Comma symbol on top. We put the upper comma on the keyboard using a key combination. Creating a new layout

Putting a comma on a regular keyboard or laptop is very easy. Another thing is where exactly in the proposal to add it so that there is no mistake.

The Word program or this little instruction will help you 90% with this, although it is best to study the punctuation completely.

To type a comma on the keyboard, you need to see which layout is enabled - Russian or English.

It depends on them where the comma will be located on the keyboard of your netbook, laptop or USB computer.

How to write a comma in the Russian keyboard layout

In a laptop and a regular keyboard with a Russian layout, the comma is in the same place, but you won’t be able to place it with one key.

To print it, hold down the Shift button - you can print it on the right or left side, there is no difference.

Then click on the button with four symbols: a question mark, a semicolon and two sticks - it is located at the bottom right side. See fig.

How to make a comma on an English keyboard

In an English-language keyboard, placing a comma is much easier; more precisely, you only need to press one key - the one where the Russian letter “B” is located.

If you often have to change the layout, I recommend using a small free application - Ruslat95.

Having launched it once, you can switch the language by pressing just one key – “Ctrl”. This is faster than the standard method - two.

By the way, there are many applications that improve text input from the keyboard, for example, a program that automatically selects the layout you need.

Lesson 3. How to enter punctuation marks on the keyboard

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, “they press a period, but a comma is entered, or vice versa.”

Rule one. Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether you are holding down the Shift key, each key will enter different characters.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (above) shows the complete keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now look at punctuation marks in the Russian layout.

Only those punctuation symbols that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out that no matter how hard we try, we won’t enter the @ sign on the Russian keyboard

I think everything is clear with the letters, to make the letter large you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson “Windows Keyboard Shortcuts”)

So, let's pay attention to the top row of keys. If in Russian we simply click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks at the top will be entered, not numbers.

Example: How to enter the punctuation mark “Comma” in Russian? To do this, we need to press the shift key and without releasing its dot (the key to the right of the letter yu), if we just click on it, we will get a dot. How to enter a number sign in Russian - No? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3. How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing the number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Please note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that on the English layout, a comma is entered by pressing the Russian letter B, and a dot on Y. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

When working with text documents, it is often necessary to place the top comma, which is more correctly called an apostrophe, in the right place. It is most often used when writing English words, but there are exceptions. In this topic, we will consider all the options for how to quickly put an apostrophe on the keyboard of a laptop or computer, using hotkey combinations and built-in character tables in Windows and Microsoft Office.

The classic way to enter an apostrophe

Unfortunately, this method is demanding on the keyboard layout. Therefore, before adding the top comma, make sure that the keyboard layout of your laptop or computer is switched to English. Afterwards, you just need to press the key with the letter “E” and the top comma will be inserted into the place you need.

The advantage of the method is speed. The downside is constant control over the keyboard layout.

Unconventional input method

This method of placing a comma on top is less popular and is used only by advanced users. Although there is no difficulty in it, you just need to remember the hotkey combination “Alt+0146”.

Please note: this combination involves the number keys from the right numeric block of the keyboard. The top number row is not suitable for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is that it is not demanding on the keyboard layout. The downside is a more complex combination of shortcut keys.

We use the symbol table built into Windows

The third option for placing the upper comma is to refer to the operating system symbol table. There are several ways to open it.

  1. Use the search bar in the Start menu.
  1. Use the key combination “Windows + R” to launch the “Run” command interpreter and use the “charmap” command.

Having launched the table, select the apostrophe sign, click on “Select”, and then “Copy”.

In this case, the upper comma character will be copied to the clipboard. All that remains is to insert it into the right place.

There is no advantage of the method in relation to previous input methods. The downside is the low input speed and the mandatory presence of a mouse.

Using the symbol table in Microsoft Office

The fourth option to put a comma at the top of a word is to use the same symbol table built into the Microsoft Office package. We will show an example in Word version 2007. If you have a different version of this application, there may be some minor interface differences.

Open the application and go to the “Insert” tab. Next, simply select the “Symbol” item. To open the entire table, click on the “Other symbols” link.

Please note: if you need to put an upper comma when working with Excel, then the procedure is identical.

In the table that opens, select the apostrophe symbol and click insert.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same as the previous method.

Rule one.

(Russian layout).



Read also:

You can add an upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, the symbol “’” will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146, also holding Alt. We see “’” on the display.

