Contour market entrance. How to install the Kontur.Market cash register application. Login using a certificate

Contour Market, in a nutshell it’s simple online service for keeping records of goods in small retail and public catering.

In addition to the functionality of the merchandise accounting system, Kontur.Market includes its own cash register program and a full-fledged cashier’s workstation.

Cash program Kontur.Market is a local application that is installed on a laptop or tablet running Windows 10, and can also be a built-in application for Multi POS-X9 (8.9") or Multi POS-X8 (7") POS terminals.

The cash register program allows the cashier to generate receipts by scanning the barcode of the product, add goods to the receipt manually, assign discounts, sell at a free price, issue returns, etc. From the Kontur.Market cash register program, receipts are sent for printing to a fiscal receipt printer, then fiscal data through the Kontur.OFD service they get to the tax office. Data on sales of goods from the Kontur.Market cash register program enters the Kontur.EGAIS (Kontur.Market) commodity accounting system, which in turn is a web service and can work from any browser. The product directory is transferred from the Kontur.Market service to the Kontur.Market cash register program, thus allowing you to display the names of goods in the receipt, and accordingly fulfill the requirement of 54-FZ.

OSnew product value.

The service allows you to easily automate inventory accounting in a small store without overloading the user with unnecessary functions. Everything is simple and understandable even for a beginner. The owner can monitor online what is happening in the store from the delivery of goods to its sale, minimize errors and reduce the manual labor of staff.

The director will be able— Receive an analysis of revenue in general by point and by individual product items. The ability to understand which product is doing better and which is worse. Conduct inventory in commodity and monetary terms, analyze theft and damage to products. Simplify current work and eliminate the need to monitor changes in legislation. Access your business anywhere there is Internet access.

The merchandising specialist will be able to— Simplify the current work of posting goods and tracking stock balances. Conduct inventory in commodity terms, analyze theft and damage to products.

Delivery option:

For companies that do not sell alcohol:

  • Tariff “Cash register and goods” - 2,000 rubles/year: for maintaining a reference book of items and sending it to the cash register with built-in cash register software
  • Tariff "Market" - 8,000 rubles/year: for maintaining a reference book of items and sending it to the cash register and accounting for goods.

For companies selling alcohol:

  • Tariff "EGAIS" - 4,000 rubles/year: for maintaining a reference book of items and sending it to the cash register with built-in cash register software, which allows you to comply with legal requirements for the sale of strong alcohol, as well as for working with EGAIS
  • Alkomarket tariff - 7,600 rubles/year: for maintaining a product reference book and sending it to the cash register, accounting for goods, working with Unified State Automated Information System and submitting reports to the FS RAR. This tariff includes the issuance of a certificate for sending reports to the FS RAR.

Functionalitytariff plans Kontur.Market

Cash register and goods Market EGAIS Alcomarket
2,000 rub. 8,000 rub. 4,000 rub. 7,600 rub.
Working with the cash register
Maintaining a directory of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products
(barcodes, prices, groups, product combinations, name)
+ + + +
Transferring the product matrix to the checkout + + + +
Application for cash register Kontur.Market + + + +
Printing price tags + + + +
Goods accounting
Working with invoices + +
Pricing + +
Control of inventory balances + +
Inventory + +
Analytics and sales reports + +
Working with EGAIS
Receiving and confirming incoming invoices from EGAIS, sending outgoing invoices to EGAIS + +
Correct work with registers + +
Updating the balances of alcoholic products in the Unified State Automated Information System
(EGAIS inventory, write-off and statement acts)
+ +
Logbook for alcohol products and automatic generation of reports
sales write-offs
+ +
Reporting to FSRAR
Formation of a declaration on alcohol and beer (forms 11 and 12) +
Sending a declaration on alcohol and beer (forms 11 and 12) +

Kontur.Market can be used by a network of stores engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products:

Number of outlets "Cash register and goods"




1 2 000 7 900 4 000 7 600
from 2 to 5 750 3 000 1 500 2 812
from 6 to 10 700 2 800 1 400 2 660
from 11 to 20 650 2 600 1 300 2 432
from 21 to 50 600 2 400 1 200 2 280
from 51 to 100 550 2 200 1 100 2 052
more than 100 500 2 000 1 000 1 900

The best options include:

1.Cash terminal(POS terminal Multi POS-X9 (8.9") or POS terminal Multi POS-X9 (7"), with a built-in cashier workstation Kontur.Market, or tablet/computer on Windows 10, on which you can run the cashier's workstation.

