Remove items from cart. How to remove an item from the cart on Aliexpress, how to quickly empty the cart: instructions. What to do if the item is not removed from the cart on Aliexpress? How to empty the entire cart on Aliexpress

There is a solution

Well, I understand what happened, but the item has stopped being removed from the cart. when you click on the button, it goes to the top of the page, as it is written../cart/# What could be the matter.. I threw cart.html and cart.js into the stock, but didn’t fix the cart anywhere else.. website


There are several items in the cart. Click to remove a product. Everything looks ok and it has been deleted, but when you get to the order confirmation step, that deleted item is back in the order and in the total amount. Through "Buy in 1 click" the order also comes with...

+1 Corrected

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Good afternoon. There is a problem when deleting an item from the cart on the website and it is related to the design theme. The point is as follows, the standard script for deleting an item from the cart looks like this:

Some bug with the shopping cart

Friends, hello. Help needed: 1. Add product to cart2. You go to any other section, for example, to the main one, the cart is empty3. You refresh the page, the cart is full with the added product. If you go after adding it directly to the cart, it shows...

Removing and updating items in the cart

Hello, I am writing my topic. I took default as a basis (since I only understand development issues for this platform). Actually, the item in the cart is not deleted or updated. At the same time, I tried to leave the layout of the page with the basket the same. Nothing...


Hello, after a recent update for the website operator, the shopping cart and admin area began to become slow. I add an item to the cart, then I go to the cart, and there I refresh the page and get Why so? I have the same problem in the admin panel - order statuses change only after updating...

There is a solution

Hello, dear support. I accidentally found out that my site uses a couple of plugins without a license. Well, I don’t use 1 “Recommended Products” plugin at all, I tried to stupidly remove it, the site crashed. Well, to hell with it, turn it off. But...

Products in carts is a simple plugin with limited functionality: older brother with full functionality is the Abandoned Carts plugin: /shop/carts


Hello! Everything was fine before, but over the last month we have been receiving frequent complaints from customers. Do not remove item from cart. That is, the client typed and typed goods, then decided to edit the order and remove unnecessary items, but the product could not be removed from...

Good evening! Help me set up my cart! After I go to the site, I select a product, it goes into the cart. After I go into the cart, the following errors or troubles occur: - I’m trying to adjust the order there using the “+” buttons...

Gift with timer in basket

Good day. It is necessary that when entering the cart, the time is recorded for the visitor and a countdown counter goes on. At the same time, 1 product with a zero price is added to the cart. Product name + product photo + counter was displayed at all stages...

Gift in a basket with a timer

Good day It is necessary that when a visitor enters the cart, the time is recorded for the visitor and a countdown counter goes on. At the same time, 1 product with a zero price is added to the cart. The name of the product + photo of the product + the counter is displayed at all stages...

Disappearing gift in a basket

It is necessary that when a visitor enters the cart, the time is recorded and a countdown counter goes on. At the same time, 1 item is added to the cart. When the counter expires, the item is removed from the cart. Who can do this?

Improvement of the site shopping cart

Good day. There are problems with the shopping cart on the site: 1. Items are not removed from the cart2. The "Delivery PRO" plugin is attached to the cart (it has its own delivery service). It does not display addresses in the Moscow region. Doesn't automatically produce...

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Hello, write to [email protected], let's discuss.

+3 Pending

Hello. Please fix the problem. The buyer adds goods to the cart that have been in it for several days, during which time some goods from his cart are purchased by another buyer and their quantity in the warehouse becomes zero,...

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Hello. I have an existing website on a previous website, I would like to switch to Shopscript5, keeping it (+ improve a specific plugin). So about the current plugin: on the page, to the left of the button “buy a SIM card with this tariff” we see a falling...

If you need to empty your Cart on Aliexpress, read the article. It contains tips on what and how to do.

Aliexpress Since its opening, it has allowed many people from all over the world to purchase necessary goods at low prices.

  • This trading platform is a good help for regular stores.
  • Because of the crisis, people do not have enough money even for the basic necessities, not to mention clothes, dishes, furniture, equipment and other goods necessary for existence.
  • Thanks to Ali's huge assortment, you can choose what you need in terms of size, model, color and other parameters.
  • But due to the huge assortment and our thoughtless choice, the cart quickly fills up. It becomes clogged with unnecessary goods, which must be periodically removed so that you can continue shopping and place orders normally. How to do this, read the article below.

If you don't have an account yet Aliexpress, but you want to place orders here, then . It will help you quickly and easily create an account on Ali. In addition, you can look video instructions at this link and register with them.

So, how to empty the trash on Aliexpress, delete everything at once? Instructions:

Go to Ali's main page. There is a Trash icon at the top, click on it.

You will see a page with the items in your cart. Scroll the slider to the bottom of the page, there is an active link "Delete everything". Click on it.

