need to enter passport data and other information about the client into each document several times. It is enough to enter all the information into the program and create a template of standard documents. The program will do the rest itself.

Maintaining a database of potential clients

Your managers can enter all new contacts into the program, note where they came from, what question they asked and what they left with. And then remind them of yourself in order to make the contact a client of the company, thereby increasing both your and your income.

The program does not require special knowledge

The program is quite easy to learn. Your managers won't have to sit for hours and figure it out. The program also has a demo base that will help you figure out what's what using a working example.

Quick access to document scans and other images

You can attach the necessary images to each entry in any table. Thus, the time required to search for them on the computer is reduced and all employees of your travel agency have access to them.

Notifications and Reminders

In the bustle of days, you will no longer forget about something important. Did a potential client call, ask questions and promise to think about it? Enter his data into a table and create a notification to call him in a week and find out what he has come up with. And so on for any of your tasks.

Video presentation of the program

In this 11-minute video you will learn:

  • How to work in CRM "Customer Accounting: Travel Agency"
  • How to add a new client to the database.
  • How to fill out all the information about the tour.
  • How to calculate manager percentage


Nothing. It will remain safe and sound, so you can immediately put the trial version into use without fear that all data will be lost in a month.

Of course not. If you maintain a database in Excel, then simply import it into the program. If you maintain a database in another program, you will first need to export it to Excel format, and then import it into our program.

Yes, you can. And there are 2 ways:

  1. Install the program on a computer with a white IP and keep it constantly on. In this case, work is possible only in the Windows system through the program
  2. Use our “Simple Website” solution, which allows you to work with any database through the browser of a computer, smartphone or tablet from anywhere in the world.

The installed version of the program takes up a little more than 30 megabytes (2-3 songs). Plus, the database file initially occupies 2 megabytes, increasing in size depending on the number of records you enter into the program. But this file grows very slowly. So, if you make 500 entries per year, then even after 40 years of working with the program it will not occupy more than 1.5 gigabytes (the size of 1 movie in standard quality).

Yes, the program works with barcode scanners, magnetic card readers, payment terminals, receipt printers, fiscal recorders, web cameras and cash drawers.

Still have questions? Set them in any way convenient for you. You see contacts below

We are not saying that our travel agency software is perfect. But we strive for this by adding new functionality to it or eliminating errors that users report to us. It is for this reason that we update the program at least 2 times a month. Moreover, you will not need to download it every time. The update occurs automatically and you only need to agree to install the new version.

The cost of the program is 8,000 rubles. But we don’t encourage you to buy it right away. Download and install the free demo version, try it out and only then decide whether it is suitable for your travel agency or not. But do not forget that the program can be modified to suit your needs and tasks.

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