2.Fiscal receipt printer, one option:

    Fiscal receipt printer Atol 11F with FN

    Fiscal receipt printer Atol 30F with FN

    Fiscal receipt printer Atol FPrint-25F with FN

    Fiscal receipt printer Atol 55F with FN

    Fiscal receipt printer Viki Print 57 F

    Fiscal receipt printer Viki Print 57 PLUS F

3. You can connect to the cash register any barcode scanner. Let us remind you that for sellers of strong alcohol, this must be a 2D scanner; for beer sellers and companies on UTII, a 1D barcode scanner is suitable.

Who is Contour Market suitable for?

Small retail stores with 1-5 points (groceries, household goods, cosmetics, alcohol, tobacco products, beer, textiles, clothing, shoes)
Small catering (counter, bottling, no tables)
With and WITHOUT alcohol!

The more a store or cafe has an assortment of goods, the more customers buy something per day, and the more often the store receives deliveries from the supplier, the more it needs inventory accounting.

Who will be primarily interested in the service:

Alcohol dealers, since they already have the necessary equipment for keeping records
Users of competing solutions for EGAIS who are dissatisfied with the quality
New business that does not yet have established processes.
For those who, starting from 2017, will need to change cash register equipment according to the OFD law. Basically, these are organizations and individual entrepreneurs using a simplified or basic taxation system.
LLC on the simplified tax system, OSNO and individual entrepreneur on OSNO, since they are required by law to issue checks with the names of goods

Who is not suitable for Kontur.Market:

Restaurants with tables - no table management or transfer of orders to the kitchen
Limitation for catering: currently the service does not have technological maps and the ability to create “composite products” (any dish or drink that contains several ingredients), while the sale of a composite product can only be recorded as a fact to control sales, without breakdown by product. At the same time, our service will still be convenient for caterers with alcohol or beer, since it includes EGAIS.
Service sector (beauty salons, auto repair shops, equipment repair, etc.) – no calendar and client record management
Production – no production management
Consignment stores – consignment trading is not supported

Main advantages:

Simple service, nothing extra. Other accounting programs (for example, 1C Retail, My Warehouse) are overloaded with functions that are not needed by small retail. Kontur.Market allows you to automate processes to the extent that you deem necessary. And the product is perfect even for those owners who are automating for the first time.

Quick start. You can keep records only for certain groups of goods, for example, alcohol. A mobile application for scanning barcodes reduces the time for implementing accounting. Starting next year, the service will have a ready-made catalog of products with barcodes, which will reduce the time for introducing new products to a minimum.

Online access. The director can track the work of the cashier or access data on sales in the store from anywhere where there is an Internet connection. In this case, there is no need to stop the store to take inventory, as happens with some programs installed on the client’s computer.

Low cost of automation. There is a myth that automation is expensive and only large retail chains can afford it. To work with Kontur.Market, you do not need to buy expensive equipment or a specialized POS computer; a regular laptop will do. It can be supplemented with a receipt printer or barcode scanner at the request of the owner or legal requirements. The service is sold by subscription, which means there is no need for large one-time costs.

Free 24/7 technical support. She will help you get started, train you, and solve any problems that arise 24/7. If you need to set up cash register equipment, you can also count on us.


Working with the product directory

You can maintain product directories and print price tags. A global catalog of products with barcodes that makes it easy to introduce new products. The product directory can be transferred to the cash register, this allows you to display the names of goods on receipts and control the receipts and sales of each product.

