Yandex mail login to my mailbox. How to check mail on Yandex. How to log out of Yandex mail

Hello readers!

There is so much nostalgia in this word. Sometimes you sit down at the table in the evening and write a letter to your grandmother or girlfriend who lives somewhere in the village...

You take it to the post office, put it in a box and wait... wait for it to be sent, and then wait for weeks for an answer. Why, weeks, sometimes months. And what joy do you feel when, after such a long wait, you open your mailbox, and there it is - a letter. So long-awaited... And you begin to read it with such interest.

Eh, it was time...

And if you are interested in the article -
Then, together with your mail, register an electronic wallet. It is necessary!

Here are instructions on how to do it:

Well, okay, all this is of course good, but in our time, when you need to have time to do everything, everywhere, regular mail is no longer relevant, for obvious reasons. Will anyone now wait for months for an important letter? Of course not, I just don’t have time for that. And that is why it was replaced by fast email.

It's like from afar, right?))

In general, today I want to talk about e-mail, which is so necessary in our time, namely Yandex mail. Let's figure out what it is, how to find it, how to register and much more...

Yandex mail: what is it?

Yandex mail is a service, free of charge, for sending and receiving mail electronically. It was created by Yandex. The launch date of this service is June 26, 2000.

So, initially Yandex mail appeared and functioned like an ordinary, unremarkable email. But time passed and it evolved significantly, changed and acquired many quite interesting functions. And at the moment, Yandex mail is no longer just email, but a whole system, with powerful protection against hacking and all kinds of spam.

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: Yandex mail is a convenient, multifunctional, well-protected service.

And now we will learn about how to register with Yandex mail.

How to log into my page using login and password

So, in order to log into Yandex mail, you must first register. But first I will tell you and show you how to find it.

Enter “Yandex mail” in the Yandex browser search engine and click “Find”. And immediately the search engine gives us the link we need: Yandex. Mail - free email (

Here we click on the “Registration” button and fill out all the necessary items in the new window that opens.

IMPORTANT: we enter your REAL phone number, since this page will be linked to it. And if it suddenly happens that you forget your login or password (and I recommend you write them down), it will be very difficult to recover without your phone number! And many functions in a Yandex account where a phone number is required, for example, replenishing a mobile phone account, will simply not be available to you.

Now you have your own Yandex mail))

Login to Yandex mail after registration

And now, I want to show how else you can log into Yandex mail for already registered users.

To do this, go to the main page of Yandex and there, in the very top right corner, there is an icon with your login, click on it (login).

Next, the following window appears:

Click on the word “Passport” and go to your page. And there we see the word “Mail”, click on this link and get into your mail) As you can see, everything is easy and simple!

But there is still one more point!

Usually, after entering your page, the password and login are remembered by the system, of course, provided that you have checked the “Remember password” checkbox (we will find it in the same window where the login and password are requested). And then you go to your page simply by following the link.

But it happens that the setting fails.

And then you can get to your page only by re-entering your login and password. And this is done as follows: in the upper right corner on the main page of Yandex, we see the word “Mail”.

By the way, on the same page there is another interesting “Create mail” icon nearby - by following this link we can also register.

Only now we enter our username and password here, click “Login” and go straight to the mail. Like this))

And now we will pay a little attention to the functions of Yandex mail...

Yandex mail functions

You’ve probably already managed to study your “new mail” a little) But in addition to the usual functions such as writing a letter, sending, viewing incoming mail, deleting unnecessary letters, spamming unwanted mailings, and so on...

We have several quite interesting functions, by the way, the existence of which some users do not even suspect. Now we will look at them in more detail.

  1. Translator. A very useful function, I tell you. With its help, we can translate our letter into almost all foreign languages! And now you can’t do without this, especially if you are going to cooperate with foreign companies. Yes, even if you just decide to order some clothes online, for example, somewhere in Italy. To do this, you either need to know the language well, or just use the “miracle” translator in Yandex mail)) And here’s how to find it: go to your mail and click “Write”.

And here is what we were looking for))

Next, we type the text and click on “Translator” and select the language we need into which we want to translate this text.

