P mobile version. VKontakte - mobile version of VK: login. How the Internet audience preferred smartphones to personal computers

The cost of developing a mobile version of the site is from 15,000 rubles

With the advent of mobile devices, a lot has changed in our lives - in particular, the possibilities for emergency access to the Internet have expanded significantly. Now it is absolutely not necessary to have a laptop or personal computer with you in order to run through a summary of the latest news or go to the website of a company that interests you. To do this, it is enough to have a smartphone at hand.

Thus, there is a trend towards growth in the mobile Internet audience, which means that your website, that is, the representation of your company on the World Wide Web, needs to be modified.

What is the mobile version of the site?

Most modern websites display incorrectly on mobile and tablet screens. The physical screen of the gadget used is traditionally small in size, so a site that looks perfect on a personal computer screen turns out to be completely unsuitable for viewing on a smartphone screen.

Actually, mobile version development is a separate project that involves the creation of a special design, usability development, layout and optimization of content. The main task of the designer becomes to convey the main ideas of the company as accurately as possible and at the same time fit them within a small screen.

In some cases, the content of the site is reduced, leaving only the most important. The structure and functionality also change, only the stylistic design, some elements and content remain unchanged.

Mobile version of the site - this is an opportunity to fully resolve your business issues. Within this version, for example, specific device functions that are not available to PC users can be implemented. All this helps increase traffic by making your site more attractive to mobile users.

How the Internet audience preferred smartphones to personal computers

Tabloids with enviable regularity shoot headlines such as “Internet users are emigrating en masse to smartphones”, “Russian users are moving to the mobile Internet”. It must be said that there are plenty of reasons for such statements.

According to research company Mediascope, by 2017, the audience of mobile Internet users in Russia reached 66 million people, accounting for 54% of the population. Moreover, 16% use mobile Internet exclusively.

It is also noted that the Internet audience on smartphones is growing very rapidly, while computer web surfing continues to steadily lose ground. Over the past year, the number of Russians using desktop computers to access the Internet has decreased by 4%.

As you can see, the era of the mobile Internet has arrived, and if your site still does not meet the requirements for convenient viewing on mobile devices, this is a very serious omission.

Why a mobile version of a website is important for promoting your business

Does your site still not have a mobile version? An ordinary Internet user who wants to instantly receive the necessary information will most likely leave it, unable to endure such inconveniences. What happens next? He will immediately open the site of your direct competitor, who has taken care of the interests of the mobile audience.

For most companies availability of a mobile version of the site - not a trend of today, but an urgent need, which is expressed as follows:

  • Efficiency of website promotion. According to Google representatives, sites that do not have a mobile version will a priori be ranked lower in comparison with web resources adapted to smartphone screens. Thus, the mobile version of a website today is not only an opportunity to attract more traffic, but also a prerequisite for successful website promotion on the Internet.
  • Convenience for users. 40% of Internet users honestly admit that they will switch to another site if the site they are interested in does not have a mobile version. From a business perspective, you are missing out on a huge number of potential customers if your company website is not mobile- and tablet-friendly.
  • Brilliant reputation. Incorrect display of your website on the screen of a modern gadget is a significant disadvantage and is guaranteed to cause a reproachful look from the Internet user. On the other hand, the presence of a mobile version is a kind of “plus to karma” and maintaining the correct image of the company.
  • Competitive advantage. Did you find out that your competitors’ website does not have a mobile version? It's time to take advantage of this misfire and gain a powerful competitive advantage, namely, to get customers leaving the non-responsive websites of your business opponents.

How to “make friends” of a website with mobile devices

There are two methods to solve the problem of correctly displaying your website on smartphones:

  1. Create a separate version of the site that will exist as an alternative to the original version.
  2. Create a responsive design that can automatically adjust to any screen size.

If your company’s website already exists and you have no desire to redesign it, but at the same time want to increase the website’s loyalty to mobile devices, it is more profitable to order mobile version development. In this case, it is possible to save only the content that will be useful for smartphone owners.

If the website is just being created and you want to immediately take care of the interests of the Internet audience, you should prefer adaptive design. In the case of a ready-made website, creating an adaptive design involves a highly labor-intensive process and, accordingly, a higher cost.

Mobile version of the site from the Aspect web studio: development cost

Today, only a part of sites are adapted to work with mobile devices, which means you still have a chance to win your share of traffic. The development of a mobile version of the site is offered to you by the Aspect web studio.