Applying a top comma

other methods

  • Dial code "0146".


The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling sign in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions.

How to put punctuation marks on a laptop keyboard?

The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it’s - short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'Artagnan.

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, “they press a period, but a comma is entered, or vice versa.”

Rule one.

Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether you are holding down the Shift key, each key will enter different characters.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (above) shows the complete keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now understand about punctuation marks in Russian layout.

Only those punctuation symbols that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out, no matter how hard we try, We will not enter the @ sign on the Russian keyboard.

I think everything is clear with the letters, to make the letter large you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson “Windows Keyboard Shortcuts”)

So, let's pay attention to the top row of keys. If in Russian we simply click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks at the top will be entered, not numbers.

How to enter the comma punctuation mark in Russian? To do this, we need to press the shift key and without releasing its point (the key to the right of the letter u), if we just click on it, we will get a point.
How to enter a number sign in Russian - №? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3.
How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing the number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Please note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that on the English layout, a comma is entered by pressing the Russian letter B, and a dot on Y. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign< >

Click Add to the group on VK and Odnoklassniki!

Read also:

How to make a comma at the top on a computer

How to put a top comma

The upper comma or apostrophe, as it is correctly called, is often used in English, French, Ukrainian and Belarusian, but there are times when it needs to be written in a Russian word. This can be done using the keyboard buttons or a special text editor menu.

An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling symbol in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following cases:

  • foreign proper names with an apostrophe, most often preceded by the letters “D” and “O” (for example, D’artagnan, O’Connor);
  • foreign geographical names (for example, Côte d'Or);
  • words written in Latin with a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Let's look at the ways you can print the top comma. To begin with, the simplest one. With the Russian keyboard layout, press the Ctrl button and, holding it, double-click the key with the letter “e”. We get the following symbol “’”.

Since the apostrophe is very often used in English, you can type it by changing your keyboard layout to English. Now press the same button with the image “e”. A “‘” icon will appear on the screen.

In the Ukrainian layout, the top comma is also placed on a separate key and is located where the Russian letter “е” is. Press it and get “’”.

You can add an upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, the symbol “’” will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146, also holding Alt.

Keyboard keys

We see “’” on the display.

But you must type numbers on the number pad of the keyboard, and not in the row that is located above the letters, otherwise nothing will work. This will be a bit problematic for laptop users. However, if you press the NumLock button, the numeric block will turn on the alphabetic one, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

The Microsoft Word text editor will allow you to add an apostrophe. Let's look at the example of version 2007. Click on the “Insert” menu and select the “Symbol” item there. In the pop-up window, click on the inscription “Other symbols...”. Now in the “Font” field we set “Plain text” and among the presented characters we select the one we need. It can be “’” and others. Double-click on it or select it and click “Insert”. After this, close the window. The required icon appears in the document.

A similar function is available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. To add a leading comma, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Special characters...”. In the “Select Character” window that opens, select “Basic Latin” or “Additional diacritics” in the “Set” field. Select the desired symbol and double-click on it or select it and click OK.

You can use the symbol program built into Windows. Go to the Start menu. Select “All Programs”, then “Standard”, and then “Service”. Open the “Symbol Table” utility. Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click “Select”. It will appear in the To Copy field. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Now you know how to place a leading comma in different ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. And to make your work easier, you can print it only once, and then simply copy and paste it into the right place.

How to place an apostrophe (comma at the top) on a keyboard

The comma at the top, or apostrophe, if this sign is correctly called, is often found in the grammar of the languages ​​of the peoples of different countries. In some cases, the comma at the top is also used in Russian grammar. This sign can be set using keyboard keys, a special symbol menu in the Word text editor, or hotkeys.

Applying a top comma

An apostrophe is one of the spelling symbols in the form of a superscript upper comma, which is used in the Russian language in the following moments:

  • writing words or names of foreign origin using an apostrophe, often before the comma at the top there are the symbols “O” or “D”, for example, names that are familiar to everyone: D’artagnan, O’Connor;
  • foreign common names of geographical features, for example, Côte d'Or;
  • words that are written in Latin, but add a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Basic ways to create an apostrophe in a document

The comma at the top can be placed in various ways in documents. Let's start with the simplest thing - with the English keyboard layout active, press the “e” button, as a result the required symbol “’” will appear on the screen.