2. The next interesting feature is Template, created specifically for the convenience of those who send letters similar to each other. We will also find it when writing a letter.

3. Send timer. Yes, yes, when you write a letter, you can even set the time when you want the letter to be sent (for example, today at 23.00).

Created: 01/27/2018 20:45 Updated: 01/29/2019 08:33 Published: 01/28/2018 20:11

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site! Today we will talk about a seemingly obvious thing, such as Yandex mail registration!

I have no doubt that many people who no longer see their life without the World Wide Web Internet have their own mailbox, or even more than one, on various popular email services.

I still decided to write a detailed article about the Yandex mail service, because if there are descriptions on the Internet on how to register a mailbox on Yandex, then the articles contain rather old screenshots, and Yandex mail has even experienced big changes since 2015, even if only in design alone, not to mention the functionality of the mail.

And so, let's go...

Yandex Mail is a free service of the Yandex company, which is developing dynamically every year and has all the convenient functions to make it convenient for users of the Yandex mail service to exchange letters on the Internet.

A postal service appeared back in 2000, and today this postal, and most importantly free, service can be seen in the TOP of the best postal services on the Internet.

In terms of functionality, is absolutely not inferior to such email giants as gmail or I would also like to point out that Yandex has a number of its own developments, including the leading search engine in Russia with advanced voice recognition technologies.

Yandex is a leading IT company in Russia, which has its representative offices in other countries.

Registering a Yandex email box

Creating an email on the Yandex service is not difficult. Everything about creating a mailbox on Yandex is actually intuitive.

Let's go through the entire mailbox registration process step by step.

First of all, we go to the search engine by typing in the address bar of the browser. On the main page you can go directly to the main popular services of Yandex: Search, Yandex Images, Weather and a whole range of equally useful services for users.

To start the process of registering your email box, you need to look at the upper right corner on the main page There you will see a link - “Create mail”.

Choose the login option that is more convenient for you. If you often use any social network, then you can link your profile to your mail, and subsequently log into your mail account using your profile from social networks.

If you don’t immediately want to link your account from a social network, or in principle do not want to link Yandex mail, then you don’t have to do this. This feature is optional!

Let's just register an email by clicking on the "Create an email" link.

The mail account registration form is extremely simple and intuitive. Everything is done for those people who are not particularly confident Internet users, and so that even they can figure out how to register a mailbox on Yandex.

You need to enter your first name, last name, phone number in the required fields, and come up with a login in English (you can come up with any login. Using it and the password you created, you will log into your Yandex mail account).

If the login you created is already taken, the system will automatically offer alternative login options similar to the one you entered. The same login selection system is implemented in the service.

Yandex has implemented the function of linking a mobile phone to an account, and thus, the mobile phone number can be used as a login when using Yandex mail.

After you have chosen your login, come up with a password. The system will show in real time next to the field where you will enter the password how secure it is in terms of complexity.

There is also a hidden password feature that can be activated by clicking on the eye on the right side of the Password field.

In order to make the password reliable, I needed to enter 7 characters, and the characters required both Latin letters of different sizes and numbers.

If you want to make yourself a strong password, then combine numbers and letters in your created password.

Now everything can be said to be ready! Now click the “Create mail” button at the bottom of the completed form.

You will see the picture shown in the screenshot. If you link your mobile phone number to the created account, then when you complete registration you will have two logins to enter your Yandex mailbox.

If you suddenly forget your login, you can access your mail using your mobile phone.

As I wrote above, thanks to a linked phone number, you can quickly recover a forgotten email password in the shortest possible time, which is very convenient.

Working with Yandex mail and its settings

After you have created a mailbox on Yandex, you will find standard letters in the created mailbox on Yandex. Exactly the same approach is applicable in other, no less popular email services, such as:,

Essentially, these are demo letters after creating an email box, as well as a message that explains how to start using your mail account on Yandex.

If you change the mobile phone number linked to your account, the login in the form of the previous linked mobile phone will be automatically canceled. You can manage cell phone numbers using a link on the page in your Yandex mail account. Let's go in and take a look at everything in detail.