The cost of such a service is from 15,000 rubles. We create a mobile version based on the existing website and involve only the best specialists in this task.

The cost of work includes:

  • Prototyping new pages.
  • Mobile version design development.
  • Layout.
  • Programming the mobile version of the site and linking it to the main one.

How long does it take to create a mobile version?

On average, developing a mobile version of a website takes from 10 working days. Specific deadlines depend on the scope of work, that is, the number of pages on the site and the type of information presented on them.

You can reduce execution time by reducing the number of pages that need to be “transferred” to smartphone screens - these may be pages that present secondary information that is not of value to mobile Internet users.

How the mobile version is developed in our web studio

The algorithm of our work can be presented as follows:

  1. Your application for the development of a mobile version (by phone, e-mail).
  2. Meeting and discussion of the project with the manager.
  3. Assessment of the scope of work and calculation of the exact cost of the service.
  4. Drawing up and signing a contract.
  5. Payment and start of work.
  6. Development of design for a mobile version of the site.
  7. Coordination and signing of the acceptance certificate for the design layout.
  8. Layout of the mobile version.
  9. Transferring content.
  10. Delivery of the project.

Are you convinced of the need for a mobile version and would like to order its development? The Aspect web studio always focuses on the latest trends and is ready to provide you with professional assistance in “mobilizing” your website.

This is an additional simplified version of the site, usually located on a subdomain with the prefix “m” (for example, m.site).

As you can see from the picture, on tablets the version for phones also opens and it is stretched in width, because a tablet is practically a very, very wide smartphone :)

Externally and stylistically, of course, it can be made like the main site (so that you don’t feel like you’re on some other person’s page): the same colors, fonts, elements. But the structure can be radically different, and most often it is. It’s unlikely that anyone will choose an apartment or pick up a car through the phone, or apply for a loan from a bank. After all, this is inconvenient, since the screen is small (compared to a laptop or computer). But finding the nearest ATMs or the address of a pizzeria is the opposite. Therefore, mobile versions are made very simplified, without any complex calculators, huge tables comparing two or more similar products. They remove all the most complicated things and simplify access to contacts, work hours, and so on.


  • Since this is an additional version of the site, it is loaded separately (i.e. the main site does not load). And I repeat once again: as a rule, it is greatly simplified. Therefore, it loads quickly relative to the adaptive one.
  • Maintaining the mobile version is quite simple: changes and improvements do not affect computers.


  • As a designer, I’ll immediately express my opinion about tablets: the stretched-out version for smartphones looks terrible on them. No, well, of course you can use it. But the adaptive one has run very far in this regard.
  • All this is extremely inconvenient for SEO optimization. Two addresses - the main site and the mobile version - means that the content will be duplicated.

About 20% of traffic on the RuNet comes from mobile operating systems. And this figure continues to grow. Isn’t this a reason to think about whether to adapt your website for mobile traffic, because this is a completely different audience.

Adaptive design for various screen resolutions of electronic gadgets has long become a modern standard in website development. However, the percentage of such sites on the Internet is still not large. And there are even fewer sites that have their own mobile version. So is it worth creating a separate version of the site for mobile phones, or is it enough to make the design responsive?

Why does the site need a mobile version?

  1. Using the mobile version of the site from smartphones and mobile phones is much more convenient: there is no need for horizontal scrolling, all functionality works correctly (on some non-adapted sites it is even impossible to add an item to the cart!).
  2. In the mobile version, you can develop additional features aimed specifically at this target group of visitors: organize sending SMS directly from the site, determine the location and distance to the nearest point of sale, etc.
  3. The navigation of such sites is made adapted for the touch screen, which is also much more convenient.
  4. The mobile version of the site is lighter, has less voluminous code, and therefore loads faster, which reduces the user’s costs for downloading it when paying for mobile traffic.
  5. Search engines use mobile search for phones, so the mobile version of the site will be ranked higher, which means there will be more transitions to your site.

Types of mobile version of the site

Mobile version can be identical to the main site: repeat structure, content, design. This effect can be achieved even with special services, without contacting developers.

Independent mobile version of the site. Here the structure and functionality are completely changed, only the style matches are repeated, some of the elements and content are repeated so that the user knows that he is on the same site.

What is required for the mobile version of the site?