When using the Ukrainian layout, the comma at the top is placed on a separate key, which corresponds to the location of the letter “ё” in the Russian layout.

other methods

The methods discussed above are often quite inconvenient because they require constant changing of the keyboard layout. When typing a large number of characters, people who constantly type text have to look for other options for inserting an apostrophe. So, let's look at how to put a comma at the top of a word without changing the keyboard layout.

  • Place the cursor in the document at the place where you want to put the top comma.
  • Then press and hold the Alt key.
  • Dial code "0146".
  • Then release the Alt key.

In the end, we get the symbol we need in the right place in the document, but it is only necessary to use the numeric keypad, and not the numbers located above the letter panel.


To summarize, we can conclude that inserting an apostrophe is possible using the “comma at the top” symbol on the keyboard or by typing the character code. You can also add an apostrophe using the symbol menu. Whichever method you choose, the final result will be the one you need. However, such a variety of methods allows the user to independently choose the one that is more convenient for him.

How to put a leading comma on the keyboard?

The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling sign in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it’s - short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'Artagnan.

Today I will talk about how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard. Some users don't know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember.

  • To begin, select the place in the text where you want to add a leading comma. This could be a text editor or, say, a web browser.
  • Now a very important point - switch the keyboard to the English layout. If you don't do this, nothing will work. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT or ALT+SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.
  • The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard. The apostrophe will appear where you wanted it.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know it is used in the Ukrainian language, although I could be wrong. It's easy to install.

  • We are again translating the layout from Russian to English.
  • Press the key that is located next to the number 1 on your keyboard (usually it also has the letter E).

There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complex and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

  • We turn on the numbers that are on the right side of the keyboard by pressing the Num Lock button.
  • Choose the place where the top comma should appear.
  • Hold down the ALT button and enter the number 0146 on the keyboard, then release the ALT button. The apostrophe appeared.

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the simplest and most convenient.

How to put a comma on a laptop keyboard

Where is the comma on the keyboard?

Putting a comma on a regular keyboard or laptop is very easy. Another thing is where exactly in the proposal to add it so that there is no mistake.

The Word program or this little instruction will help you 90% with this, although it is best to study the punctuation completely.

To type a comma on the keyboard, you need to see which layout is enabled - Russian or English.

It depends on them where the comma will be located on the keyboard of your netbook, laptop or USB computer.

How to write a comma in the Russian keyboard layout

In a laptop and a regular keyboard with a Russian layout, the comma is in the same place, but you won’t be able to place it with one key.

To print it, hold down the Shift button - you can print it on the right or left side, there is no difference.

Then click on the button with four symbols: a question mark, a semicolon and two sticks - it is located at the bottom right side. See fig.

How to make a comma on an English keyboard

In an English-language keyboard, placing a comma is much easier; more precisely, you only need to press one key - the one where the Russian letter “B” is located.

If you often have to change the layout, I recommend using a small free application - Ruslat95.

Having launched it once, you can switch the language by pressing just one key – “Ctrl”.

Features of punctuation marks on laptop keyboards

This is faster than the standard method - two.

By the way, there are many applications that improve text input from the keyboard, for example, a program that automatically selects the layout you need.

Lesson 3. How to enter punctuation marks on the keyboard

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, “they press a period, but a comma is entered, or vice versa.”

Rule one. Remember that depending on what language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and whether you are holding down the Shift key, each key will enter different characters.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (above) shows the complete keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now look at punctuation marks in the Russian layout.

Only those punctuation symbols that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out that no matter how hard we try, we won’t enter the @ sign on the Russian keyboard

I think everything is clear with the letters, to make the letter large you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson “Windows Keyboard Shortcuts”)

So, let's pay attention to the top row of keys. If in Russian we simply click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks at the top will be entered, not numbers.

Example: How to enter the punctuation mark “Comma” in Russian? To do this, we need to press the shift key and without releasing its dot (the key to the right of the letter yu), if we just click on it, we will get a dot. How to enter a number sign in Russian - No? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3. How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing the number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Please note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that on the English layout, a comma is entered by pressing the Russian letter B, and a dot on Y. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign< >

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

When working with text documents, it is often necessary to place the top comma, which is more correctly called an apostrophe, in the right place. It is most often used when writing English words, but there are exceptions. In this topic, we will consider all the options for how to quickly put an apostrophe on the keyboard of a laptop or computer, using hotkey combinations and built-in character tables in Windows and Microsoft Office.

