System utilities. Windows system programs Built-in Disk Cleanup utility

Service software is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services when working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of the OS.

According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools are divided into shells, utilities and operating environments.

System utilities are utility programs that expand the capabilities of operating systems and operating shells in terms of connecting new peripheral devices, encoding information, and managing computer resources. Examples of utilities include programs such as archivers, RAM usage optimizers, data protection and recovery programs, etc. These also include anti-virus protection software that provides diagnostics and neutralization of viruses.

Maintenance systems are a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors during machine operation. These include:

· Tools for diagnostics and test monitoring of the correct operation of the computer and its individual parts, including tools for automatic troubleshooting with determination of their location.

· Special programs for diagnostics and control of the computing environment of the information system as a whole, including software and hardware control, which automatically checks the functionality of the data processing system before starting work.

Operating shells are add-on programs to the operating system that provide user access to operating system resources through a more convenient interface. It can also implement additional functions for computing system resource allocation and file management. An example of an operating shell is Norton Commander, created for the Windows OS family.

15 Application software as a tool for solving functional problems. Classification, design features and scope.

Cost dynamics have a steady upward trend, approximately 20% per year.

Information systems software is understood as a set of software and documentary tools for creating and operating data processing systems using computer technology.

Depending on the functions performed by the software, it can be divided into 2 groups: basic (system) software and application software.

Basic (system) software organizes the process of information processing in a computer and provides a normal working environment for application programs. Core software is so closely related to the hardware that it is sometimes considered part of the computer.

Application software is designed to solve specific user problems and organize the computing process of the information system as a whole.

Basic software. The basic (system) software includes:

* operating systems:

* service programs;

* programming language translators;

* maintenance programs.

Operating systems (OS) provide control of information processing and interaction between hardware and the user. One of the most important functions of the OS is the automation of information input/output processes and control of the execution of application tasks solved by the user. The OS loads the required program and computer memory and monitors the progress of its execution; Analyzes situations that interfere with normal calculations and gives instructions on what needs to be done if difficulties arise.

Based on the functions performed, the OS can be divided into three groups:

* single-tasking (single-user) - designed for one user to work at any given moment with one specific task;

* multitasking (multi-user) - provide collective use of computers in multi-program time sharing mode;

* network - associated with the emergence of local and global networks. They are designed to provide the user with access to all resources of the computer network.

Rice. 1. Basic (system) software

Single-tasking operating systems are designed for one user to work at each specific moment with one specific task. A typical representative of such operating systems is MS-DOS (developed by Microsoft). Multi-tasking operating systems provide collective use of a computer in a multi-program time-sharing mode (the computer's memory contains several programs - - tasks, - and the processor distributes computer resources between tasks). Typical representatives of this class of OS are: UNIX, OS 2 of IBM Corporation, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT and some others.

Network operating systems are associated with the emergence of local and global networks 11 designed to provide user access to all resources of a computer network. Typical representatives of network operating systems are: Novell NetWare, Microsoft Windows NT, Banyan Vines, IBM LAN, UNIX, Solaris from Sun. OS types and their functions are described in more detail in special sections of this textbook. Here we point out the main trends in OS development:

* reduction in prices for operating systems;

* transition of many OS functions implemented in the form of programs to implementation in the form of microprograms “hardwired” into the computer hardware;

* ensuring the operation of multiprocessor computers;

* ensuring compatibility of programs for different types (generations) of computers;

* ensuring the execution of parallel programs; * creating an operating system in which individual functions are implemented in the processors of different computers that form a distributed computer network.

Service software is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services when working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of operating systems.

Based on functionality, service tools can be divided into:

* improving the user interface;

* protecting data from destruction and unauthorized access;

* restoring data;

* accelerating data exchange between disk and RAM:

* archiving-unarchiving;

* antivirus agents.

According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by: shells, utilities and stand-alone programs. The difference between shells and utilities is often expressed only in the universality of the former and the specialization of the latter.

