How to reset navitel to factory settings. Undelete Navigator How to recover files after deletion. What you should know before flashing your device

The current situation on the country's roads is very critical: widespread traffic jams, constant traffic accidents and much more. In this regard, motorists are forced to install satellite navigation systems - GPS navigators - in their cars. However, navigators, like other modern devices with built-in GPS signal receivers (smartphones, communicators, telephones), are prone to breakdowns, in particular, firmware crashes.

You will need

  • archive with the appropriate firmware version.


  • Restoring car GPS navigators can be done in two ways: by downloading new firmware and without flashing it, using the simplest SOFT-Reset. As for the first method, everything is more or less clear here, since flashing a navigator is completely similar to flashing an ordinary cell phone, smartphone or communicator. To do this, you will need to download an archive with the appropriate firmware version from the Internet to your computer and unpack it using an unzip tool.
  • After this, you need to remove the MicroSD memory card from the navigator, insert it into the card reader and copy the downloaded firmware file to the root directory. Then you should remove the card from the device and insert it back into the navigator.
  • Now you need to turn on the device and wait for a dialog box to appear asking whether you should start flashing. After your consent, the flashing of your car “friend” will begin. When the installation is complete, click the “Ok” button, after which a window with further instructions and directions will appear on the navigator screen. This will complete the restoration of the navigator.
  • Software reset of the navigator to the factory settings that the navigator originally had is called SOFT-Reset. To restore the GPS navigator in this way, you need to go to ResidentFlash, and then to JBSA4UI, where in the jbssetting.ini and jbssetting.ini.bak files in the DefaultSetting=0 line, change “0” to “1”.
  • After this, restart the navigator and go to the “Settings” - “Info” folder. At the bottom you will see 3 icons: “USB Settings”, “Navigation Path” and Werkseins..., the last of which is SOFT-Reset, that is, returning to factory settings. Click on it. After this, a message will appear: “Are you sure you want to restore factory settings?” Click Yes. After some time, the original parameters will return, therefore, your navigator will be restored.
  • Navigators are very popular products on the market today: they allow you to get directions from any place to another. That is, we can say that today it is almost impossible to get lost and not find this or that institution, house, educational institution - in general, everything that you might ever need. But the cards can change quite often, because people change - things change. Today there is a large building on the street, and tomorrow a new road may be built there. Therefore, it is important to keep the maps updated. Also, devices may produce errors if new satellites are launched. If we combine all this, then we can talk about such a factor as the firmware of the Prestigio Geovision navigator, which will solve all the identified problems.

    What should you know before flashing your device?

    Dear friends, before you start flashing any device, be it a phone or a navigator, it is important to remember some kind of rules. Or it would be better to call them recommendations: you can’t break the rules, but you can close your eyes to recommendations and run to do what you set out to do. No one has the right to limit you in anything (in terms of flashing your personal device), but just in case, it is better to familiarize yourself with the following list of recommendations:

    1. You perform all actions with your device at your own peril and risk. No one is responsible for what may happen to your navigator. Therefore, it is better to think several times before making a final decision. After all, as they say: “Measure twice, cut once.”
    2. It is highly recommended to charge your Prestigio Geovision to at least 50-70 percent to prevent the device from suddenly stopping working.
    3. It is also advisable to use the original cable to connect to the computer via USB input.
    4. Please note that the update will be downloaded from the company's servers. The size of the firmware can weigh more than one gigabyte, so take care of your Internet traffic. But owners of unlimited tariff plans can not worry and calmly go about their business. Therefore, the first step is to connect to an available internet network.
    5. Save all important data from the device to some external storage medium, because sometimes this data has the risk of being deleted during the flashing process. That is, this is done solely in your interests. Save all important data from the device to some external storage medium, because sometimes this data has the risk of being deleted during the flashing process. That is, this is done solely in your interests. Your city maps may be deleted, after which navigation will simply be impossible. However, according to the manufacturer, when flashing the card version also changes - they will be updated.

    How to flash Prestigio Geovision navigator

    So, here we come to the most interesting moment of today's discussion - firmware or flashing of the prestigio geovision 5050 navigator. What should an inexperienced user do?

    1. First, go to the official website of Navitel. You should log in with your username and password. If you don’t have any, then don’t despair and go through the registration procedure.
    2. Now we move to a special section called “Download”.