Working with invoices and accounting for receipts

Incoming invoices are entered into the service: for alcohol and beer - automatically, for other goods - manually. After entering the invoice into the service, the balance of goods will be updated automatically. It is possible to scan and automatically recognize the invoice. Creating invoices allows you to always see current balances in the service. You can assign a markup rule for a specific product. When accepting goods using invoices from a supplier, the retail price of the goods can be recalculated automatically depending on the markup set in the service. After this, all that remains is to create and print new price tags and transfer the goods to the checkout.


Pricing in the service significantly reduces the time spent by the merchandiser when accepting products. Lists of goods from the service can be printed and updated with current data on product balances. You can work with both piece goods and bulk or loose goods. Inventory for strong alcohol, beer and other goods. You can carry out inventory using a mobile application with a barcode scanner, without printing out a list of goods in advance.


Inventory in the service allows you to keep quantitative, rather than total, records. As a result of such an inventory, you can find discrepancies in the balance of goods in the service and in the warehouse and understand why they arose. Without a service for maintaining commodity accounting, this is very difficult to do, since total accounting does not allow you to determine for which specific product discrepancies occurred.

Mobile application with barcode scanner

The Mobile Scanner application allows you to quickly add new products and attach barcodes to them, simplifying inventory. Buying an additional scanner for a merchandiser can cost 8,000 rubles, and the Mobile Scanner application is available for free for Android

Exchange of data with the cash register

The service sends data on names, prices, and barcodes of goods to the checkout. This allows you to sell goods by scanning a barcode and displaying the name of the product on the receipt and eliminates cashier errors, for example, in indicating the price of the product when selling at the checkout. In addition, the service collects sales reports from the cash register and takes them into account for working with balances. The exchange is compatible with cash register software from the most common manufacturers (Dreamkas, Shtrikh-M, ATOL). Allows you to control the movement of goods in the store from start to finish. Simplifies the cashier's work. In December, Kontur.Market will have its own cashier workstation, which can be installed on a computer, tablet or cash terminal running Windows 10.

Application for cashier work (or cashier workplace)

Kontur Market has its own cashier workstation, which can be installed on a computer, tablet or cash terminal running Windows 10. The application for cashier work will help you save on expensive cash register equipment. You can turn an ordinary laptop or computer into a cash register, supplementing it, if necessary, with a fiscal or non-fiscal receipt printer, 1D or 2D scanner.

Kontur.Market will be able to work with fiscal and non-fiscal receipt printers or simply record sales without printing a document.

Reports and analytics

The owner will be able to track reports on revenue and profit, product balances, prices, sales for the store as a whole, for a group of products or a specific item by day/week/month. A merchandiser will find it useful to have reports on the remaining quantity of goods and its popularity. You can upload reports to Excel and use infographics directly in the service. Monitoring most of these indicators is very labor-intensive or simply impossible if goods are recorded manually. Analytics will allow you to notice problems in your business and understand how to optimize processes, and therefore increase revenue and profit.

Control of goods balances and ordering from the supplier

In the service you can easily track if any product is running out. It is possible to send an order directly from the service to the supplier and receive an invoice online (for beer and alcohol, invoices are already coming from EGAIS). Working with suppliers takes up a significant portion of the merchandiser’s, and sometimes the owner’s, time. Automation of invoice acceptance simplifies this process and helps eliminate routine operations when working with incoming invoices from suppliers.

Kontur.Accounting has learned to accept z-reports from cash registers. How will this make the life of an accountant easier, what is Kontur.Market and how to integrate in a few clicks? We'll tell you in the article.

Kontur.Accounting has learned to accept z-reports from cash registers!

Do you sell goods and use a cash register or payment terminal? Then you will be interested in our news. Kontur.Accounting has integrated with Kontur.Market and is now able to receive reports on shift closures (z-reports) from cash registers connected to Kontur.Market. In Accounting, they are automatically taken into account as cash receipts.

