About configuration as a development tool. PropertyManager Configuration Properties Rejecting Configuration Changes

We will consider the basics of developing application configurations using the example of automating the activities of the Marina beauty salon. The salon employs a director, administrator, foremen and other employees. The main task of the craftsmen is to provide services to clients. The salon purchases materials from suppliers. Materials are consumed during the provision of services, and they can also be sold to clients - individuals or organizations.

We automate the salon's activities. In particular, it is necessary to automate the accounting of materials, accounting of the activities of craftsmen, and accounting of clients with the ability to assign special conditions of service for regular customers. It is necessary to automate payroll calculations for employees, create reports that will allow management to analyze the efficiency of the salon. In the course of solving the problem, we will encounter many other practical situations that require automation.

We will not strive to create a solution that can be used in practice. Our main task is to consider working with system objects, using a selected subject area to demonstrate the capabilities and features of the system. Although, on the other hand, our final configuration, after modification, can be used in practice.

Let's continue our acquaintance with the Configurator. Namely, let's start studying operations with objects.

1.3. Creating objects

The first operation with objects that we will master in the Configurator will be the creation of objects. There are several ways to create an object of the desired type. For example, by calling the context menu of a group of objects and selecting the item Add(Fig. 1.9).

Rice. 1.9.

Pay attention to the icon that accompanies the menu item. The button has the same icon Add on the window toolbar configuration tree. The same command is duplicated in the menu Actions.

Please note that the same action in the Configurator can be performed in different ways.

We will not execute the described command for now. In the next lecture we will practice creating objects and other operations with them.

Above we used the concept of “object”, however, we did not explain it. If you are familiar with object-oriented programming methodology, the concept of "object" should be familiar to you. If not, let's look at a simple example that will help you understand the essence of objects. Imagine the configuration is a laptop. A laptop consists of separate parts connected together and interacting with each other. This is a monitor, keyboard, motherboard, central processor, RAM - the list can be continued for a very long time. Everything that our laptop consists of, its parts, are objects. Each object has a specific functionality. It can communicate in some way with other objects, it has controls, it can communicate to other objects about its state. In a broader sense, a laptop is also an object. It can be controlled using the keyboard. It can display messages using a monitor. They make up the interface through which the user interacts with the laptop.

So, the object is a "detail" of the configuration. There are objects of various types - a list of them can be seen in the window configuration tree.

Now let's look at some other equally important actions that are performed in the Configurator.

1.4. Archived copy of the information base

One of the most important service operations that you will constantly have to perform is creating an archive copy information base.

Archival copies of working databases should be made quite regularly in order to protect yourself from information loss. If you are going to perform any operation that may affect the normal operation of the configuration, for example - updating the configuration - before performing it, you must make a backup copy information base.

Please note that the archiving operation information base is universal, like many other operations in the Configurator. That is, using the described commands you can make an archive copy of any configuration running on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Make an archival copy information base possible in several ways.

The first one is to simply copy or archive the directory from information base.

The second way is to use the archiving tools built into the Configurator. Namely, if you execute the menu command Administration > Download infobase, a window will appear containing a standard request for specifying the name of the saved file. In our case, this is a file with the extension .DT. It contains an archived copy information base. In case of damage or loss information base you can restore it from an archive file with the command Administration > Load infobase.

Remember that information base contains not only the configuration, but also a database that is formed when the user works with the system, that is, the data that he enters into the system in 1C:Enterprise mode.

When loading information base from the file you get the state it had at the time of unloading. Changes made after this are lost. Let's assume we uploaded information base and after that we created a new system object and entered some data in user mode. If after these steps you load the previously unloaded information base, it turns out that the changes made are lost.

1.5. Basic and Database Configuration

Information base stores two configurations. One of them is called main configuration or just the configuration. This is what we edit while working with the configurator and this is what we open with the command Configuration > Open Configuration. The second configuration is called database configuration. It is used during user work. Edit basic configuration possible while users are working with information base. To transfer changes to database configuration, you need users to finish working with the program. To open database configuration, run the command Configuration > Database Configuration > Open DB Configuration. Commands for changing objects in a window database configuration blocked.

If, having opened the configuration, we make changes to it, for example, create a new object, in the window title configuration tree you will be able to see the icon: “*” (a sign of a modified configuration) (Fig. 1.10).