The classic way to enter an apostrophe

Unfortunately, this method is demanding on the keyboard layout. Therefore, before adding the top comma, make sure that the keyboard layout of your laptop or computer is switched to English. Afterwards, you just need to press the key with the letter “E” and the top comma will be inserted into the place you need.

The advantage of the method is speed. The downside is constant control over the keyboard layout.

Unconventional input method

This method of placing a comma on top is less popular and is used only by advanced users. Although there is no difficulty in it, you just need to remember the hotkey combination “Alt+0146”.

Please note: this combination involves the number keys from the right numeric block of the keyboard. The top number row is not suitable for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is that it is not demanding on the keyboard layout. The downside is a more complex combination of shortcut keys.

We use the symbol table built into Windows

The third option for placing the upper comma is to refer to the operating system symbol table. There are several ways to open it.

  1. Use the search bar in the Start menu.
  1. Use the key combination “Windows + R” to launch the “Run” command interpreter and use the “charmap” command.

Having launched the table, select the apostrophe sign, click on “Select”, and then “Copy”.

In this case, the upper comma character will be copied to the clipboard. All that remains is to insert it into the right place.

There is no advantage of the method in relation to previous input methods. The downside is the low input speed and the mandatory presence of a mouse.

Using the symbol table in Microsoft Office

The fourth option to put a comma at the top of a word is to use the same symbol table built into the Microsoft Office package. We will show an example in Word version 2007. If you have a different version of this application, there may be some minor interface differences.

Open the application and go to the “Insert” tab. Next, simply select the “Symbol” item. To open the entire table, click on the “Other symbols” link.

Please note: if you need to put an upper comma when working with Excel, then the procedure is identical.

In the table that opens, select the apostrophe symbol and click insert.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same as the previous method.

Where is the apostrophe placed?

An apostrophe is placed at the end of a word; English beginners call it a top comma.
A comma, whether it’s an upper one or a lower one, changes everything. We have known it since childhood: Execution cannot be pardoned. In Russian, a comma changes its meaning. In English, an apostrophe only changes the quantity, but it changes everything!

The girl s phone number — girl’s phone number
one girl, the same one

Let’s move the apostrophe one letter to the right, after -s’:

The girls phone number - girls phone number
many girls at once, a list

Not everyone will get her number, but their number is here, on the Internet on a pink background, call whenever you want.

This is how an apostrophe works in English. Its job is to form the possessive case animate noun. An apostrophe works either in pairs with the letter s, or alone. Let's see.

Forming the possessive case

1. Singular noun: apostrophe together with the letter s:

The exception is the pronoun it:
it - he, she, it + s without an apostrophe = its - his, her.
Russia and its rules. — Russia and its rules.

If we see it’s with an apostrophe, it means that we do not see the possessive case: his, her, but a contraction: it is - it is, or it has - it has.

2. Plural noun - one apostrophe, without the letter s:

The possessive case was formed. Now the letter -s at the end of a word must be pronounced correctly, depending on the letter that comes before it.

How to pronounce a word with an apostrophe - rules

The letter s after an apostrophe is pronounced either voiced, or voiceless, or whatever. Three options:

1. Loudly.
After a voiced consonant, the letter s is pronounced voiced - girl’s.
I have read the story "From one girl's diary" by Chekhov. — I read Chekhov’s story “From the Diary of a Girl.”

2. Deaf.
After a voiceless consonant, the letter s is pronounced voiceless - cat's.
Did you see the movie Cat's Eye? — Have you seen the movie “Cat's Eye”?
No! Why do people like horror movies? - No! I don't understand why people love horror movies?

3. Like /iz/.
After a hissing or whistling sound -
-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z, -zz: horse’s, George’s.

Nimble English apostrophe - the result

Apostrophe - he's nimble. We see it sometimes before the letter s, sometimes after it, but always with an animate noun.
The apostrophe before the s is a noun. in units number in the possessive case: girl’s day - girl’s day.
The apostrophe after the letter s is a noun. in plural number in the possessive case: girls’ day - girls’ day.
The apostrophe again before the s is a noun. - exception in plural. number in the possessive case: women's secrets - women's secrets.