What is Kontur.Market?

Kontur.Market is a tool for retail business. The service allows you to keep track of goods and automates the activities of the point of sale:

  • helps maintain product range;
  • reflects the acceptance and sale of goods at the point of sale;
  • allows you to work with online cash registers;
  • sends data from the fiscal registrar (cash desk) to the OFD.
    If you have a cash register, the law requires you to regularly record transactions in documents, maintain a cash book, and collect cash. Kontur.Market solves the problems of a cashier; the accounting functions in the service are minimal.

How does the shift closing report get into Kontur.Accounting?

A shift closing report (z-report) is generated daily in the cash register. The Kontur.Market web service receives z-report data from the cash register program of its development - Kontur.Market cash desk. Then, from Kontur.Market, a report on the closure of the shift is sent to Kontur.Accounting within 2 hours. It is accepted for accounting in the form of a cash receipt order, reflected in the Book of Income and Expenses and ends up in the cash book. To do this, you need to set up integration between the two services.

Why is this new feature useful?

“Friendship” of the services Kontur.Accounting and Kontur.Market will help users save time, avoid mistakes and quickly receive data on the operation of the store:

    a cash receipt order in Kontur.Accounting is created automatically and without errors that happen when entered manually;

    data from the cash register can be immediately used for accounting and reporting;

    If you work in Kontur.Market, you spend less time filling out items and quickly receive data on balances, sales and revenue.

Who can benefit from integration of services?

Clients of the Kontur.Accounting and Kontur.Market services can set up integration between them. This is only possible when purchasing tariffs in Kontur.Accounting with the possibility of accounting and CEP:

  • Comfort;
  • Optimal;
  • Maximum.

Data exchange with Kontur.Market is not available on the “Salary” tariff and in the demo period (unpaid organization).

In Kontur.Market, integration with Kontur.Accounting is available at any tariff. To transfer data from the cash register, you need to connect the application for the Kontur.Market cash register.

How to set up integration with Market from Accounting

Integration is configured from the side of Kontur.Accounting. Go to the “Settings” section and the “General Settings” tab:

Find the “Exchange with Contour.Market” settings block, click the “Enable” button.

That’s it, you have allowed the automatic receipt of documents from the Kontur.Market service. On the Kontur.Market side, you need to connect the cash register using a special application for the cash register and conduct sales through it.

Features of data exchange

    We only accept data from Kontur.Market. Sending data to Kontur.Market from Kontur.Accounting is not provided.

    Cash receipt orders in Kontur.Accounting are created in the “Draft” status. The user needs to check the document for correctness and enter it manually.

    If your tax regime is OSNO, the tax receipt will automatically indicate a tax rate of 18% and an Invoice will be created.

    For organizations using the simplified tax system, UTII, simplified tax system + UTII, the tax rate “Without VAT” will be automatically set in the cash receipt order. An invoice will not be generated.

    If a user in Kontur.Accounting has two organizations with the same TIN, documents will only be sent to one organization.

Connect to Kontur.Market with a 25% discount, receive a cash register program as a gift and save time for real business!

Control your products

Contour Market allows you to fully automate the work with products: their acceptance, documentation, price setting, sales, audit.

In Kontur Market it is very easy to follow the entire procedure for working with goods from acceptance to sale:

- Accept according to documents. Documentation for alcoholic beverages is entered automatically; for other goods you must enter it yourself.
— keep a product book, register new products with a portable scanner.
— set the cost and print price tags.
— send complete information about the product to the checkout. During sales, print out receipts in accordance with Federal Law-54.
— carry out an audit to successfully keep track of quantities. This way, it will be easy to detect discrepancies in inventory balances in warehouses and in the program, and find the reason why they appeared.

Please indicate the nomenclature

Maintain a product list in Kontur Market and forward it to the cash registers - all product names will be reflected in the receipts in accordance with Federal Law-54.