Shells are like settings on top of the operating system. All shells provide some degree of protection against user error, which reduces the likelihood of accidental destruction of slides. Among the available shells for the MS-DOS family, the most popular is the Norton Commander shell.

Utilities and stand-alone programs have a highly specialized purpose and each perform its own function. But utilities, unlike stand-alone programs, are executed in the environment of the corresponding shells. At the same time, they compete in their functions with OS programs and other utilities. Therefore, the classification of service tools based on their functions and methods of implementation is quite vague and very conditional. Utilities provide the user with additional services (which do not require the development of special programs), mainly servicing disks and the file system. These utilities most often allow you to perform the following functions:

* disk maintenance (formatting, ensuring the safety of information, the ability to restore it in case of failure, etc.);

* serving files and directories (similar to shells);

* creating and updating archives;

* providing information about computer resources, disk space, and the distribution of RAM between programs;

* printing text and other files in various modes and formats;

* protection against computer viruses. Anti-virus protection software provides diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term “virus” refers to a program that can multiply, infiltrate other programs, and perform various unwanted actions.

Among the utilities that have gained the greatest popularity is the multifunctional complex Norton Utilities.

Application software.

Application software (Fig. 2) is designed to develop and perform specific user tasks (applications). Application software runs under the control of underlying software, in particular operating systems. The application software includes:

* packages of application programs for various purposes;

* working programs of the user and the IS in general.

Rice. 2. Application software

Application software packages are a powerful tool for automating tasks solved by the user, almost completely freeing him from the need to know how the computer performs certain functions and procedures for processing information.

Currently, there is a wide range of PPPs, differing in their functionality and methods of implementation.

An application software package (APP) is a set of programs designed to solve problems of a certain class (functional subsystem, business application).

There are the following types of PPP: general purpose (universal); method-oriented; problem-oriented; global networks; organization (administration) of the computing process.

General purpose software are universal software products designed to automate the development and operation of user functional tasks and information systems in general.

This class of PPP includes:

* text editors (word processors) and graphic;

* spreadsheets;

* database management systems (DBMS);

* integrated packages;

* Case technologies;

* shells of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems.

General purpose software are universal software products designed to automate the development and operation of user functional tasks and information systems in general. This class of PPP includes:

* text editors (word processors) and graphic ones. An editor is a PPP intended for creating and editing texts, documents, graphic data and illustrations;

* spreadsheets. A spreadsheet is a spreadsheet designed for processing tables. Data in a table is stored in cells located at the intersection of columns and rows. Cells can store numbers, character data, and formulas. Formulas specify the dependence of the values ​​of some cells on the contents of other cells. Changing the contents of a cell causes the values ​​in the cells that depend on it to change.

* database management systems (DBMS). A database is a collection of specially organized data sets stored on disk. Database management includes data entry, data correction and data manipulation, i.e. adding, deleting, retrieving, updating, etc.;

* integrated packages. Integrated packages are called software packages that combine functionally different software components of general purpose software.

* case technologies. CASE technologies are used to create complex information systems, which usually require the collective implementation of a project in which various specialists participate: system analysts, designers and programmers. CASE technology is understood as a set of tools for automating the development of an information system, including a methodology for analyzing the subject area, designing, programming and operating the IS.

* shells of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems. The basis of expert systems is a knowledge base, which contains information about a given subject area. There are two main forms of knowledge representation in ES: facts and rules. Facts record quantitative and qualitative indicators of phenomena and processes. Rules describe relationships between facts, usually in the form of logical conditions linking causes and effects. To solve problems of this class, so-called expert systems are used. Expert systems are knowledge processing systems in a highly specialized field of preparing user decisions at the level of professional experts.

Method-oriented PPP. Method-oriented PPPs are distinguished by the fact that their algorithmic basis implements some economic and mathematical method for solving the problem. These include PPP:

* Mathematics of programming (linear, dynamic, statistical, etc.);

* network planning and management;

* queuing theory;

* mathematical statistics.