In your account, go to your account passport, which contains all the basic information that you filled out during registration. Let's start with the phone number. You can link several cell phone numbers to your account at once, but specify the main one.

It is also possible to completely disable the use of a number as a login if you find this option inconvenient.

Let's go to the "Personal Information" tab, which contains information that you can change if necessary by clicking on the link below. Let's take a closer look at what's on this page.

The time zone in your account is usually determined automatically. You can change your date of birth and gender if necessary.

As soon as you enter a new name, it will immediately appear everywhere on your account. Users will also see your name when they receive emails about you.

If you want to “strengthen” the security of your account, then you will need to come up with your own security question and answer, which will be requested when restoring access to your mailbox on Yandex.

In the "Access Management" section, you can quickly change your current password if necessary and set up two-factor authentication.

A similar system is used today by all popular email services, while guaranteeing reliable protection against hacking of your email account.

The two-factor authentication function in Yandex mail is implemented based on an application on Android or iOS. You can read detailed instructions on how to set up two-factor authentication in the Yandex help at:

On the passport page in your account, you can enter an additional email address for communication. It is also possible to upload your own avatar. If you need to sign out from all devices, then just click on the “Sign out on all devices” link on the passport page, and all desktop, mobile and tablet devices will be signed out of your mail account.

If for some reason you no longer need an email on Yandex in the future, you can easily delete it in just a couple of clicks.

Go to the next tab called "Payment details".

When you create your mailbox, you are also given a Yandex wallet number to which you can transfer money and pay for purchases or services provided on the Internet.

Yandex also has the opportunity to order an offline Yandex Money card, which you can use to pay as with a regular card, such as a Sberbank card or a Tinkoff card.

The last thing left to consider is “Social Profiles”. For the convenience of logging into your mail, as I wrote above, you can link your mail account to the social networks you use.

Setting up Yandex mail

Here we come to setting up the capabilities of your mail account, depending on your needs.

Step 1. Setting up labels. You can configure emails in such a way that you understand which emails have priority and which emails are less important. The number of tags is actually unlimited, and you can use as many as you like.

Step 2. Yandex mail has a convenient option called “mail collector”, which allows you to collect all mail from other popular mail services into your account.

This is an extremely necessary and very convenient function, which today is already present in all well-known email services on the Internet.

Step 3. The "Sender" function is also convenient because you can set up your name and personal signature, which will be inserted into each of your letters when sending it to the recipient.

Step 4. Setting up your account. Yandex mail has themes for your mail account. The design theme you choose will be applied to your Yandex mail account, creating a design background under the list of letters.

You just need to click on the picture you like, and the design theme will be almost immediately applied to your account.

To access design options, you will need to click on the icon in the upper left corner.

Step 5. Test the proposed mail settings for usability. If you want to make something more convenient and improve something, then you can use the link that leads to a page where a section on improving the Yandex mail service will be presented.

If you don’t have any such offers, then just click “Done” and you can further look and explore all the convenient and necessary features of Yandex mail.

Yandex mail capabilities after creating a mailbox

As soon as you register an email account, you will already have several letters in your mail, among which there will be a letter with a list of services that Yandex also provides for its users. These are services such as: Yandex.Money, Yandex.Market, Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Music and a number of other useful services.

Yandex.Disk. The cloud storage that Yandex launched just a few years ago has already become one of the largest cloud storages in the RuNet. At the start of the launch, Yandex Disk gave up to 10 GB of free disk space to host your files.

You could expand up to 20 GB of disk space on a free basis, and if you needed more space, you could make it in your Yandex.Disk account, but on a paid basis.

You can upload almost any multimedia files to Yandex.Disk. You can export data from all popular social networks, such as: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, Google, Mail.Ru.

Yandex.Disk also has a recycle bin, where documents placed in the recycle bin are stored for up to 30 days.

It also has its own built-in photo editor, which you may find convenient for your creative ideas in terms of photo processing.

Yandex money. You've probably already heard that the company has its own payment system, which works with almost all popular payment systems used by users in the Russian segment of the Internet.