Federal Law-54 on the use of cash registers obliges to reflect on the receipt the names of all products that were sold. To meet this need, connect the cash register to the Kontur Market service system. Make a product list. You can register new products in it and assign barcodes using a specialized program for Android and Apple. During the sale, the service will instantly send the necessary information to the checkout and the name of the product will be printed on the receipt.

Keep your windows filled

The Contour Market always has access to the latest information on the balance. This allows you to place timely orders for missing goods and, accordingly, not lose money.

Contour Market helps you control your balances. Receipts and sales are registered in the program, and immediately after, information about product availability is updated automatically. Thanks to this, tracking the quantity of goods is extremely easy.

Set markup criteria

Contour Market allows you to set your own evaluation criteria for a specific product. During the acceptance process, according to the documentation, the retail cost of products can be recalculated, depending on the markup indicated in the program. Then you just need to create and print new price tags, and then transfer everything to the checkout. The process of setting prices through the service will significantly reduce your time working with products.

Trade with EGAIS

Receive documents, work with them, send information to EGAIS. Create invoices for alcohol automatically.

Thanks to Contour Market, it is much easier for traders in alcohol departments to comply with all the legal requirements that apply to the Unified State Automated Information System. The program allows you to receive documents from suppliers and react - accept, reject or draw up a discrepancy report.

Thanks to Contour Market, traders of low-alcohol drinks can register the supply of alcohol in EGAIS, and traders of stronger alcohol can register retail sales of goods in EGAIS.

For EGAIS you will need a special key with a digital signature separately for each store. It is purchased separately from the Contur Market tariff plan.

Simplify your cash flow

Using appropriate programs, create receipts, designate discounts, carry out returns, and make reports.

Contour Market has special software that can be installed on a computer or mobile device, or terminal. The program is capable of working as printers for receipts of any type, and makes it possible to register sales without printing. It will help you set various discounts, sell at a different price, carry out returns, reports and much more. This program sends information via the Internet to Kontur Market, which allows the company’s management and management personnel to monitor revenue and balances.

Control your sales

Everything that happens at the checkout is automatically registered in the product accounting system, and all analytical information is available on the Internet.

In your personal account, you can monitor the point of sale: view information on sales or profits, product balances, pricing policy, monitor the level of sales in general, or monitor a specific position.

Analytical data gives the manager a chance to notice problems in a timely manner and assist in solving them. The merchandiser will benefit from reporting documents on the balances of a particular product in the store and the popularity of a particular item.

Information about trade turnover is always available from absolutely any computer device that has Internet access. It is also possible to make profit variation graphs directly in the program and send reports to the device in xlsm format.

Generate documentation

Immediately after this, information on balances will be updated automatically, and new products will be sent to the checkout with the click of a single button.

Contour Market will make receiving goods much easier and eliminate the need to work with paper documents. Incoming invoices for alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks are registered in the program automatically: all that is required is to scan them. For other products, invoices must be entered manually.

The goods accounting system Kontur.Market provides a 15 percent discount on invoice payment, valid for 2 or 3 years. The promotion applies to both alcoholic and non-alcoholic products. Conditions of the promotion To participate in the promotion, you must submit an application for any Kontur.Market tariff. After receiving a 15% discount, you must pay the invoice taking into account your discount before December 31 […]

If you are already a subscriber of Kontur Extern, when you connect a new organization you will receive a 10% discount and Letual cards with the corresponding denomination as a gift: Tariff plan Letual card denomination Classic 500 Optimal 1000 Maximum 1500 Maintenance accounting 2000 Application for connection to the Kontur Extern service * Please contact us by phone to the manager that you would like to take advantage of the “Pirivedi Friend” promotion. Note: […]

The action and its participants Connecting to the “Test Drive” action makes it possible to generate, avoid errors in reports and send them to regulatory authorities. For three months of free work in the system, the participant will appreciate the advantages and try out the capabilities of additional services of Kontur.Extern. According to the rules of the promotion, all (except for regions 49, 83, 87) legal entities and individuals engaged in […]

Connect to Kontur.VAT+ and use the Kontur.Extern service for free for 1 year! Conditions of the promotion Those who have not previously been a client of Kontur.Extern are invited to participate. What does Kontur.VAT+ give? By becoming a client of the service you will be able to: - Enter and verify data on the movement of goods and funds; — Invite your business partners to participate in the service. Additional features - Submitting reports [...]