Problem-oriented PPP. This is the broadest class of application software packages. There is practically no subject area for which there is not at least one PPP. Problem-oriented software products are software products designed to solve a problem in a specific functional area.

PPP of global computer networks. The main purpose of global computer networks is to provide convenient, reliable user access to geographically distributed network resources, databases, message transmission, etc. To organize e-mail, teleconferences, electronic bulletin boards, and ensure the secrecy of transmitted information in various global computer networks, standard (in these networks) application software packages. As an example, we can cite the standard PPP of the global Internet:

* access and navigation tools - Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet, Explorer;

* email (Mail), for example, Eudora. In banking, standard PPPs have become widespread, ensuring the preparation and transmission of data in the international networks Swift, Sprint, Reuters.

PPP of organization (administration) of the computing process. To ensure the organization of administration of the computing process in local and global computer networks, more than 50% of the world's systems use software from Bay Networks (USA), which controls the administration of data, switches, concentrators, routers, and message schedules.

System programs run together with application programs and serve to manage computer resources - central processor, memory, input-output.

These are general-use programs that are intended for all computer users. System software is designed to enable a computer to run application programs efficiently.

Among tens of thousands of system programs, a special place is occupied by operating systems, which provide management of computer resources in order to use them efficiently.

Important classes of system programs are also auxiliary programs - utilities (lat. utilitas - benefit). They either expand and complement the corresponding capabilities of the operating system, or solve independent important tasks. Let us briefly describe some types of utilities:

monitoring, testing and diagnostic programs that are used to check the correct functioning of computer devices and to detect malfunctions during operation; indicate the cause and location of the malfunction;

driver programs that expand the capabilities of the operating system to manage input/output devices, RAM, etc.; Using drivers, you can connect new devices to your computer or use existing ones in a non-standard way;

packer programs (archivers), which allow you to record information on disks more densely, as well as combine copies of several files into one archive file;

anti-virus programs designed to prevent infection by computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of virus infection;

disk space optimization and quality control programs;

information recovery, formatting, data protection programs;

communication programs that organize the exchange of information between computers;

memory management programs that provide more flexible use of RAM;

programs for burning CD-ROM, CD-R and many others.

Some of the utilities are part of the operating system, while the other part functions independently of it, i.e. offline.

So, basic and application software in general is a toolkit for the development and operation of end-user work programs and the information system as a whole. In addition, in practice there are original problems that cannot be solved with existing application software products or using PPP. The results are produced in a form that does not satisfy the end user. In this case, using programming systems or algorithmic languages, original programs are developed that take into account the requirements and conditions for solving the problem.

In the next five years, a sharp increase in the complexity of software designed for information systems of various classes is expected. The consequence of this will be stricter requirements for the characteristics of computers, network equipment, communication channel bandwidth, as well as the determination of optimal load distribution in IS nodes, in which resources are assigned to the end user on the principle of “exactly as much as needed.” Therefore, for all divisions of companies it is necessary to select the most suitable server configuration and software composition and balance the load distribution between the central server, local servers and end-user workstations in each division of the enterprise. Ultimately, the adequate choice of hardware and software for the system depends on this, and for each specific IS this problem requires an individual approach. However, some general principles for balancing the system can be given.

Functional tasks solved at the enterprise level (business plan, finance, personnel management, accounting, etc.) will be performed mainly by means of the main information center and will actively use the central corporate database integrated at the upper levels of the system hierarchy. In this regard, the role of local servers and workstations will be reduced to a minimum here.

The tasks of automating business processes (functional subsystems) associated with specific areas of the enterprise’s activities (for example, automating the distribution of products, monitoring inventory and sales of goods, performing electronic transfer operations or managing a retail network) involves transferring most of the load to the local servers of the relevant divisions of the company.

