Where in 1s 8.3 to set the font. Fast scaling of forms. Form scale in the configurator

It's no secret that we spend more and more time on the computer and gadgets: at work, at home, on public transport. In this regard, the issue of eye strain arises acutely, because office employees have to spend more than one working hour in front of the monitor every day. It is important that working in the application is comfortable and convenient for all categories of users, people with completely different vision. Therefore, in our practice, we often came across the question: “how to increase the font on the monitor screen?” In this material we will look in detail at several really working and effective ways to change the text size in 1C: increase or decrease.

We will analyze three ways to enlarge the font in the 1C program of 8 different versions. Depending on the version of the platform you are using, whether you are using access via a browser and other nuances, you can choose the method that suits you best.

The first way to increase the font is the quick form scaling mechanism

We will start with the method that we rightfully consider the most convenient, simple and effective. The only limitation is that you must use platform 8.3.10, and specifically not lower than If you have 8.1, 8.2 you need to upgrade to the new version. If you are already using platform 8.3, just upgrade to one of the latest releases. You can check which platform your configurations are running on, and also see the current version of the engine.

How does this work:

In the uppermost corner we find the “Change scale” button. It looks like a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the center. The second option is to access the zoom form through the main menu. In the main menu, open the item “View” --> “Change scale”. A nice advantage of the form is the ability to move it to any area of ​​the screen, regardless of the configuration itself.

In order to actually increase or decrease the scale, you need to use the mouse to set the required value on the horizontal slider. The second no less convenient option is to change the scale in the open form by pressing the cursor control keys (right-left arrows on the keyboard) or PgUp/PgDown.

When you click on the "Set for all" button, the selected scale will apply to all forms in a specific database. In other cases, you can adjust the size for each shape separately depending on your preferences.

This method allows you to change the interface font in any configuration on managed forms. If you are using the Accounting 3, Salary 3, Trade Management 11, Small Firm Management, Complex Automation 2 configuration, you can increase the font size for individual forms or the entire interface in just a couple of mouse clicks.

This platform function has long been awaited by application solution developers and implementers, and most importantly by end users, who have become a little more pleasant to work in the system.

The advantages of this method:

  • Does not require any additional settings, administrator rights, configuration
  • The font of the OS itself and other applications does not change
  • The change occurs directly in the program
  • Can be increased font for individual windows and forms in
  • Configured once - settings will be saved for each form and each user individually

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Platform update required
  • Not available for 7.7 users. We'll help you switch to 8 at a low price!

If for some reason you are not yet ready to switch to 8.3.10, do not forget, you can change the scale of any report, for example in the balance sheet, right now - generate a report, stand on any cell in the report, press ctrl and turn the wheel mice.

In this case, after opening the database in the browser, it is enough to change the page scale. In different browsers and their versions, this option may be located in slightly different menu items, but there is a universal hotkey combination that allows you to do this - Ctrl + mouse wheel.

In Yandex browser, changing the scale is on the first line in the settings.

In Google Chrome, open "Google Chrome Settings and Controls", find the "Zoom" menu item.

Did you know that, while in the 1C database in the browser, you can enter full-screen mode - you will hardly notice the difference in the interface compared to the thin client.

The advantages of this method:

  • Does not require configuration, migration to platform 8.3.10
  • OS font, the rest of the application does not change

Disadvantages of this method:

  • You need to configure a web server and use a browser as a 1C client
  • You cannot adjust the scale individually for each shape

The third way to increase the font is to change the screen resolution

The last option is perhaps the least attractive and, in fact, outdated. But until recently, it remained de facto the only one on older versions of the platform. Those who are still using 7.7, especially standard solutions, are strongly recommended to switch to the 1C 8 platform.

How does this work:

So, you need to change the screen resolution.

  • Windows XP: Right mouse button on an empty space on the desktop - "Properties" or "Display" from the "Control Panel") - Bookmark " Registration" - "Font size"
  • Windows 7 and above: Right mouse button on any free space on the desktop --> "Screen resolution". "Permission" item. You can also try the Make text and other elements larger or smaller feature. If you have low vision, you can use “magnifier” (start --> find programs and files --> enter “magnifier”).

The advantages of this method:

  • Works on absolutely any platform and configuration
  • Does not require any settings and manipulation with 1C itself

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Screen resolution increases for all applications and OS
  • When changing the recommended screen resolution, many texts and interfaces in applications do not fit into the screen area itself
  • Cannot change screen resolution when working via RDP (during a remote session)

As an epilogue, we note that all these “difficulties” can be avoided by cooperating with, who will always help, advise and advise. Take care of your health and eyesight in particular!