Rice. 1.10.

The "*" icon means that the changes made are not saved in main configuration. That is, it signals that the changes we made at the configuration stage may be lost if, for example, there is a sudden power outage.

After saving, the modified configuration icon disappears, but the configuration difference icon appears "" (Fig. 1.11).

Rice. 1.11.

The configuration insignia indicates that changes made to basic configuration, have not yet been included in database configuration.

To transfer changes from main configuration V database configuration, you need to run the command Configuration > Update Database Configuration. If changes made to basic configuration were not saved before executing this command - system, before updating database configuration, will prompt you to save your changes first.

When updating database configuration the system displays a window with a list of changes that will be made to database configuration(Fig. 1.12).

Rice. 1.12.

If you agree with the list of changes, click on the button Accept, otherwise - to the button Cancel.

Signs of differences in configurations and modifications can be displayed in the window title configuration tree simultaneously. If you made changes to the configuration, save basic configuration without updating database configuration, and then continued to make changes - both icons will appear in the window title bar.

If you have made changes to basic configuration, saved them but haven't updated them yet database configuration, you can return to database configuration, reversing the changes made in main configuration. That is, in fact, replace basic configuration database configuration. To do this you need to run the command Configuration > Database Configuration > Return to DB Configuration.

The configuration can be saved to a file and loaded from a file. To save main configuration run the command into the file Configuration > Save configuration to file. To load the configuration from a file, run the command Configuration > Load configuration from file. The downloaded configuration is stored in a file with the .CF extension.

You can set configuration properties such as name and description, as well as specification parameters and other advanced options.

Specify configuration properties when manually creating new configurations. In this case, the PropertyManager name is Add configuration.

You can also edit the properties of existing configurations. In this case, the PropertyManager name is Configuration options.

To specify configuration properties, do one of the following:

Configuration options

Configuration name Enter a name for the configuration. You cannot use a slash (/) or @ sign in the name. If the field contains one of the above characters, the field is empty, or the name already exists, a warning message appears when you close the dialog box. You can configure the FeatureManager design tree to display component configuration names.
Description (Optional) Enter a description of the configuration. You can display descriptions of component configurations in the FeatureManager design tree and in the ConfigurationManager. If you want to use text as a description in the specification, select the option Use in specification. This text supersedes any specific configuration or user property in importance, but it does not override the value of those properties.
Note (Optional) Enter additional information to describe this configuration.
User Settings (Available only when editing the properties of an existing configuration). Click to access the properties of a specific configuration in the dialog box Summary information.

Specification parameters

Part number displayed when used in a BOM Used to determine how the assembly or part is displayed in the BOM. Select one of the following options: Document Name The part designator is identical to the document name. Configuration name The part designation matches the configuration name. Link to Parent Configuration (For derived configurations only.) The designation is the same as the name of the parent configuration. User Configured Name The designation is the entered name.
Displaying children when used as a subassembly (For assemblies only.) When this assembly configuration is used as a subassembly in another assembly, these settings are used in conjunction with the settings Specification type in the BOM PropertyManager to control how child components appear in the top-level assembly BOM. For more information about settings Specification type see Specification PropertyManager. Select one of the following options: Display Displays the child components in the BOM as specified in the option Specification type in the Specification PropertyManager. (Child components do not appear in the BOM Top level only.) Hide Hides child components in the specification, even if the parameter Specification type would display them. The subassembly appears as a separate item in the BOM. For example, a Parts Only BOM typically lists child components as separate objects. If the Hide option is selected, the subassembly is displayed instead. Promote Splits a subassembly into a BOM and displays its child components, even if the Specification type would display them. For example, specification Top level only typically contains a list of the subassembly rather than its children. If the Promote option is selected, the child components are listed, but not the subassembly. Examples - Child Component Display Properties

Additional options

The following properties control the process of adding new elements to another configuration and then activate again given configuration The available options depend on the document type.