    1. In this item in the main menu of the site, you need to find the download file for Navitel Navigator Updater and download it to your computer or laptop.
    2. Naturally, this program must be installed on your PC and run (preferably as Administrator).
    3. Next, we connect our navigator to a personal computer using the original cable that came with the device (this was mentioned above - well, ignore this recommendation).
    4. Our navigator software update utility should detect the device and find existing firmware for it. You may see a field in the application window for specifying the path to the firmware file. That is, you have the opportunity to install pre-downloaded documents.
    5. In any case, select the most suitable option for yourself and click “Next”.
    6. All you have to do is wait for the operation to complete, after which your device will have an updated version of the software. You can praise yourself and congratulate yourself!

    If any errors occur...

    No one is immune from mistakes and failures, because this is life. And even more so, it is impossible to predict the success of anything in the computer field: a device may fail, fail, the Internet may go offline, and so on. Therefore, we do not despair and try to update the Prestigio Geovision 5050 navigator firmware again. If you are still haunted by failure, then it is better to contact qualified specialists who will help you with the problem. These can be all kinds of workshops, service centers, retail stores (in fact, where you bought your navigator).

    Let's sum it up

    Navigators today are very popular products on the market: they allow you to get directions to your home or cinema, for example. But these products must undergo a hardware update procedure - firmware or flashing. This will solve problems such as software glitches, errors, outdated area maps, and so on. Today we learned how you can update or flash the Prestigio Geovision 5050 navigator using Navitel software. We hope that everything worked out for you and that no errors occurred during the flashing. Don't forget to share your opinion and impressions in the comments with other readers. All the best to you, dears!

    BlackBerry Q10/Z10/Z30

    Installation of the Navitel Navigator program on BlackBerry Q10/Z10/Z30 is carried out through the BlackBerry World application store.


    Installing a trial version of the Navitel Navigator program on an iPhone or iPad, as well as purchasing the full version, is carried out through the AppStore application store.

    Internet connection required. Given the size of the installation file, it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection.

    The program can also be installed via iTunes on your computer:

    1. Launch iTunes on your computer.
    2. Download the program Navitel Navigator on computer.
    3. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and sync them.
    4. Disconnect your iPhone or iPad from your PC.
    5. Launch Navitel on your device, activate the trial mode or restore a previously made purchase (see instructions for activating the trial period and restoring a purchase).


    6. Download the maps (see map installation instructions).

    Android devices

    Method 1: Installing the program from Google Play

    Installation of the Navitel Navigator program on the Android platform is carried out through the Google Play store.

    Internet connection required. Given the size of the installation file, it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection.

    Method 2: Installing the .apk file

    1. Go to the Download section of this website. Choose File .apk, suitable for your device (select a file that matches your device's screen resolution, or a file marked "suitable for all screen resolutions"). Save the file to your PC.

      If after downloading you receive a file with a zip extension and not an apk, rename the zip to apk.

    2. Connect your device to the PC and copy the downloaded file to the device memory, then disconnect the device from the PC.
    3. Launch the file using the device's file manager and complete all installation steps.
    4. Launch the program.
    5. Activate the trial period, or activate the Premium version by restoring the purchase, purchasing a key, or activating the key manually (see instructions for activating the program, activating the trial period and restoring the purchase).

      If the trial period has expired and you have not previously made a purchase, you must purchase a license key (see instructions for purchasing the program or cards).

    6. Download the maps (see map installation instructions).

    Windows Phone devices

    Installation of the Navitel Navigator program on devices based on Windows Phone is carried out through the Windows Phone Store application store or MarketPlace.

    Internet connection required. Given the size of the installation file, it is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection.

    Devices based on Windows CE (car navigators)

    The program was preinstalled by the manufacturer

    You can restore a deleted program yourself if you know the license key: it consists of 22 characters and has the form ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-хххх-хххх-хххх. The key can be specified in a text file RegistrationKeys, which is located either in the internal memory of the device or on the SD card (depending on where the program is installed). The key is also indicated on the license card included with the navigator. It is not indicated on the navigator body or in the system information about the device.

    If the license key is not known, but the program was installed when you purchased the device, please contact our technical support service by email regarding its restoration. Please indicate your device model and reason for your request.

    To restore a deleted program:

    1. Log in to your personal account on the NAVITEL ® website. Select the My devices (updates) section. The device on which the program is installed must be added by specifying the license key and device name. If the device has already been added, go to step 2.
    2. In the My devices (updates) section, in the column Update click link Available updates opposite the license of the device on which the program is installed.

      A list of updates available under purchased and registered licenses will open.

    3. Connect your navigator to your PC using a cable. If the program was installed on a memory card, it is enough to connect only the memory card to the PC using a card reader.
    4. Download the archive with the program for your model to your PC and unpack it. The program archive contains a folder with the program (Navitel, NaviOne, MobileNavigator or other options - depending on the device model) and, possibly, some other folders and files.
    5. Copy the contents of the archive to memory card or in internal memory devices.
    6. On the page Available updates link Activation file Download the activation file under the device name.
    7. Place it in the folder with the program in the device memory or on a flash card, after deleting the old activation file(s) NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt and/or NaviTelAuto Activation Key.txt(if available) from the folder NaviTelContent/License and folders with the program.