An analysis of the effectiveness of centralized and decentralized system organization for various types of applications that make up a typical IS load shows that:

* personal applications (text editors, spreadsheets, etc.) are practically insensitive to the way the system is organized - a decentralized network model is not much cheaper than a centralized one;

* the effectiveness of decision support tools in centralized and decentralized options is approximately the same, with a slight advantage of the centralized option;

* for the operational processing of transactions, administration and organization of the IS computing process as a whole, the best solution is a centralized network in which both data and applications are concentrated on the server, and the role of workstations is limited to supporting the user interface, which makes it possible to approximately double the efficiency of the system compared to with a decentralized model.

System utilities designed to maintain computer hardware, especially storage drives, operating system and other applications.

Testing and diagnostic programs

Testing and diagnostic programs serve to check the performance of the computer and its individual components, as well as to identify existing or potential malfunctions. Such programs, for example, can check certain parameters of drives in order to identify defects and predict the time of failure. System information programs show complete information about the computer hardware and serve as an aid in the work of people servicing computer equipment.

Drive maintenance programs

There is a wide class of programs that are designed to disk drive and information maintenance, which is stored on them. Diagnostic programs allow you to identify and eliminate faults in the logical structure of information located on the drive. Defragmenter programs organize information located on disks so that it can be accessed at maximum speed. There are programs that restore information deleted from disks, and those that allow you to delete it without the possibility of recovery (for example, if this information contains confidential data).

A separate class can be distinguished file managers. These are programs for managing information on storage devices. They extend the operating system's functionality for managing files and directories or make such operations more user-friendly.

Programs for setting up the operating system and applications

Modern operating systems, like computer hardware, are a complex set of programs and modules that have many settings and parameters. And although the operating system contains tools for configuring its parameters, specialized programs cope with this task much better, providing the user with greater flexibility and information content when carrying out such actions. By adjusting parameters using such programs, you can achieve increased productivity under specific operating conditions, make working with the operating system more convenient, and add special effects that will decorate the user interface.

By using optimization programs The configuration parameters of the operating system are checked for correctness and compatibility, and identified faults are eliminated. There are such optimizers for certain application programs, allowing you to achieve maximum performance from them.

In the modern world, it is no longer possible to imagine a work or home environment without a computer. Thanks to this machine, or rather the programs embedded in it, important processes of interaction between man and technology are carried out. The user performs a series of actions that allow him to solve the task, for example, write text, draw a picture, create a table. Today absolutely everything is computerized. It is impossible to imagine working in an office, school, or any other institution without a PC. Communication with a computer, fortunately or unfortunately, has become a part of life.

System programs control the processor, input, output, and memory of a computer or laptop. They are intended for all users and are designed in such a way that the PC can perform them. Operating systems, which are also Windows programs, manage resources on a computer. Among the system ones there are also utilities. They are auxiliary, complement the capabilities of the computer OS and can independently solve certain tasks.

What is this?

Windows system programs perform various functions, maintain disks, and check the performance of the computer and its devices. For example, drivers perform many critical tasks assigned by the user. They are used to connect different devices. All system programs can be divided into three categories.

  • Applications edit texts, images, and process information.
  • Instrumental ones create new programs.
  • System ones perform a number of additional functions, for example, they create copies of ready-made information, provide help information, and check the performance of all PC devices.

The computer software is the control center. It consists of specific programs: operating systems, service and programming.

Where to download?

System programs for your computer are easy to download for free on the Internet. The danger is that system files on various sites may contain malicious, virus programs. Before downloading unknown files, make sure that they are reliable and will not harm your computer.


System programs include: utilities for tracking operations performed on files and access to the registry (RegMon, FileMon), programs for cleaning the registry (RegCleaner). Launching various programs is done using Resplendid Resolver. Data tracking about running processes is controlled by Process Explorer. During Windows system startup, editing and display is provided by Autoruns.