Using your Yandex wallet, you can pay for housing and communal services, Internet, mobile phone, and fines. You will also be able to transfer money from one wallet to another, or make a transfer from a wallet to a bank card.

At the moment, Yandex is issuing an offline card that you can order, and then use the Yandex card to pay as with a regular card anywhere in the city.

Yandex Market. The service has been operating in the Yandex search engine for many years, and throughout its existence it has earned great approval and recognition from Internet users.

This Yandex Market service makes it possible to search for products of interest to the user in online stores. Thanks to the market, you can conveniently, easily, and most importantly quickly buy goods in online stores.

Yandex also took care of Internet users who spend most of their time online from mobile devices. For the mobile audience, Yandex has released applications for Android and iOS.

Yandex.Music. An interesting service that has gained popularity in a short time, which today is used by a huge number of users on the Internet.

To start listening to music online, you don't even have to go through the registration process.

Next, you will receive personalized recommendations every day, based on your musical preferences. Each genre has its own radio on the service. You can browse collections quite comfortably, as well as browse thematic selections based on your musical preferences.

Advanced mailbox settings on Yandex

To get full access to all the settings of your email box on Yandex, just click on the “gear” icon in the upper left corner.

You will see the following page:

We have already discussed the main parameters and let's now move on to those parameters that we have not yet touched upon above:

Mail processing rules. This item is very useful for more “finely” setting up the rules for addresses from which you want to receive letters, and from addresses from which you do not want to receive letters. That is, in fact, you can configure which letters will arrive and which will be filtered. This way you can quickly sort your incoming emails in a convenient way.

Mail processing rules can be created individually to suit your needs, for example, to filter those letters where certain words will appear in the sender's address or in the subject of the letter.

It is also possible to create folders in your account with your own names, where incoming letters will be sent (to set up such rules, you must use the “Rule Builder”)

Safety. This point is very important and should be taken with the utmost responsibility. To begin with, if you made a simple password during registration, then I strongly recommend that you come up with a complex password in order to minimize the possibility of hacking your mail on Yandex.

In the "Security" section you can also view the visit log, where you can view all recorded actions in Yandex mail.

Affairs. Yandex has such an interesting service, through which you can keep electronic records of the things you need to implement (Yandex has also developed its own mobile application).

This is roughly what the Yandex email account looks like.

Other options. This section provides access to all the important nuances in working with a Yandex email account that you cannot find in quick access.

Set the criteria you need:

  • Displaying the required number of letters on a page (the maximum number of letters to display is 200);
  • Visibility of letters;
  • Convenient display of attachments in the body of the letter;
  • Using the menu;
  • Possibilities for flexible editing of letters and their sending/forwarding;
  • Moving messages to the "sent" folder or to the "deleted" folder after they are sent to the recipient;
  • Sound notifications about incoming letters.

How to log out of Yandex mail

To log out of your email account, you need to click on the "Logout" button.

You should definitely use the “Logout” button when you log into your mail from someone else’s computer. You can also use the Sign Out on All Devices feature. This option is very convenient if you are logged into your account on a computer, tablet or mobile phone, and for some reason you need to log out of your mailbox on all devices. With one click of a button you can do this very easily!

More on this in the next section.

The Yandex mail service has an excellent opportunity to link a site’s domain name to an email account. At the same time, your email will look branded (example: [email protected]).

The most important and beneficial advantage of linking a domain to the Yandex mail service is that this opportunity in Yandex is absolutely free. In Google, creating a corporate email costs money, which is no longer as attractive as the offer from the Russian search engine Yandex.

To link your domain purchased from the registrar and link it to the Yandex mail service, you need to click on the “All services” link.

At the bottom of the list, in the “For Business” section, you will find the “Mail for Domain” item. Or just follow the link

On the page that appears, you will need to write the name of your domain and click on the “Connect. Domain” button.

If you do everything as written on Yandex to correctly configure the domain connection to Yandex mail, you will have the opportunity to start using corporate mail, and for free!

Let's go in order.