  • Design. Perhaps the most important component. The latest design trends for mobile sites are maximum lightness and simplicity.
  • Compatibility. The site should be displayed correctly on the most popular screen resolutions (240x320, 480x320 and some others). On such sites it is better not to use or use at least javascript, use xhtml.
  • Content optimization. This is especially true for pictures: they should be light in both size and kilobytes.
  • Usability. Good navigation is the key to a successful mobile site!

Mobile version or responsive design?

You will not find an exact answer to this question. There are different points of view that rely on the disadvantages of both one and the second option.

The main disadvantages of responsive design include the fact that the “weight” of the site remains large, which means the site will still take a long time to load. In development, adaptive design is simpler than the mobile version, but it cannot be disabled on a mobile screen, while if the user does not like the mobile version, he can always switch to the standard version of the site.

Which sites need a mobile version?

Research shows that it is advisable to create a mobile version of the site for the following types of sites:

  • Help site
  • Social networks and services
  • Web services
  • Online stores

If you are already thinking about whether your site needs a mobile version or not, analyze the traffic to the site over the past year through analytics systems. If the share of mobile traffic is 15% or higher, the answer is obvious!


Haven't decided yet? Then consider these statistics:

  1. Mobile phones are used by 87% of the total population. Apparently only small children don’t have them!
  2. Mobile commerce growth is projected to increase 99 times in the next 5 years!
  3. Only 21% of websites are adapted to work with mobile devices. You still have a chance to get your share of traffic!

Useful statistics are provided in the infographic below (clickable).

This article will help you decide whether you need a mobile version of the site, why you need it, and what versions it has. We will also share interesting figures on the topic.

About 25% of Internet traffic comes from mobile operating systems, and this figure is growing every day. Along with the growth of Internet users using a mobile device, the question arises whether to adapt the site for mobile traffic, what methods exist and is it worth the effort? Let's figure it out!

Why does the site need a mobile version?

  • Using the mobile version of the site from gadgets is much more convenient: there is no need to scroll the site horizontally, all functionality of the site works correctly, viewing the site gives the user pleasure;
  • The mobile version of the site is much lighter, has less voluminous code, thanks to this the site will load several times faster from mobile gadgets, including, this will help save the user precious megabytes;
  • A specially designed version of the site for mobile phones allows you to work specifically with this target audience, for example, for the mobile version of an online store you can send an SMS message directly from the mobile version or determine the location and distance to the nearest point of sale;
  • Search engines use mobile search for phones, so the mobile version of your resource will be ranked higher, and the number of clicks will increase accordingly.

Types of mobile version of the site

  1. Responsive Design. Using CSS3, you can set your own styles for different website screen sizes. This method is widely used today, and the good thing is that it does not require creating additional pages on the site. The downside is that not everything on the site is optimized, the page weight is still high, but by adhering to the “mobile first” principle this can be avoided (the principle when the site is first optimized for mobile phones).
  2. Separate mobile site. It is easier to implement changes in this version, because the structures of the mobile and desktop versions do not depend on each other in terms of code.
  3. RESS. In this method, the service-side software detects the device and outputs its HTML and CSS for it. The disadvantages here lie in the fact that the technology for detecting the user’s device is not ideal, and it is an additional load on the server.
  4. - Separate application. This doesn't quite fit the definition of a species. Rather, it's an addition. There are more and more applications, and some users have begun to make purchases and view site news primarily through them. Large and visited Internet projects or those doomed to commercial success should think about this decision.

Necessary functions in the mobile version of the site

  1. Compatibility. The site should be displayed correctly on most popular screen resolutions (480x320, 1280x720, etc.). On such sites it is better to use xHTML; it is better to avoid JavaScript.
  2. Usability. Navigation is the key to success, and good navigation is a direct path to victory, try to do everything perfectly, constantly ask friends or on various forums to evaluate the version, take into account the proposed corrections by users in further development;
  3. Content optimization. This point especially applies to pictures: they should be light in kilobytes and in size;
  4. Design. The most important component. The current design trend for mobile is maximum lightness and ease of use.

Which website primarily needs a mobile version?

Research on various Internet portals allows us to assess the feasibility of creating a mobile version for the following topics:

  • Social networks and similar services;
  • Media;
  • Online stores;
  • Help portals.

To know for sure whether your site needs a mobile version, analyze the traffic of your resource over the last year through any analytics system, and if the share of mobile traffic is 18 percent or more, think about creating a mobile version as soon as possible.