In English, the apostrophe is also used for abbreviations:
it’s = it is - it is,
it's = it has - it has.
But the apostrophe shows its nimble and reckless character only when forming the possessive case. Whose? Whose? Just add an apostrophe!

The rules for using an apostrophe in English are a memo that the writer Elvira Barakina compiled for herself.
We learn these difficult rules, and meanwhile native speakers argue: “Do we need an apostrophe?” Many even want to get rid of it. Who cares about the apostrophe in English?

track. English audio lesson

The upper comma or apostrophe, as it is correctly called, is often used in English, French, Ukrainian and Belarusian, but there are times when it needs to be written in a Russian word. This can be done using the keyboard buttons or a special text editor menu.

An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling symbol in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following cases:

  • foreign proper names with an apostrophe, most often preceded by the letters “D” and “O” (for example, D’artagnan, O’Connor);
  • foreign geographical names (for example, Côte d'Or);
  • words written in Latin with a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Let's look at the ways you can print the top comma. To begin with, the simplest one. With the Russian keyboard layout, press the Ctrl button and, holding it, double-click the key with the letter “e”. We get the following symbol “’”.

Since the apostrophe is very often used in English, you can type it by changing your keyboard layout to English. Now press the same button with the image “e”. A “‘” icon will appear on the screen.

In the Ukrainian layout, the top comma is also placed on a separate key and is located where the Russian letter “е” is. Press it and get “’”.

You can add an upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, the symbol “’” will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146, also holding Alt. We see “’” on the display.

But you must type numbers on the number pad of the keyboard, and not in the row that is located above the letters, otherwise nothing will work. This will be a bit problematic for laptop users. However, if you press the NumLock button, the numeric block will turn on the alphabetic one, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

The Microsoft Word text editor will allow you to add an apostrophe. Let's look at the example of version 2007. Click on the “Insert” menu and select the “Symbol” item there. In the pop-up window, click on the inscription “Other symbols...”. Now in the “Font” field we set “Plain text” and among the presented characters we select the one we need. It can be “’” and others. Double-click on it or select it and click “Insert”. After this, close the window. The required icon appears in the document.

A similar function is available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. To add a leading comma, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Special characters...”. In the “Select Character” window that opens, select “Basic Latin” or “Additional diacritics” in the “Set” field. Select the desired symbol and double-click on it or select it and click OK.

You can use the symbol program built into Windows. Go to the Start menu. Select “All Programs”, then “Standard”, and then “Service”. Open the “Symbol Table” utility. Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click “Select”. It will appear in the To Copy field. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Now you know how to place a leading comma in different ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. And to make your work easier, you can print it only once, and then simply copy and paste it into the right place.

How to place an apostrophe (comma at the top) on a keyboard

The comma at the top, or apostrophe, if this sign is correctly called, is often found in the grammar of the languages ​​of the peoples of different countries. In some cases, the comma at the top is also used in Russian grammar. This sign can be set using keyboard keys, a special symbol menu in the Word text editor, or hotkeys.

Applying a top comma

An apostrophe is one of the spelling symbols in the form of a superscript upper comma, which is used in the Russian language in the following moments:

  • writing words or names of foreign origin using an apostrophe, often before the comma at the top there are the symbols “O” or “D”, for example, names that are familiar to everyone: D’artagnan, O’Connor;
  • foreign common names of geographical features, for example, Côte d'Or;
  • words that are written in Latin, but add a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Basic ways to create an apostrophe in a document

The comma at the top can be placed in various ways in documents. Let's start with the simplest thing - with the English keyboard layout active, press the “e” button, as a result the required symbol “’” will appear on the screen.

When using the Ukrainian layout, the comma at the top is placed on a separate key, which corresponds to the location of the letter “ё” in the Russian layout.

other methods

The methods discussed above are often quite inconvenient because they require constant changing of the keyboard layout. When typing a large number of characters, people who constantly type text have to look for other options for inserting an apostrophe. So, let's look at how to put a comma at the top of a word without changing the keyboard layout.

  • Place the cursor in the document at the place where you want to put the top comma.
  • Then press and hold the Alt key.
  • Dial code "0146".
  • Then release the Alt key.

In the end, we get the symbol we need in the right place in the document, but it is only necessary to use the numeric keypad, and not the numbers located above the letter panel.


To summarize, we can conclude that inserting an apostrophe is possible using the “comma at the top” symbol on the keyboard or by typing the character code. You can also add an apostrophe using the symbol menu. Whichever method you choose, the final result will be the one you need. However, such a variety of methods allows the user to independently choose the one that is more convenient for him.