Suppress elements (Details only). When this option is selected, new items that are added to other configurations are hidden in given configurations Otherwise, new elements will be included (not suppressed) in this configuration.
Suppress new elements and mates (For assemblies only). When this option is selected, new mates and elements that are added to other configurations are redeemed in given configurations. Otherwise, new mates and elements will be enabled (not suppressed) in this configuration. New features in assemblies include assembly cuts and holes, component patterns, reference geometry, and sketches that match assembly(and not to one of the assembly components).
Hide new components other configurations hidden in given configurations. Otherwise, the new components will also appear in this configuration.
Suppress new components (For assemblies only). When this option is selected, new components that are added to other configurations are repaid in this configuration. Otherwise, new components in this configuration will be resolved (not suppressed).
Use a color that relates to the configuration To specify a configuration color, select this option, then select Color to select a color from the palette.

The configuration-specific color is applied to the Shaded mode only if the option is not selected Apply the same color to Wireframe, Hide Hidden Lines, and Shaded modes in the Document Color Options section.

To apply a configuration-specific color to assembly components, right-click the selected components in the FeatureManager design tree, open the Appearances window, and select the component. Then select a color in the Appearances PropertyManager.

Parent/Child Options

Available only in assemblies and only when adding a new configuration or one of its components to the assembly. Select the components for which you want to add a new configuration.

For example, you have a vise assembly with a handle assembly that contains a connector component. If you added a new configuration named long to the vise assembly, you can add a configuration named long to the handle assembly and the connector assembly at the same time by selecting them in the simplified tree under Parent/Child Options.

Configuration, from the user’s point of view, this is a software solution tailored for specific business tasks. For example, there is a 1C: Trade Management configuration for automating trading operations. From the developer's point of view, the business logic of this software solution is implemented using specific configuration objects - electronic input forms, reports, directories, algorithms, etc. These objects are grouped as configuration tree:

Configuration objects purchased from a vendor are protected from modification by default. If the functionality of such a configuration does not cover some business tasks, then it can be modified - make changes to standard objects or add new ones. To do this, the standard configuration will have to be removed from support - through the menu Configuration -> Support -> Support Settings, Enable Editing:

Further improvements can be made. The modified configuration will differ from the standard one; both options ( basic configuration, modified, and vendor configuration, original typical) will be stored in the database; if necessary, they can be viewed and compared:

After making changes, they need to be “projected” onto the configuration in which the business data is directly stored - on database configuration. For example, after adding a new attribute to the main configuration, it will not be immediately available to the user, since the database configuration has not yet been changed. To update the database configuration, press F7; After the update, the database configuration becomes equal to the main configuration:

To sum it up. In each 1C database, there are three configurations at a time: supplier configuration, main configuration and database configuration. In a standard solution, without the change option enabled, all three are equal.

Each configuration consists of application objects grouped into a configuration tree based on the principle of similarity. For example, a tree of objects of type Document:

Each of the configuration objects can carry a certain logic specified algorithms; algorithms are written in program modules using built-in 1C language:

The number of configuration objects can be very large; For their arbitrary classification by purpose, the mechanism of subsystems is used. Each configuration object can be included in one or more subsystems. By selecting a subsystem, you can select the entire list of objects related to a given application task:

Question 01.02 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Which object contains user-editable information?

  1. Configuration object
  2. Embedded language object
  3. Infobase object
  4. Answers 1 and 3 are correct
  5. All options are correct
The correct answer is third. Each configuration object (for example, the document Sales of Goods and Services) corresponds to an arbitrary number of instances of information base objects (for example, specific documents Sales of goods and services, issued for each fact of sale of goods).

Question 01.05 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Select the correct set of associations "Object" - "file type":

  1. external processing - "epf", external report - "erf", configuration - "cf"
  2. external processing - "ert", external report - "mxl", configuration - "pfl"
  3. external processing - "ert", external report - "erf", configuration - "cfu"
  4. external processing - "epf", external report - "mxl", configuration - "cfu"

The correct answer is the first one. External processor file is an extension of external processing, External report file is an extension of external reports, Configuration file is an extension of a configuration file.

Question 01.21 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. What does the configuration consist of?

  1. Configuration Objects
  2. Embedded Language Objects
  3. Infobase objects
  4. Answers 1 and 3 are correct
  5. All options are correct
The correct answer is the first of the objects that can be viewed in the configuration tree.

Question 01.27 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. What objects are used to describe the algorithm?

  1. Configuration Objects
  2. Embedded Language Objects
  3. Infobase objects
  4. Answers 1 and 3 are correct
  5. All options are correct
The correct answer is the second, algorithms are described in a built-in language.