      Make sure the copied file is named NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt and there are no additional characters (such as parentheses and numbers) in its name. Rename if necessary.

      1. Go to the Download section of this website. In category Windows CE based devices select and download to your PC the appropriate archive with the Navitel Navigator program assembly.
      2. Connect your navigator to your PC using a cable. If the program will be installed on a memory card, connect only the memory card to the PC using a card reader.
      3. Copy the Navitel folder from the downloaded archive to the internal memory of the navigator or to a memory card, respectively.
      4. Activate the program according to the instructions.
      5. If there is an Internet connection on the navigation device itself, it is recommended Activation from the program menu. Otherwise Activating a program license key via the website.

      6. Install the cards according to the instructions Installing a card using a PC.

    The current situation on the country's roads is very critical: widespread traffic jams, constant traffic accidents and much more. In this regard, motorists are forced to install satellite navigation systems in their cars - GPS navigators. However navigators, like other modern devices with built-in GPS signal receivers (smartphones, communicators, telephones), are prone to breakdowns, in particular, firmware crashes.

    You will need

    • archive with the appropriate firmware version.


    Restoring car GPS navigators can be done in two ways: by downloading new firmware and without flashing it, using the simplest SOFT-Reset. As for the first method, everything is more or less clear here, since flashing a navigator is completely similar to flashing an ordinary cell phone, smartphone or communicator. To do this, you will need to download an archive with the appropriate firmware version from the Internet to your computer and unpack it using an unzip tool.

    After this, you need to remove the memory card from the navigator, insert it into the card reader and copy the downloaded file with the firmware to the root directory. Then you should remove the card from the device and insert it back into the navigator.

    Now you need to turn on the device and wait for a dialog box to appear asking whether you should start flashing. After your consent, the flashing of your car “friend” will begin. When the installation is complete, click the “Ok” button, after which a window with further instructions and directions will appear on the navigator screen. This will complete the restoration of the navigator.

    Software reset of the navigator to the factory settings that the navigator originally had is called SOFT-Reset. To restore the GPS navigator in this way, you need to go to ResidentFlash, and then to JBSA4UI, where in the jbssetting.ini and jbssetting.ini.bak files in the DefaultSetting=0 line, change “0” to “1”.

    After this, restart the navigator and go to the “Settings” - “Info” folder. At the bottom you will see 3 icons: “USB Settings”, “Navigation Path” and Werkseins..., the last of which is SOFT-Reset, that is, returning to factory settings. Click on it. After this, a message will appear: “Are you sure you want to restore factory settings?” Click Yes. After some time, the original parameters will return, therefore, your navigator will be restored.

    The current situation on the country's roads is extremely critical: widespread traffic jams, continuous traffic accidents and much more. In this regard, motorists are required to install GPS satellite navigation systems in their cars. navigators. However navigators, like other modern units with built-in GPS signal receivers (telephones, communicators, telephones), are prone to breakdowns, in particular, firmware crashes.

    You will need

    • archive with the appropriate firmware version.


    1. Correction of car GPS navigators can be done in two ways: with the help of downloading new firmware and without flashing, using the simplest SOFT-Reset. As for the first method, everything is more or less clear here, because flashing a navigator is entirely similar to flashing a regular cell phone, telephone or communicator. To do this, you will need to download an archive with the appropriate firmware version from the Internet to your computer and unpack it using an unzipping tool.

    2. After this, you need to remove the MicroSD memory card from the navigator, insert it into the card reader and copy the downloaded firmware file to the root directory. After this, you should remove the card from the device and insert it back into the navigator.

    3. Now you need to turn on the device and wait for the dialog box to appear asking whether you should start flashing. After your consent, the flashing of your car “friend” will begin. Once the installation is complete, click the “Ok” button, after which a window with further instructions and directions will appear on the navigator screen. This will complete the correction of the navigator.

    4. Software reset of the navigator to the factory settings that the navigator originally had is called SOFT-Reset. In order to restore the GPS navigator in this way, you need to go to ResidentFlash, and then to JBSA4UI, where in the jbssetting.ini and jbssetting.ini.bak files in the DefaultSetting=0 line, change “0” to “1”.