Implemented in version

We have implemented a mechanism for quickly scaling forms. Mostly it is intended, of course, for users, but developers can also use it if necessary.

We believe that this mechanism will be convenient and useful in cases where you need to quickly and easily, or briefly and temporarily, increase or decrease the scale of application data displayed in the form.

You probably know that you can make the font larger by changing the screen resolution. And some time ago, we refined the platform mechanisms to ensure that application solutions were clearly and correctly displayed at different screen resolutions (DPI). But changing DPI is a relatively complex and “fundamental” operation. Firstly, not all users have sufficient knowledge to perform it.

And secondly, it affects all applications installed on the computer. If something needs to be increased or decreased only “here and now”, or if users are not sufficiently skilled, they will not change the DPI.

In such a situation, the mechanism for quickly scaling forms will come in handy. If the user does not have good eyesight, he can easily make himself a “larger” one. And if your vision is good, but not the entire table fits the width of the form, you can make it “smaller.”

In client applications

To change the scale of managed forms and documents in client applications, you can use either the main menu or a command from the system commands area:

The scale setting dialog opens in the upper right corner, but you can move it to any location on the screen that is convenient for you:

The scale of the shape can be changed in the range from 50% to 400%. In this case, the size of the font and elements is not simply increased or decreased, but the entire form is rebuilt to fit the new sizes of the elements.

For example, you can increase it to 200%.

Or vice versa, reduce to 70%.

Rescaling is done on the client and does not require a server call.

Scaling only applies to form content. System bars, favorites dialog and history dialog do not scale. Also, frames and scrollbars inside the form do not scale. Changing the size of these elements can be achieved by changing the screen resolution (DPI).

By moving the slider, you change the scale for one shape. But if you want to apply this scale to all forms, then there is a button for this Install for everyone. The same button will help you return the scale of all forms to 100% at any time.

Although we have built in a fairly large range of scaling, we do not believe that all of it will necessarily be used. According to our estimates, users who want to use this feature will slightly reduce all forms, up to 90-95%, and some forms, on the contrary, will slightly increase them to 105-110%.

Maintaining scale

Scales are stored separately for each form in local storage on the user's computer. In addition, the general scale for all forms is stored there, which has a standard value of 100%. When you set a new scale for all shapes, the individual values ​​for each shape are removed.

Form scale in the configurator

In the configurator, you can also set the scale at which the form will be shown to the user. To do this, we implemented the form’s property Scale. We recommend using this property in cases in which you previously used OptionScale: Compact. You need to assume that in compact mode the scale of the form is approximately 80%.

Preview of the shape to scale

While editing the form in the configurator, you can see how it will look at different scales. In the form editor, you can select a scale from several fixed values.

As a result, the shape displayed in the preview area will be enlarged, for example, to 150%.

Showing pictures

In order for enlarged forms to look good, it is necessary to have several versions of the same image, designed for different resolutions. Therefore, we expanded the mechanism for image options, which already exists in the mobile platform, to the platform for personal computers.

Now, not just one image is specified for display, but a set of variants of this image in the form of an archive. This archive has options for different resolutions and different interface options. For display, the platform selects an option that matches the current DPI and scale of the form.

For example, now the flag image is a set of several options: for platform 8.2 (regular interface), for platform 8.3 (interface Taxi), for compact mode, for different scales.

Pictures stored in the configuration can also be presented as a set. Now for a picture you can set not only the screen density (scale), but also the interface option for which the picture will be used.

Article from the section: "1C:Enterprise"

How to change the font in 1C:Enterprise 8.2

As noted by many users and developers of 1C configurations, changing the font in the 1C program settings does not lead to its real change. Users who critically need to enlarge the font in 1C often get out of the situation by changing the screen resolution. But in this case, everything increases, and therefore this is not the best solution. Changing the font in the operating system also does not give the desired result - in 1C the font is unchanged.

how to increase the font in 1C

In order to increase (or decrease) the font in 1C:Enterprise 8.2, you need to create an appropriate style in the configurator mode in the “General” section of the configuration tree, where the font should be made to the desired size. In addition to the size and outline of the font, the style mechanism in 1C allows you to design a lot more, but we will limit ourselves to the font. When the style is created, it is necessary to assign the value of the created style to the predefined procedure BeforeSystemStart() of the global configuration module of the global context variable MainStyle:

MainStyle = StyleLibrary.<ИмяСозданногоСтиля>;

In the described option, the font will change in accordance with the style settings for all users of the 1C:Enterprise program at once. The developer can diversify the solution by creating styles for different users and assigning the MainStyle global context variable the style appropriate for that user. Such information can be stored, for example, in an information register, in which the measurement will be user, and will serve as a resource style. Without creating an information register, using a conditional operator, depending on the value of UserName(), you can assign a particular style to the desired user to the MainStyle variable.