Corporate mail. The Yandex search engine makes it possible to create corporate email. You can create the number of mailboxes you need on Yandex, but it is more difficult to configure only the first corporate mailbox through All other email boxes for the same domain are created in a few clicks.

It’s also quite easy to access mailboxes, and you can change the password in a couple of clicks.

In a word, managing corporate email is very simple. You can add mail in a few clicks and also delete it in a couple of clicks, if necessary.

The interface also has the ability to add a company logo to the mail. Among the useful functions there is also such functionality as: “default address”, “mailbox aliases”, “domain aliases”.

Yandex mail is integrated with dr.web antivirus and thus reliably protects your mailbox from viruses and spam.

Several years ago, Yandex released its mail application for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems. Using from mobile devices is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

Mail for users. You can connect email hosting from Yandex to your domain. This mail hosting service from Yandex is a free service.

It is possible to display a form directly on your website that will register your site users with the Yandex mail service. An interesting bonus is that you can display a widget where you can see the number of letters received by mail.

In addition to everything written above and what opportunities the Yandex mail service can provide you with, you also have the opportunity to connect to DNS hosting. Delegate the domain to Yandex servers, and the search engine will ensure its full and uninterrupted operation.

Naturally, you will need to confirm your ownership of the domain. To do this, you will need to follow Yandex's instructions in terms of editing domain records.

Just like in the Google search engine, “chat for the domain” appeared in Yandex in the mail account.

It is important to know!

If you link mail to your domain, then in this case mail on the domain cannot access services such as: Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct, Yandex Advertising Network (YAN).

Services related to money are also not provided if you have linked mail to your domain. Such services include money transfers on the Yandex.Music service and payment for a subscription to this service.

How to delete mail on Yandex

To delete an email account, there is a corresponding link for this, which is located in the Personal Data of your Passport account.

Let's go to our Personal Data, where at the very bottom of the page you will see a link to delete your account.

Generally speaking, deleting mail on Yandex entails loss of access to all other, no less useful services on Yandex.

When deleting a mail account, all letters with attached files will be deleted, and moreover, folders and files on the Yandex.Disk service will be deleted.

If you have any questions about payments or money transfers in the Yandex.Money service, you will need to resolve them before you decide to completely delete your Yandex mail account.

To solve any problems you may have, you need to contact Yandex Support Service.

After deleting mail on Yandex, it will not be possible to restore the data. It will not be possible to roll back the account deletion action!

If you have nevertheless made a firm decision to delete mail on Yandex, then let's figure out how to do it.

You will be asked to enter the answer to the security question that you entered when registering your mailbox. Accordingly, in order to continue the process of deleting your account, you must correctly answer the security question by entering the correct answer and password for your mailbox.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about deleting an account on Yandex. After you click on the “Delete account” button, you will receive a message like this.

As you can see, in principle it is possible to take up a remote login again if necessary, but naturally there will no longer be any information there. That is, the mailbox will be new when you re-register.

The main thing is to understand the important point. If you have firmly decided to delete your Yandex mail account, then you will delete all letters with attached files permanently, and also delete all folders with files on Yandex.Disk, also without the possibility of recovery.

It is worth noting that registering mail on Yandex is very simple, and if necessary, it is also easy to delete it. This is very convenient, you must agree!

Additional Information

As I wrote above, you can register using your accounts on social networks.

In this version of registering an account, the process goes even faster, since Yandex takes basic data about you from your social network profile (full name, phone number, city of residence, etc.).

You can find and carefully read all the most important information on the Yandex blog pages. I recommend that you go to the address -

When you register a mail account on Yandex, you automatically gain access to all other Yandex services.

When you are logged in using your login, Yandex provides you with more accurate information. Therefore, I recommend spending a few minutes creating an email account, and when using any service on Yandex, be authorized under your email login.

For people whose work is related to the Internet, it would be a good idea to create their own profile on the “My Circle” service. If you are looking for a job, then through this service you can find a suitable job by posting your resume there.

Use the “Resume Assistant”, which will indicate what data is needed and in what categories to publish your resume.

Once you have completed your resume, you can easily save it in electronic format. If necessary, it can be downloaded and printed.