How to put a leading comma on the keyboard?

The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling sign in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it’s - short for it is), sometimes in Russian. For example, D'Artagnan.

Today I will talk about how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard. Some users don't know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember.

  • To begin, select the place in the text where you want to add a leading comma. This could be a text editor or, say, a web browser.
  • Now a very important point - switch the keyboard to the English layout. If you don't do this, nothing will work. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT or ALT+SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.
  • The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard. The apostrophe will appear where you wanted it.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know it is used in the Ukrainian language, although I could be wrong. It's easy to install.

  • We are again translating the layout from Russian to English.
  • Press the key that is located next to the number 1 on your keyboard (usually it also has the letter E).

There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complex and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

  • We turn on the numbers that are on the right side of the keyboard by pressing the Num Lock button.
  • Choose the place where the top comma should appear.
  • Hold down the ALT button and enter the number 0146 on the keyboard, then release the ALT button. The apostrophe appeared.

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the simplest and most convenient.

A huge number of articles, scientific papers and reports are created in the MS Word text editor. Using English or French allows you to insert a specific symbol above the letters. Each of us had to insert an apostrophe in Word, thereby indicating an abbreviation of a word or transcription of a phrase. There are several variations of adding an apostrophe in the text, and we will discuss which ones below.

Inserting an apostrophe from the keyboard

If you need to place a comma above a letter, you can use the simplest method. Place the mouse pointer after the desired letter where the apostrophe is needed. Switch to the English text input layout using the “Shift+Alt” combination. Press the "E" key twice. Two ''' marks will appear, a leading open comma and an apostrophe comma. The trailing comma must be removed and the standard leading apostrophe comma will remain.

Upper comma using code

All characters that are inserted in Word have an individual code. The so-called apostrophe is also supported by a special code number. To place a comma on top of the desired word, place the cursor at a certain place and enter “02BC” without quotes and be sure to note that the letters “BC” must be written on the English layout. Next, you need to press the key combination “Alt+X”, where “X” is an English letter. To switch to the English keyboard, use “Shift+Alt”.

Inserting a top comma using "Symbol"

All kinds of mathematical signs, symbols and hieroglyphs that are not available to users on a regular keyboard are inserted using the “Symbol” function. If you need a comma above a letter, the “Symbol” button will really help out. So, you should go to the “Insert” tab and click on “Symbol”. Next, select “Other symbols”.

In the window that opens, in the “Dialing” section you need to specify “letters for changing spaces.” The Font section remains unchanged. Select the apostrophe sign from all the characters presented and click “Insert”.

Note. You can specify “punctuation marks” in the “Set” area, find the desired symbol and insert.

At the request of blog visitors, I am writing news)) Many people say, “they press a period, but a comma is entered, or vice versa.”

Rule one. Remember that depending on the language you are typing in (keyboard layout) and depending on whether you hold down the Shift key, any key you use will enter different characters.

Punctuation marks in Russian

(Russian layout).

This picture (above) shows the complete keyboard with all the characters that can be entered. Let's now understand about punctuation marks in Russian layout.

Only those punctuation symbols that can be entered when typing text in Russian are displayed here. It turns out, no matter how hard we try, We will not enter the @ sign on the Russian keyboard.

I think everything is clear with the letters, in order for the letter to be large you need to press Shift + letter (I advise you to read the lesson ")

So, let's pay attention to the top row of keys. If in Russian we simply click on them, numbers will be entered, if we press the Shift key, then those punctuation marks at the top will be entered, not numbers.

How to enter the comma punctuation mark in Russian? To do this, we need to press the shift key and without releasing its point (the key to the right of the letter u), if we just click on it, we will get a point.
How to enter the number sign - № in Russian? To do this, press the shift key and without releasing its number 3.
How to enter a question mark in Russian? Shift+7, -i.e. press the shift key and without releasing the number 7, and then naturally release the seven and Shift.

Punctuation in English

Everything is the same here, below is a picture with those symbols and punctuation marks that can be entered in English.

Please note that there are characters that can only be entered in Russian or only in English. Also note that on the English layout, a comma is entered by pressing the Russian letter B, and a dot on Y. If you press SHIFT, you will enter a greater than sign or a less than sign< >

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