In addition, system programs create symbolic links, launch applications and perform a number of other actions. For example, Avira System Speedup, created for the Windows platform, searches for outdated, long-unused program files and deletes them. The peculiarity is that it increases the speed of the operating system.

The well-known antivirus program Avast Free Antivirus finds viruses on your computer’s hard drive, in downloads, and memory and blocks them. The databases are updated regularly via the Internet. Avast has a clear and simple interface. CCleaner system utilities for Windows clean garbage in the computer OS and delete temporary and unused files.

How to install?

Installing system programs requires the user to have certain skills and knowledge. You can entrust this to specialists or try to download and install the necessary complex yourself. As a rule, system drivers, an operating system (Windows), utilities, plugins, system resuscitators, and BIOS are installed. In order to install the popular Windows 7 program, decide where it will be executed from: from a disk or flash drive. After launch, the installation window will appear. Select what is suggested in the lines, click “Next” and “Install”. Agree to the license agreement, click Next. Select the "Full installation" type.

It's time to choose a hard drive. Its usual volume is 35 Gigabytes. Click "Create" - "Apply" - "Next". The installation of system files and the process of setting up the operating system will begin. After finishing, you can set a username and password, change the date, time and other parameters. If anyone is wondering how to reinstall a system program, remove it completely from the computer. Go to “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove Programs”, restart the computer and start a new operation.

operating system

What system programs exist? One of the most important is the operating system, which controls the computer and consists of a whole range of programs. She also plans to use PC resources efficiently and expands its hardware. The operating system independently distributes computer resources, manages, organizes work and ensures normal functioning of the computer in three modes: single-program, multi-program and multi-tasking.

The main purpose of the operating system is to ensure normal operation of the computer in any of the three modes. In addition, the system must dynamically allocate and manage resources in accordance with computing processes. Resources can be hardware or software. The first includes RAM, peripheral devices, microprocessor, and the second includes any software that helps manage data and processes. The operating system is an intermediary between the user and the computer. It analyzes requests and executes them.

Today, most computers run the Windows operating system. For example, Windows 2000 Professional belongs to the new generation and is used to conduct business on the Internet. Its advantages are ease of use, reliability, efficiency and safety.


These programs increase the capabilities of the operating system, ensure smooth operation of the PC, automate development and include a programming language, libraries and translators. Service programs are also called utilities. They are involved in computer maintenance. Service technicians check hardware and software and provide the collected data to the user. There are multifunctional and separate sets of utilities for Windows. Service programs include drivers, archivers and antiviruses.

Drivers are an addition to the operating system. They serve peripheral devices. Loaded into PC memory and installed by controllers. One example is the keyboard driver.

Antiviruses protect computer data from viruses. They destroy the consequences of infections and prevent danger.

Archivers create copies of files, reduce them in size, combine them and place them in a separate package. In this case, special data compression methods are used. One of the most popular archivers is WinRar.


System programs include a set of utilities. Translated from Latin, utillitas means “benefit.” They really bring great benefits to the computer. These are utility programs that provide additional services to the user. For example, using the disk defragmentation utility, its operation is optimized, which has a positive effect on speed. The verification program scans the correctness of the information on the disk, which is contained in the tables, and also searches for failures. The compaction utility creates and maintains compressed disks. The optimization program changes the location of files so that you can get to them faster.

Windows 10

System programs for Windows 10 must be suitable for a specific operating system. The new OS has an updated interface, including the Start menu. You can customize it yourself, change its size, manage it, remove unnecessary elements, add necessary ones. Windows 10 has a new Action Center that appears on the right side of the desktop. In the center you can find complete information about the operation of the OS, as well as learn about any problems that have arisen.