In addition to professional needs, it is possible to use the My Circle service for personal purposes. You can add friends and acquaintances to your “Circle”.

The first circle is provided for your friends, and just acquaintances, accordingly, first fall into the second circle, and from there they have a chance to get to you in the first circle with your consent and assistance.

The My Circle service is essentially a social network for people with professional interests. In “my circle” you have the opportunity to invite people to your circle either by email address or from popular social networks such as VKontakte, FaceBook, Odnoklassniki.

In your account, you will be able to get full access to all companies that interest you, and you will also have the opportunity to mark up your resume, which will help you find an interesting new job as quickly as possible.

As of 2018, Yandex has a fairly large number of services that are successfully developing not only in the Russian segment of the Internet.

Today, Yandex occupies the leading first place among IT companies.

We will use all the convenient services from the Yandex search engine, and follow the innovations of modern technologies and trends in the Internet world.

This concludes my review of Yandex mail registration. I hope you found the article informative and useful.

For dessert (be sure to watch with sound):

  • Additional settings for convenience and comfortable work
  • Creating rules (filters) - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection against spam
  • To enter your mail, go to the main page of the Yandex search engine. In the upper right corner there is an email login form. You must enter the login and password specified when registering your mailbox on Yandex. In the first line, enter the login (without, just login), in the second line, enter the password, and press the “Enter” key or the “Login” button.

    After that, we find ourselves in our mailbox in the “Inbox” folder.

    When you access mail from someone else’s computer or from a computer to which someone else has access, it is advisable to check the box in the “Someone else’s computer” column. If the checkbox is checked, then as soon as you close the browser, the session ends and you are automatically logged out of your mailbox. If you do not close the browser, but close the email page, then the exit will occur after 2 hours. If the checkbox is not checked, then you can log in to your email without entering a username and password - any user of this computer will be able to log in.

    If you don't remember your password, you can try to recover it. Click “Remember Password” under the “Login” button.

    In the first field, enter your login or e-mail, that is, it’s practically the same thing, you can add “”, or you don’t have to add it. After that, enter the captcha, if the code is not visible in the picture, then change the image by clicking on “show another picture.” To continue, click “Next”.

    If you have a confirmed mobile phone number in your email, a window will appear for you to enter your phone number. Enter the number of this mobile phone and click “Submit”.

    Messages arrive very quickly, enter the code from the SMS (I had a code - a six-digit number) in the next field and click “Next”.

    All that remains is to enter the new password twice (the same in both fields) and click the “Finish” button.

    If your mailbox is not linked to a phone number, then recovery will be through the security question specified

    Almost every user on the Internet has their own email. Some people use email from Google or Yahoo, while others use There are a huge number of options, and when you decide to take advantage of the benefits of email, the question arises: what service should I use? Well, why not resort to Yandex.Mail?

    The mail service from Yandex, created back in 2000, has become quite popular among users in many countries over the past few years. And this is not without reason: mail has a fast, simple and user-friendly interface, as well as a wide range of functions. Therefore, if you are looking for easy-to-use but functional mail, try Yandex mail.

    Creating an email in Yandex.Mail

    If you still have your eye on Yandex, then let's look at the process of creating an email account in this service. We assure you, everything is extremely simple. So, follow this link to Yandex.Mail. A nicely stylized page will appear in front of you, in the center of which there will be a couple of buttons: “Create an account” and “Login”.

    Considering that we are creating a mailbox with you, click on the “Create account” button. After clicking the button, you will be taken to another page of the service, where you will need to register. It will look like this:

    You need to enter your first name, last name, login and password in the appropriate fields. As for the login: the characters you enter in this field will act both as the login with which you enter the mail, and as the name of the mailbox being created. So don’t take your login choice lightly if you’re going to use a Yandex mailbox as your main email. The same can be said about the password.

    In the last field you need to enter your phone number. We strongly recommend that you leave your number, but if you do not want to or do not have access to a phone at the moment, you can click on the “I don’t have a phone” button. After clicking on this button, a small menu will appear in front of you, in which you need to select a security question, the answer for it and enter the characters from the captcha. Once everything is ready, click on the yellow “Register” button.