After this, you need to confirm your actions. Click "OK".

Now you see that the Cart is empty, and you can start adding items again so that you can then check them out for purchase.

Read below what to do if you do not need to empty the Trash completely, but only need to delete some items.

Removing an item from the Cart is the simplest action on Aliexpress. You can complete this process even if you are a casual Internet user. So, how to remove, delete an unnecessary product, an order from the cart on Aliexpress selectively? Instructions:

Go to Cart. There is an active link next to each product "Delete". Click on it if you need to remove this item from your cart.

After this, the page will be updated and will open without this product. You can do this with several products by clicking on the link each time "Delete".

What to do if the item is not removed from the cart on Aliexpress?

If you delete an item from the Cart, as described above, but nothing happens, then it may be hiding in the browser or in the incorrect operation of the site. What to do if an item from the cart is Aliexpress not deleted? Do the following:

  • Click Sign Out, then Sign In again. If the problem persists, then restart your device: PC, laptop, tablet or phone. Then log in to the trading platform again.
  • If the above steps do not help, try logging in from a different browser. Everything remains in the same place, and you can’t empty the Trash, read on.

You need to clear your browser history, caches and cookies. We’ll show you how to do this using the Opera browser and describe it step by step:

First, go to the browser menu (located in the upper left corner), and click on “Settings”.

The settings page will open. From the left menu select "Safety"- click on this link. A page will appear, click on it "Clear browsing history".

Now in the window that appears, select from the drop-down menu for what period you want to clear the history: in an hour, a week, a month, or from the very beginning. Click "Clear browsing history".

Please note that by default you should have the following checkboxes checked: browsing history, download history, cookies and caching. If these marks are not there, then put them yourself. After doing this, try logging in again. Aliexpress and remove items from the Cart. In other browsers everything is done similarly. Clearing your browsing history is in the settings, and there is also a function for deleting cookies and cache files.

Video: Aliexpress - emptying the cart

Despite the fact that the Aliexpress platform is largely intuitive, some users still have questions that, it would seem, should not exist.

One of these questions that is found on forums on the Internet is how to remove an item from the cart on Aliexpress.

This question arises among users for several reasons:

  • the cart has stopped working because it is full and needs to be emptied;
  • or it has been decided that the item added to the cart is no longer needed and needs to be removed.

Emptying the cart on Aliexpress is not difficult, unless, of course, there are any technical problems with the site or your browser. You will find out what to do in such situations below.

In the meantime, information for beginners who just want to empty the trash can and don’t know how to do it.

How to remove unnecessary products from the Aliexpress cart

You can delete products one by one or all at once. In order to remove an unnecessary item, go to the basket.

Select the thing that we want to remove and click on the phrase “Delete”.

After clicking, the item will immediately disappear from the cart. In this way, you can selectively clear it of unnecessary things.

How to remove everything from the cart on Aliexpress

If you are interested in how to empty the cart and delete everything at once, then to do this you need to scroll down the page with added products.

The system will clarify whether you really want to delete all the goods?

To confirm, click “Ok”. After confirmation, you have an empty cart - just as you wanted.

The product is not removed from the Aliexpress cart - what to do?

It happens that a situation may arise when you click on the “Delete” button, but no action occurs. I recommend doing the following - one of them should help you:

  • refresh the page;
  • log out of your account and log in again;
  • clear your browser cache;
  • If the above steps did not help you, try logging into your account from another browser and clearing it from it.

That's it. Good luck to you.

It is considered an easy-to-use platform, as the administration tried to create a convenient interface for clients. Despite this, when newbies come shopping, they immediately ask a lot of questions. One of them is the ability to remove items from the cart. How to do this? We will tell you in this article.

In general, there are two prerequisites for this question: the cart is already full or unnecessary goods need to be removed from it.

How to remove an item from your cart on Aliexpress?

In fact, everything is very, very simple. To start emptying the Trash, go to Aliexpress go to it by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top right.

Find the item you've changed your mind about buying and click next to it "Delete".

Confirm your decision in a special window and the product will be deleted

How to completely empty the cart on Aliexpress?

If you decide to empty the trash Aliexpress completely, then find the button "Delete everything".

Click on it and also confirm your decision.

After this, the cart will be empty.

I can’t remove an item from my cart on Aliexpress - what should I do?

Sometimes a situation arises that removing items from the cart Aliexpress it doesn't work. So, if you click on the button "Delete", then nothing happens. We recommend doing several things:

  • First, try refreshing the page
  • If this does not help, then log out of your account and log in again.
  • Try clearing your browser cache. To do this, open your browser settings and click "Clear history"
  • If none of the actions help you, then try accessing your page through a different browser.

Video: How to remove products from the Aliexpress cart? (2 ways to empty your cart of unnecessary items)

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