The virtual voice assistant, or Cortana assistant, will help plan important events, book hotel rooms, and even maintain a conversation with the user. In addition, Windows 10 has a new browser that will compete with many. The main features of Microsoft Edge are high speed of operation, data processing, convenient and beautiful interface. The new version supports hybrid PCs, it is possible to create multiple virtual desktops. The email client has also changed for the better. Now the user can format correspondence texts, use new tools, images and markers.


System software allows your computer to perform a range of tasks and run smoothly. Personal computers are devices that process data. They do not have any knowledge, but perform actions written in a programming language they understand. It is utilities that perform all tasks on the computer. Each user creates a workspace independently by downloading certain programs. For example, an accountant will have computer programs on his computer, and a designer will have photo editors. The variety and number of them on the PC determines what tasks it will perform. If you want to use your device effectively, you need to know what programs there are and how to work with them.


System programs solve the problem of communication between the user and the computer, increase the efficiency of the PC, and ensure comfortable work. The operating system includes additional functions: managing computer resources, providing a set of commands for user convenience, and providing a clear interface. They share resources between the user, the organization, and processes. In addition, the programs perform a protective function, guarantee the security of rights, backup devices and data, and monitor the stability of the OS.


You can judge performance by how the new Windows system programs work. It is rated on a scale from 1.0 to 7.9 points. The evaluation is performed by the operating system, which produces the final data in the form of a table. The performance index is determined by the lowest indicator of the component being tested.

You can use the information you obtain to improve your computer's performance. If you want to view the performance index on Windows 7, right-click the Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties.


Removing system programs is necessary if they are infected with viruses, are not used, or are filling up disk space. If you need to remove the Windows operating system because you are installing two operating systems at the same time or reinstall it again, first decide which one you will keep. For example, you have different versions installed - 7 and 8.

  • During the uninstallation process, all programs on the computer must be closed.
  • Go to the desktop, press the Win + R key combination, enter msconfig in an empty line and confirm the command “Ok”.
  • In the window that appears, go to the “Boot” tab, select the operating system you are leaving, click “Set as default”.
  • Next, select the system you are going to get rid of and click “Delete”.
  • A small window will appear, select Reboot.
  • After the computer reboots, the abandoned system will begin its work.
  • Next, you will need to format old files on hard drive “C” in the partition where the second operating system was located. This is a radical method that will delete all information stored there, including system programs for the computer. Be careful!

Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 are replete with useful built-in system utilities that go unnoticed by many users. As a result, for some purposes that can be easily solved without installing anything on a computer or laptop, third-party utilities are downloaded.

There are many third-party programs that allow you to find out the characteristics of your computer, installed versions of system components, and obtain other information (see).

However, you should not resort to them for all purposes of obtaining information: the built-in Windows System Information utility allows you to view all the basic characteristics of your computer or laptop.

To launch “System Information,” press the Win+R keys on your keyboard, enter msinfo32 and press Enter.

Troubleshooting Windows

When working with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, users often encounter some common problems related to network operation, installation of updates and applications, devices, and others. And in search of a solution to a problem, they usually end up on a site like this.

At the same time, Windows has built-in troubleshooters for the most common problems and errors, which in “basic” cases turn out to be quite workable and you should try only them first. In Windows 7 and 8, troubleshooting is available in the Control Panel, in Windows 10 - in the Control Panel and a special section of Settings. More details about this: (the section of the instructions about the control panel is also suitable for previous versions of the OS).

You can launch the Computer Management tool by pressing the Win+R keys on your keyboard and typing compmgmt.msc or find the corresponding item in the Start menu under Windows Administrative Tools.

Computer management contains a whole set of Windows system utilities (which can be launched separately), listed below.

Job Scheduler

The task scheduler is designed to run certain actions on a computer according to a schedule: using it, for example, you can set up an automatic connection to the Internet or distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, set up maintenance tasks (for example, cleaning) during idle time, and much more.

You can also start the Task Scheduler from the Run dialog box - taskschd.msc. Read more about using the tool in the instructions: .