    5. After this, restart the navigator and go to the “Settings” - “Info” folder. At the bottom you will see 3 icons: “USB Settings”, “Navigation Path” and Werkseins..., the last of which is SOFT-Reset, that is, returning to factory settings. Click on it. After this, a message will appear: “Are you sure you want to restore factory settings?” Click Yes. After some time, the initial parameters will return, and therefore your navigator will be restored.

    GPS navigation is a very popular application in our fast-paced life. You can easily find out your location or get directions to any destination. You can turn on the navigator on different mobile devices: PDA, navigator or phone.


    1. The most acceptable method of connecting to navigation is using the function directly from your mobile phone. First, you will need to download the necessary maps to navigate your cell phone system. Maps are available on the official websites of GPS systems for all interested users. After that, go to the menu item with navigation, select “Settings” and “Download maps”. The phone system will redirect you to the desired web service. Next, choose a card for the specific region where you live.

    2. Select the "Maps" or "Start Navigation" command. After some time, the first download will occur. On the screen of the KMP or mobile phone you will see a map and your location. Then you can bravely calculate distances, plot routes and indicate destinations.

    3. To turn on the navigator on your GPS device, you will need to turn on the map page. On the menu page, highlight the “Navigation” application and select “Login.” After that, highlight the “Enable map mode” section and click “Login” again. A page with a map will appear in front of you, on which the dot of your current location will blink. If you encounter any problems while loading, then contact the Yandex Maps or Google Maps services, because these maps are most often used in the navigation system.

    4. Since the device is mainly used in a car, you will need to install the navigator on a dashboard that is comfortable for you. Then fasten the navigation system using the screws included in the kit. Make sure the system is connected to each of the required pins. Many systems can operate on battery power, and then you will not need to connect them to the car's on-board computer. But some systems still only work when the ignition is on. So consider all the features of the system you purchase.

    A navigator is a special device that will help you navigate even in unknown terrain, indicate the path on the map, commenting on it voice tips. It doesn’t matter how you travel, on foot or by car.

    You will need

    • – a computer with access to the Internet;
    • – Garmin navigator;
    • – microphone.


    1. Add voices to the navigator; to do this, additional files can be downloaded from the official website of the Garmin program; to do this, insert the link into the address bar of your browser. The page has pre-listening files, select the one you like and download it to your computer. After that, connect the navigator to your computer, go to the Garmin/Voice folder and copy the downloaded files there.

    2. Add personal voices to the navigator. Connect the navigator to the computer, after identifying the device, go to the Garmin/Voice folder, then copy the Russkiy.vpm file to the computer. Download the NonTTSVoiceEditor application to edit the voice file from the link

    3. Run it and add the file that you copied from the device. Parse it into several *.wav audio files, with separate words and commands, in order to replace typical voices navigator .

    4. Launch the Audacity application, you can download it from the official website, in order to create voice prompts for navigator regardless. You will also need the TTSVoiceEditor program to listen to existing files and replace them with your own. Download the program here: Speak the clues into the microphone.

    5. Whenever recording, hold down the Rec button. Then save any voiced hint and replace the listened files instead. After you have completed recording the prompts for navigator, collect them from files in *.wav format into one *.vpm file using NonTTSVoiceEditor and copy it to the Garmin/Voice folder of your device. This way you can add the voices of your loved ones to the navigator so that they can tell you the way on your travels.

    There are times when you need to clean or restore your phone or tablet. This happens if you need to sell a device or give it away, or if a large number of applications are not necessary. In this case, you need to reset the settings to factory settings.


    1. Devices from different manufacturers require different steps. If you need to restore your Samsung to factory settings, you need to turn off the phone. Then press several buttons on the case at the same time: the top volume key, “Home”, turning on the device.

    2. When updating the factory firmware on a Sony Ericsson, you must first turn on the entire unit. Then press three buttons at the same time: camera mode, volume (bottom button), phone power button.

    3. For LG units, you need to completely turn off the phone (turn off the power), then press and hold the following buttons at the same time (holding time - 10 seconds): volume down key, main screen activation button, power button. After this, after the LG logo appears on the screen, you should release the power button. When the Recovery screen appears, you need to release all other buttons.

    4. To restore the factory settings on your Huawei device, you need to press three buttons at once: turn on the phone, volume (up), located on the side, and volume (down).

    5. If the factory firmware is restored to HTC, the phone must be completely disabled. After that, press and hold the Volume Down key for some time. Next, briefly press the power button (do not hold). The volume down button should be released only when Recovery appears on the screen (3 androids will appear on the screen). Later, find the memory cleaning item (Clear Storage) and select it by pressing the power button. The last step will be to confirm the selected actions, for which use the volume down button.

    It is worth remembering that contacts, sms, photos and applications installed independently will be deleted.

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