BIT: Commercial service management. Licensing policy The program solves problems

We talk about how the 1C licensing server can help companies and how to set it up, and provide step-by-step installation instructions.

Today we will talk about how the 1C licensing server can help companies and how to set it up.

Small companies can easily do without it, but if a company grows quickly and actively uses 1C in its activities, it turns out that there are more and more diverse 1C users, and it becomes more and more difficult to provide them with access to licenses.

In such cases, when the number of workstations already amounts to tens or hundreds, at a certain stage we recommend selecting a separate server for licensing tasks. The server can be either physical or virtual.

Advantages of setting up a license server in 1C:

  • All licenses are stored centrally, so it will be much easier to manage them. They will also be distributed centrally, so there will be no situation where one key runs out of licenses, and the other, on the contrary, has unused ones. In addition, this way you can save on purchasing licenses - buy, say, not 3 separate keys for 100, but one for 300.
  • The hardware requirements for the 1C license server are very low– everything can be configured on a virtual server with a 2-core processor and 2-4 GB of RAM, these server resources are quite enough to ensure operation
  • For such a license server no need to license 1C:Enterprise 8.3 server, no need to buy additional licenses
  • Setting up a 1C 8.3 licensing server gives the ability to distribute the same licenses to different 1C clusters, even with different versions of the platform.
  • It can distribute server and multi-user client licenses for all application servers used.
  • If you need to change the configuration of 1C application servers, then if you have not changed the configuration of the licensing server, no need to reactivate licenses.
  • As for precautionary measures to restore system functionality in the event of various types of failures, here too the licensing server has an advantage - you can make a backup copy of it every time licenses have been activated. It will be easy to transfer such a backup and restore the server on other equipment.

1C licensing server: setup

Let's assume that you are going to configure the distribution of licenses from a common licensing server for two 1C clusters, each of which consists of one working server on which all services run.

The sequence of installation steps should be something like this:

  1. To install a 1C licensing server, first install the 1C:Enterprise server components on the server intended for this purpose. We recommend that you disable the option “Install the 1C:Enterprise 8 server as a Windows service” so that in the future you do not have to stop services when installing or uninstalling versions of the platform
  2. Deploy 1C services on it, grant all rights to them to the user under whom administration will be performed. Assign unused ports to services, add them to the allowed firewall ports
  3. Start the services and check that they are running.
  4. Delete the local 1C clusters that were created during installation.
  5. Verify that the WMI service is running on this server.
  6. Now on the machine where the 1C application server is deployed, add a new “Working server” in the 1C administration console. In its description, indicate that this is a licensing server, and in the computer name, enter the name or address of the 1C licensing server, indicate the IP port ranges. Check that the “Cluster Master Manager Port” is specified correctly.
  7. Open the “Functionality Assignment Requirements” for this server. Create two functionality: the first with the parameters “Any requirement object” - “Do not assign” - an empty database name (in fact, prohibits all functionality), and the second “Licensing Service” - “Assign” - an empty database name. Apply these rules to the entire cluster.
  8. Install 1C server licenses and activate them. You will need to activate multi-user and server licenses on the license server according to the number of clusters (i.e. in our example it is two). Please note that when activating from another computer, you must still specify the name of the license server you have designated, otherwise the license cannot be used for the cluster.
  9. Apply all functionality assignment rules configured in step 7.

After rebooting the services on all servers in the cluster, the system will work.

Based on experience, we can recommend organizing for each cluster its own 1C service on its own range of ports - in this case, it will be possible to reboot all services and licenses separately for any of the clusters, without affecting the operation of other clusters:

  • This will increase the reliability and reliability of the system
  • Will make it possible to use different versions of the 1C platform for different clusters

We have given here a general description of the process, without taking into account various nuances specific to each company, and there can be quite a lot of them.

If you have any questions about deploying a 1C licensing server, purchasing or replacing software licenses, developing and implementing non-standard modules and add-ons to 1C configurations, switching to 1C in the cloud, or if something just freezes, stops working correctly or completely, you can always contact us for advice and technical support.