Are you still thinking? We invite you to think about these small statistics:

  • Mobile phones are being used more 87% population, the remaining 13% are children under 5 years of age;
  • The growth of mobile commerce by 2020, according to various organizations, will grow by more than 99 times.

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The mobile version of the site is a duplicate version of the main site, for which a special layout is used that allows you to conveniently view and navigate through the pages of the resource from mobile phones and tablets.

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The mobile phone has long become the best friend for most of the planet's inhabitants. Modern mobile gadgets have almost completely taken over the role of desktop computers and radically changed the behavior of users on the Internet. They are simultaneously a source of information and a means of implementing many tasks. The dynamics of life require the most efficient use of time, so we have long been researching, buying and booking on the go.

Each project on the Internet has its own main website, but the screen resolution of mobile devices is different from that of computers and laptops. As a result, it is almost impossible to use the site from a phone, since its display is very inconvenient. That is why there was a need for an optimized version of the site that would be readable for pocket gadgets.

Why do you need a mobile version of the site?

The abundance of identical web resources, both informational and selling, creates a lack of loyalty on the part of visitors. Internet users have the opportunity to choose, therefore, when a visitor comes across, for example, inconvenient navigation of a resource, he prefers not to waste his time, but to leave the site and go to a competitor. This situation forces administrators to create the most comfortable conditions in order not only to attract visitors, but also to motivate them to stay.

Maximum coverage of the target audience and creating comfortable conditions for it - that’s what a mobile version of the site is for.

A separate mobile version of the site is the implementation of comfortable access to the site from mobile devices, which has been used for a long time. On smartphones, the site is displayed in one column, so before making a mobile version of the site, the developer needs to carefully think through the design - place everything so as not to reduce the functionality of the visitor at all and, at the same time, make interaction with the resource as convenient as possible.

How does this work

The principle by which the decision is made which version to show to the visitor is that when the user enters the site, the device screen is automatically detected. If the screen width is identified as a mobile gadget, then redirection is triggered to the mobile version of the resource, which is located on a separate subdomain. To prevent search engines from perceiving this version as a separate resource in the future, it is better to place a subdomain on the same domain as the main site, otherwise promoting the mobile version of the site will be counterproductive.

How to transfer a website to a mobile version

There are certain principles, and implementing them will require programming and layout skills.

In mobile The version needs to maintain the general concept with the desktop version, but at the same time, develop separate design solutions, as well as the most convenient interface for usability. Resource elements on the visitors’ screen should be appropriately spaced and displayed large enough for easy finger clicking. After that, testing and the final launch takes place.

Mobile version vs adaptive layout

In parallel with the separate mobile version of the site, there is another interpreted variation - adaptive design.

Let's try to figure out how the mobile version of the site differs from the adaptive one.
An adaptive site is not a separate version of the resource, it is the main site, and it automatically adjusts to the resolution of the device from which you are logging in.

The advantages of adaptive layout include the fact that it has the same address as the main site, so redirection is not required. And this significantly strengthens the site’s position when ranking by search engines. When opening, absolutely the same site content and functionality are displayed, but its appearance is adjusted to the size of the window. In addition, it is possible to optimize the resource.

But developing an adaptive version is a more labor-intensive process; accordingly, the cost of the event will also be greater.

Adaptive design is relevant for resources that do not have a large turnover of visitors - online stores, blogs, business cards, as well as websites, their main task is to deliver content.

Pros and cons of the mobile version

The mobile version has faster loading speed and ease of navigation. Since the visitor sees a minimum of distracting information, the likelihood of a positive action on his part is higher. In addition, the separate mobile version is completely independent from the desktop one. This makes it possible to work with them separately.

The disadvantages of this concept include certain difficulties in the field of SEO promotion. Since posting the same content is perceived as a duplicate, this requires separate measures to eliminate the negative impact on the site promotion process. Taking into account the fact that the mobile version is not universal, it requires a separate expense item in addition to the maintenance of the main site.

This site option is suitable for large projects that already have high traffic to the main site, but want to increase loyalty to mobile devices without redesign. In most cases, a separate mobile version is relevant for resources where loading speed is important - social networks, email services, news portals.

To summarize, we can only say that today a justifiable necessity for any Internet project is the ability to display the site correctly on mobile devices. How to implement this depends on the goals and objectives of the site, budget and capabilities.

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