    After clicking on this button, you will be transferred to your mailbox and the first thing that will appear in front of you is a quick email setup window. It will gently ask you to link your other mailboxes to Yandex.Mail, indicate your mobile phone number (if you skipped this step during registration), and also select a design theme. You can take the opportunity to select your preferred settings or postpone them for later by clicking on the “Get Started” button.

    Reading email in Yandex.Mail

    As soon as you log into your email, you will understand that we were not exaggerating when we said that the site interface is quite simple and functional. So, when you log in to your mail, you will always be in the “Inbox” folder (on the left side of the interface). Here you can find all the letters sent to you, sorted into various categories (All categories, Communication, Shopping, Travel, Social networks), and view their contents by left-clicking on them.

    In addition to the Inbox folder, you also have access to folders such as Sent Items, Deleted Items, Spam, and Drafts. Perhaps, from their names it is clear what types of letters they contain. You can also create a folder under the name you want by using the “Create Folder” option, which can be found immediately below the above folders.

    Let's get back to the emails themselves. In addition to reading them, you can do many things with them: forward, delete, put in the Spam folder, mark as unread, mark, put in other available folders, and pin. I would like to note that you do not have to first click on the letter and then select the desired action: you can simply drag the letter in the direction of the action. You can also easily mark a letter as important by placing a bookmark on its left edge, and click on the circle next to the text of the letter itself to mark it as unread. Simple and most importantly - fast.

    Among other things, I would like to note some extremely remarkable functions of Yandex.Mail:

    • sending emails at a scheduled time;
    • the ability to translate incoming and outgoing letters;
    • a convenient timeline that makes it easier to find the letters you need;
    • notifications about incoming mail that are displayed in the browser tab;
    • checking emails for virus threats using Doctor Web;
    • the presence of hot keys for managing emails in the Inbox folder;
    • and much more.

    Main sections of Yandex mailbox settings

    And let's finally move on to your mailbox settings. We'll now briefly go through each section of the settings so you have an idea of ​​what you have access to.

    So, to open Settings, click on the gear icon in the top right corner and click on All Settings. In the future, you can simply click on one of the presented sections to quickly navigate ( The note: By the way, you can go from here to the “Design” section to change the appearance of the mailbox). As soon as you click on the specified item, you will see a complete list of available settings located in various sections.

    Let's start with the "Sender Information" section. In this section, you can set the information that will be visible to your interlocutors next to the “From” field. You can set a name, choose different combinations of the displayed email address, make your mobile phone number your address, set a personal portrait, and even add your signature.

    Let's move on to the next section of the settings called "Mail collection". Here you can link other mailboxes to send emails from them to your Yandex mailbox. After activating the collector, you can adjust some of its parameters, for example, copying an address from contacts, assigning a particular mail label to letters, etc.

    Let's move on. And then we have a section called “Folders and Tags”. In this section, you can perform various actions with your folders and create rules for them. You also have the opportunity to create tags and rules for them. Everything is elementary, and you definitely won’t get confused, since there is nothing to get confused about.

    “Rules for processing incoming mail” is the next settings section on our list. In this section you will have access to black and white lists, rules for sorting emails, notifications, autoresponder and even forwarding. Regarding white lists (many people know what a black list is, but not a white one): by adding an address to this list, its letters will not end up in the spam folder.

    And we move on to the last main section of settings called “Security”. In this section, you can change the password for your mailbox if you think it is not complex enough, create and activate passwords for applications, edit addresses previously associated with Yandex mail, view your visit log and add or change phone numbers.

    The note: Well, if you were suddenly not satisfied with the available functionality or changed your mind about using Yandex.Mail, then you can easily delete the created mailbox: go to “All settings” and click on the “delete” link located at the very bottom.


    Yandex Mail is an excellent solution for users who want to take advantage of the benefits of email. As you can see from the material you have read, creating a personal mailbox takes literally a couple of minutes, and its use and configuration will not require any effort or special knowledge from you.

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