The participants of the promotion are LLCs with a registration period of up to three months. They have quarterly access to the capabilities of the Kontur.Accounting service. The package includes: — Organization of tax and accounting; — Carrying out calculations for tax payments and salaries; — Preparation of reporting documentation; — Checking reports and transferring them through an online service; Options available to users: - Sending letters to the Tax […]

For all aspiring entrepreneurs, Elba makes a gift, opening up the possibility of one-year use on the Premium tariff. The service is provided for all individual entrepreneurs whose registration period does not exceed three months. Information about the promotion The promotion applies to new individual entrepreneurs who were registered up to three months ago. Taking advantage of the offer is extremely simple: - Go through the registration procedure on Elba; — Enter the details [...]

Users who have activated the “Reporting to Rospotrebnadzor” option using the branded “Test Drive” offer can apply for the service as part of the promotion. Participants of the action have the opportunity to submit the following types of documentation to the supervisory authority free of charge within a three-month period: Information about the action - Declarations of payment for the tax assessment; — Reporting on forms 2-TP and SME; — Reporting on […]

Users and new clients are invited to take advantage of the promotion from Kontur.Hotel and buy the “Booking Channel Manager” as a tariff modifier at a lower cost. The set includes 22 booking platforms. Nuances of the promotional offer New clients When purchasing the “Hotel Management System” tariff plan (“FMS/.Standard/.Lite”) with a built-in modifier of the same category, you have the opportunity to pay 8,000 per modifier […]

When purchasing and connecting the Kontur Market alcohol modification system, you can get a certain economic benefit. There is an “Alcohol Report” promotion for potential buyers. The terms of the promotion imply: - When purchasing a CEP on a medium, instead of 3,000, only 500 are paid; — Purchasing a CEP without a carrier will cost only 200, instead of the standard 2,000. Send an application for participation in […]

Change the system to Kontur.Extern at a 50% discount. The promotion applies to subscribers using other types of reporting systems and to young organizations registered no more than 6 months ago. Time to feel the difference and save money! Advantages of working on Kontur.Extern Users who purchased Extern felt the difference in price and functionality: - Starting to use the system is simple and easy: no […]

No integration with its own services - for example, Elba.

There is no integration with online stores (for example, with 1C Bitrix), the cash register module has a special module for Bitrix.

As a commodity accounting system, it’s no good. There is no way to issue an invoice, make an invoice for shipment to the counterparty (using the form 12 bargaining, such as in Elbe), etc.

Technical support solves problems first that have the most likes

In short: disappointed.

First I bought myself an Elba to make doing business easier for a private entrepreneur. Then I was looking for a commodity accounting system - I wanted to control the purchase of goods, sales, availability in the warehouse and in the future create an online store where there would be a unified commodity accounting system - the outline was advised to purchase a market. I purchased the cash register together with the contour market. At first everything was fine - then when I started working closely I discovered a bunch of shortcomings. They promised integration with Elbe - in fact, from integration only information from the OFD is transferred for tax accounting. The product catalogs of Elba and the market are not compatible; you cannot issue an invoice or make invoices in the market, but there is a pricing system, etc. In Elba, everything is exactly the opposite - everything you need to work with contractors is there, but the catalog does not have pricing or clear accounting of goods. I want to issue an invoice to a client for a product - I have to issue an invoice in elbe, and look at the current prices in the market, but when we have 50+ items on the invoice?! How long does it take me to issue an invoice? A commodity accounting system should simplify and automate everyday tasks - in fact, technical support offers to perform a lot of tasks manually - such a service!

Any questions?

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