Event Viewer

Windows Event Viewer allows you to view and find, if necessary, certain events (for example, errors). For example, find out what is preventing the computer from turning off or why a Windows update is not installed. You can also launch Event Viewer by pressing the Win+R keys, command eventvwr.msc.

Resource Monitor

The Resource Monitor utility is designed to evaluate the use of computer resources by running processes, and in more detail than the task manager.

To launch Resource Monitor, you can select Performance in Computer Management, then click Open Resource Monitor. The second way to start is to press the Win+R keys, enter perfmon /res and press Enter.

Instructions for beginners on this topic: .

Disk Management

When faced with the need to split a disk into multiple partitions, change the drive letter, or, say, “remove drive D,” many users download third-party software. Sometimes this is justified, but very often the same thing can be done using the built-in Disk Management utility, which can be launched by pressing the Win + R keys on the keyboard and entering diskmgmt.msc in the “Run” window, as well as by right-clicking on the Start button in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

You can get acquainted with the tool in the instructions: , .

System Stability Monitor

The Windows System Stability Monitor, like the Resource Monitor, is an integral part of the “performance monitor”, but even those who are familiar with the Resource Monitor are often unaware of the presence of the System Stability Monitor, which allows you to easily evaluate the performance of the system and identify major errors.

To launch the stability monitor, use the command perfmon /rel in the Run window. Details in the manual: .

Built-in disk cleanup utility

Another utility that not all novice users know about is Disk Cleanup, with which you can safely remove many unnecessary files from your computer. To launch the utility, press the Win+R keys and enter cleanmgr.


System shells.

System programs. Operating shells. Drivers. Utilities.

Programs have been developed to make the user's work with the OS more clear. sys dark shells. For example - FAR, Norton Commander, Windows - Commander, Volkov - Commander. The principle of working with shells is the same. Their capabilities:

Visually display the contents of any two directories at the same time (since there are two viewing panels);

Using the menu system and function keys, manage the file structure;

Display a directory tree on a disk;

View text, graphic and archive files, databases and spreadsheet files, etc.;

Edit text files;

Execute any DOS commands

and much more.

To fully work with the shell, you need to learn how to work with the control menu. By pressing F9 the user can use the items LEFT, FILE, DISK, COMMANDS, RIGHT to select the currently required command.

An important class of system programs are drivers. They expand the capabilities of the OS, for example, allowing it to work with one or another external device, teaching it a new data exchange protocol, etc. Thus, the versions of DOS, Windows and OS/2 that initially came to our country were English and did not support entering Russian letters from the keyboard. Therefore, various programmers have created drivers to provide these facilities.

Most operating systems contain quite a few drivers in their delivery package, and the OS installation program installs (uses) those drivers that are needed to support devices and OS functions specified by the user. Drivers for various operating systems are often supplied with new devices or controllers.

System programs can also include a large number of so-called utilities, i.e. auxiliary programs. The most commonly used types of utilities are:

reservation programs- allow you to quickly copy the information you need located on your computer’s hard drive to floppy disks, removable drives or tape drives;

antivirus programs- designed to prevent infection by a computer virus and eliminate the consequences of infection;

packer programs(archivers) allow, through the use of special methods of “packaging” information, to compress information on disks, i.e. create smaller copies of files, as well as combine copies of several files into one archive file;

Russification programs adapt other programs (usually OS) to work with Russian letters (texts, users, etc.);

computer diagnostic programs allow you to check the computer configuration and the functionality of its devices;

cache programs for disk, they speed up access to information on disks by organizing a cache buffer in RAM containing the most frequently used areas of the disk;

disk optimization programs allow for faster access to information on the disk by optimizing the placement of data on the disk;

dynamic compression programs disks are created by pseudo disks, the information of which is stored in compressed form in the form of files on regular (real) computer disks, which allows you to store more data on disks;

access restriction programs allow you to protect data stored on your computer from unwanted or unqualified users, etc.

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