Check out other articles in this section "1C:Enterprise" :

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Tricks when working in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0) Part 1


With this article I open a series of notes about effective techniques for working in 1C: Accounting 8.3. I’ll tell you about tricks that few people know and even fewer people use in their work. The techniques that will be discussed can significantly save time and improve your skills as a specialist.

So let's get started!

Technique #1: Changing the boundaries of reports and printed forms.

a) Let us have a printed form of the invoice. As you can see, the column Quantity barely fits the title. I would like to make it wider.

b) This is done like this: hold down the key Ctrl on the keyboard and move the mouse pointer to the column border. Now press the left mouse button and drag the border to the place you need, as if “expanding” the column. In the same way, the column can not only be enlarged, but also reduced.

c) Done!

Technique #2: Automatically setting boundaries.

Now turn your attention to the column Product. It's clearly wider than it could be.

a) Hold down the key Ctrl move the mouse pointer to the right border of the column. Now double-click with the left mouse button.

b) The size of the column has decreased and become exactly what you need!

Trick #3: Increasing the height of rows in lists.

It happens that some names in the lists are so long that they do not fit into the column. And I want to expand the column not in width, but in height.

Consider the following list of nomenclature, which contains very long names. To make them fit, let's increase the height of its lines by three times.

a) Find and click the “More” button on the panel of this list. From the drop-down list, select "Change form...".

Many users quite often encounter a situation when in the menus and windows 1c the font is too small. Some try to solve this problem by reducing the resolution of the entire screen, but this method has one undesirable effect, the font increases not only by 1s, but also throughout the Windows system. This method is inconvenient, which is why we will consider with you a more correct solution to this situation.

Where to increase the font in 1c?

So, now we will increase the font in 1C to the size you need, it is worth noting that this method is only acceptable for 1C 8.2 databases that run in the launch mode of a regular 1C application. First, go to the configurator, on the left side of the object tree, click on “+” and expand the “General” branch, then we will be interested in the “Styles” object, open it and see the “Main” object, double-click on it and see the window which will open is shown below.

We are interested in 4 parameters here: “Text font”, “Small text font”, Normal text font”, “Large text font” and finally “Largest text font”. First, we try to change the “Text font”, to do this, click on the three dots , a window will open in front of us as shown below.

We set a specific value to increase the font by 1s

In order to increase font 1s We first need to uncheck the “From style” checkbox, after which the choice of font size will become available, select the one you need and click “OK”. Now we save our base and launch the enterprise. If the font has not changed, then try changing the font size to “Small text font”, “Regular text font” or “Large text font”. One of the options will definitely work.

The appearance of the 1C program is completely (or almost completely) customizable. For example, a font that is used both by the 1C configurator and in the 1C Enterprise mode. Fonts can be managed directly from the 1C language.

Of course, to some this may seem like “all sorts of interface stuff,” but for many, the ability to customize the program “for themselves” is important.

1C fonts for programmers

A 1C programmer spends most of his working time writing programs in the 1C language, which are located in .

Program texts have a standard, historically established color scheme. It may seem strange to some, especially those who started working with 1C after Microsoft Visual Studio.

Setting up 1C fonts for programming is done in the configurator in the Service/Options menu.

On the Modules tab, you can select the required 1C font and its size. Text color is set separately for various elements of the 1C language.

Example 1 of color settings.

Example 2 color settings.

These settings are computer/user specific and independent of a specific configuration/database.

Configuration Styles

What the program will look like in Enterprise mode is specified in a specific configuration. The settings are in the list, in the General/Styles branch.

To change configuration styles, a special editor opens, which allows you to change 1C fonts and colors for various form elements - similar to how it is done in Windows.

An example of non-standard 1C font settings.

1C font in printed form

1C printed forms (documents, reports) in the configurator are called Layouts. They are located either in the General/Layouts branch or in a specific reference book, document, report, or in the internal Layouts branch.

The 1C font can be specified in the cell. Select one or more cells and right-click on them. In the properties window, you can select the 1C Font and Text Color properties.

An example of such a function:

Function OnOutputRow(RowDesign,RowData)
//Check a certain condition, “Service” is a list column
If RowData.Service = True Then
//change the background color
RowDesign.BackgroundColor = WebColors.Red;
//make the text color in the “Service” cell bold
RowDesign.Cells.Service.Font = New Font(RowDesign.Cells.Service.Font, True);

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