Remote technical support or visit of a 1C specialist in St. Petersburg – daily, around the clock

Main software product:

Select the main product 1C: Accounting 8 PROF 1C: Accounting 8 PROF (USB) 1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Delivery for retail distribution (USB) 1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Supply for retail distribution. 1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Delivery for retail distribution (USB) 1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Supply for retail distribution. 1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Electronic delivery 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users (USB) 1C: Contractors 8 for 5 users 1C: Contractors 8 PROF 1C: Document Flow 8 PROF 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 (USB) 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 (USB) 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 for 10 users + client-server 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 for 10 users + client-server (USB) 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 for 10 users + client-server. Edition 2 1C:Comprehensive Automation 8. Edition 2 1C:Enterprise 8. Set of application solutions for 5 users 1C:Enterprise 8. Set of application solutions for 5 users (USB) 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management ( USB) 1C: Retail 8 PROF 1C: Retail 8 PROF (USB) 1C: Management of our company 8 for 5 users 1C: Management of our company 8 for 5 users. Electronic delivery 1C: Managing our company 8 PROF 1C: Managing our company 8 PROF. Electronic delivery 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version. Electronic delivery of 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8. Basic version (self-accounting chart of accounts) 1C: Accounting of a government institution 8. Basic version of 1C: Contractors 8. Basic version of 1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8. Basic version of 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 . Basic version. 1C: Entrepreneur reporting 8 1C: Entrepreneur 2015 1C: Retail 8. Basic version 1C: Managing our company 8. Basic version 1C: Managing our company 8. Basic version. Electronic delivery 1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version 1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version. Edition 11 1C: Simplified 8 License for 1C: Entrepreneur 2015 for 12 months License for 1C: Entrepreneur 2015 for 6 months 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 KORP (self-supporting chart of accounts) 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 KORP (self-supporting chart of accounts) (USB ) 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 PROF (self-supporting chart of accounts) 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 PROF (self-supporting chart of accounts) (USB) 1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8 1C: Accounting of a state institution 8 PROF 1C: Accounting of a state institution 8 PROF (USB ) 1C: Municipal budget 8 1C: Budget reporting 8 1C: Budget reporting 8 (USB) 1C: Clothing allowance 8 1C: Document flow of a government institution 8 1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8 1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8 (USB) 1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8 1C: Set of reports 8 PROF 1C: Set of reports 8 PROF (USB) 1C: ERP Enterprise management 2. Corporate delivery 1C: Accounting 8 CORP 1C: Accounting 8 CORP (USB) 1C: Document management 8 CORP 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF (USB) 1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. ERP Enterprise Management 2 + Document Flow CORP. Server (x86-64). 50 client licenses 1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management (USB) 1C:Enterprise 8. Industrial Enterprise Management for 10 users + client-server 1C:Enterprise 8 Management of a production enterprise for 10 users + client-server (USB) 1C: Holding Management 8 1C: Holding Management 8. Corporate delivery

The company "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT) announced in July 2011 the release of a new product "BIT: Commercial Service Management", created on the basis of "1C: Trade Management" ed. 11. The solution helps optimize relationships with customers and increase the efficiency of the sales department.

Purchasing one program will provide access to work in it for an unlimited number of users. The solution helps to create a unified information space for CRM and the accounting module; it is possible to work through terminal access. The product implements tools for monitoring operational activities: managers’ KPIs, sales and funnel activity plans, execution of orders, it is possible to evaluate the competencies of salespeople and link competencies with personal results. The software allows you to quickly master it thanks to a convenient and understandable interface for all users.

The program solves the following problems:

  • Maintaining a database of clients, partners and contact persons;
  • Contact management (meetings, calls, letters);
  • Segmentation of clients and products (ABC and XYZ classification, segmentation by arbitrary indicators, construction of a BCG matrix);
  • Sales management (analysis, sales planning and control over the execution of plans, conducting transactions, calculating the sales funnel, pricing and managing discounts, working with complaints);
  • Marketing management (maintaining and analyzing advertising campaigns, working with customer potential, it is possible to create a connection with the site, building and monitoring a product-customer matrix, automating email campaigns, maintaining a competitor database, registering and analyzing competitors’ prices);
  • Personnel management (working with orders, assessing the competencies of sales personnel, analyzing the connections between competencies and personal work results, KPI management, analyzing employee workload and activity);
  • Reminders, alerts, data search (setting cyclical (repeating) reminders, desktop with a list of current affairs, KPIs, transactions and clients);
  • Integration with external systems (working with the Infinity call center, working with Asterisk-based PBX, data exchange with 1C: Accounting 8).

Compatibility: 1C: Trade Management (rev. 11) - completely on managed forms

For other solutions (for example, UNF) is not released and is not planned

  • Electronic protection based on BIT is used: License Server 1.6
  • All business logic is open (nothing is “hardwired” into the key, etc.)


  • Unified information space of CRM and accounting module;
  • Ability to work through terminal access;
  • Ergonomic and user-friendly interface;
  • Flexibly customizable sales processes;
  • Tools for monitoring operational activities: managers’ KPIs, sales and funnel activity plans, execution of orders;
  • Assessments of salesperson competencies and the connection of competencies with personal results;
  • Direct connection of contacts, offers with orders and logistics module.

The program solves problems 1. Maintaining a database of clients, partners and contact persons o Separation of the concepts Partner and Legal. person o Storing and retrieving information about potential and current clients o Storing and searching by contact information o Assigning clients to managers o Adding any fields to a client card o Automatically compiling a client dossier

2. Managing contacts (meetings, calls, letters) o Registering interactions with clients o Scheduling meetings, calls and other contacts o Working with a calendar and to-do list “for today” o Sending and receiving emails

3. Segmentation of clients and products o ABC and XYZ classification o Segmentation by arbitrary indicators o Construction of a BCG matrix

4. Sales management o Sales planning and control over the execution of plans o Conducting transactions o Sales funnel o Setting and monitoring the execution of funnel plans o Pricing and discount management o Working with commercial offers o Sales analysis o Working with complaints

5. Marketing management o Conducting and analyzing advertising campaigns o Working with customer potentials o Web2crm functions o Construction and control of the product-client matrix o Automation of email campaigns. mail o Maintaining a database of competitors o Registration and analysis of competitors’ prices

6. Personnel management o Working with orders o Assessing the competencies of sales personnel o Analysis of connections between competencies and personal work results o KPI management o Analysis of employee workload and activity

7. Reminders, alerts, data search o Setting cyclical (repeating) reminders o Desktop with a list of current affairs, KPIs, transactions and clients

8. Integration with external systems o Working with the Infiniti call center o Working with PBX based on Asterisk o Data exchange with 1C: Accounting 8

Maintenance: Free support of the program is provided in the presence of an ITS agreement.

It is well known that a license is required to work in 1C. 1C supplies various protection keys: local and network. A local key can be used only on one computer, having the appearance of a familiar flash drive.

Network keys can provide licenses for multiple users depending on their series. At large enterprises, keys for 300 and 500 connections are most often used, but if necessary, you can purchase fewer. Please note that one computer cannot have more than one key of the same series.

In this article, we will look step by step at how to configure the 1C 8.3 license manager so that the network protection key is on one computer. Users from other computers will receive licenses from him. Simply put, there is one key, but there are many user sessions.

Setting up a HASP license manager

Let's start by installing a license manager on the computer that will distribute licenses. In what follows we will call this computer a license server. All required software is included in the 1C:Enterprise package.

You can download Alladin HASP License Manager for Windows x64 and x32 from the link.

For the manager to work properly, you need to make some preliminary settings. The file where you will produce them is called nhsrv.ini. Most often it can be found at "C:\Program Files\Aladdin\HASP LM" if the license manager is installed as an application. Otherwise (installed as a service) it will be in the operating system's system directory.

Open the file you found in any text editor, for example, Notepad and add the line there:

NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.*.*

Instead of asterisks, you can enter any number from 0 to 254. Also, if you leave the “*” signs, this will mean that the licenses will be “seen” by all computers on the network whose address begins with 192.168.

For example, if you have the NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.1.* add-on specified in the nhsrv.ini file, then licenses will only be available to computers with an IP in the range from to

Settings on client PCs

After you have made all the necessary settings on the 1C license server, you need to configure the client computers themselves.

When running 1C on a user's PC, the program makes a request for a license to the address specified in the nethasp.ini file. You can find it in the “conf” folder of the directory where the 1C platform is installed. In our case, the address is as follows: “d:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\conf\”.

Without any additional settings, the 1C program will search for licenses throughout the local network. To speed up this process, we can independently specify the IP address of the license server in this file by adding the text highlighted in the figure below.

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