Question 01.34 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Which configuration can be changed interactively in the configurator?

  1. Basic configuration
  2. Database configuration
  3. Provider Configuration
  4. External configurations
The correct answer is the first one. The provider configuration remains unchanged, the database configuration is brought to the provider configuration after the upgrade procedure.

Question 01.57 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Arbitrary classification of configuration objects is carried out using...

  1. properties Comment for the configuration object
  2. creating the "Classification" attribute
  3. using the Subsystem configuration object
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct
  5. all options are correct
The correct answer is the third - objects can be combined into a subsystem, each object can be included in one or more subsystems.

Question 01.63 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. How many infobases can there be with the same configuration?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two (working and demo)
  3. Unlimited
  4. Determined by the delivery package of the application solution
  5. Defined in configuration settings
The correct answer is the third - the software solution can be replicated as widely as desired.

Question 01.64 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. How many configurations must exist in an application solution?

  1. As much as you like
The correct answer is the second one - main configuration and database configuration. There may not be a vendor configuration, for example, in the case of a self-written configuration.

Question 03.13 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. In what case is it possible to change metadata in the configuration window?

  1. Always
  2. Basic configuration only
  3. For main and database configuration
  4. For provider configuration
  5. For a configuration opened from a file

From the user's point of view, the 1C program consists of a platform and configuration. We said that in each specific case one of many possible configurations is used. It's time to say that this is not entirely true.

Why Not So? Because in every infobase there are at least two configurations.

Why not at all So? Because the user really only ever works with one configuration. The second configuration is for the developer or the person who needs to make changes to the configuration (for example, a database administrator). It is “not visible” to the user.

The configuration intended for the developer is called Basic configuration(or just Configuration– the one we edited in the Configurator). The configuration that users work with is called Database configuration.

The main configuration can be edited The database configuration cannot be edited, you can only update the database configuration based on the main configuration.

This internal arrangement allows configuration changes to be made without interrupting users' work (since the changes are made to the main configuration). Then, once the developer is confident that all the changes he has made are correct, he can quickly update the database configuration using the master configuration. But to do this you will have to shut down all users.

The developer can always compare the main configuration and the database configuration, and can return to the original state of the main configuration using the database configuration (if, for example, he is completely confused about his changes).

Thus, the interaction of the two configurations can be represented as follows (Fig. 2.24):

Rice. 2.24. Interaction of two configurations

When a developer works with the main configuration, the system always tells him whether his version of the main configuration is different from the one that was saved, and whether the saved version of the main configuration is different from the database configuration.

If a developer edits the main configuration and the edited version of the main configuration differs from the one that was saved, a sign of modification of the configuration (*) appears in the header of the configuration tree window (*) - Fig. 2.25:

Rice. 2.25.

If the saved version of the main configuration differs from the database configuration, a configuration difference symbol appears in the header of the configuration tree window () - rice. 2.26:

Rice. 2.26. Configuration tree window title

To save the main configuration, use the Configuration à Save configuration command, and to update the database configuration, use the Configuration à Update database configuration command. When you execute the Debug à Start Debugging command, the system itself first saves the main configuration and then compares it with the database configuration. If the configurations are different, a request is issued to update the database configuration, which you saw in the previous examples.

When executing the Debugging à Continue command, the system, after the steps described above, also suggests restarting the application to terminate the current debugging session.

Thus, the system tries to make the developer’s life easier and automate frequently performed operations.

An important fact is that it is at the moment of updating the database configuration that the system creates (modifies) in the database those data storage structures that we described in the form of configuration objects.

Thus, the user adds ordinary directory elements to the database structure that the system created based on the Directory configuration object, and the system adds predefined elements of this directory to this structure itself, based on the same description of this structure, which is the Directory configuration object.

1. Chain. Open-loop configuration. Based on linear communication. It can have different spatial orientation: vertical (Fig. 2a), horizontal (Fig. 2b) and vertical-horizontal (Fig. 2c). It can be based on both serial and counter- and divergent connections. Various combinations of these compounds are possible. Configurations of this type can form independent structures (for example, a technological structure in continuous production), but are mainly used as additional elements of complex structures that ensure the distance of peripheral sections from the center (Fig. 4b).

2. Ring(Fig. 3). Closed decentralized configuration. Based on serial communication. An example would be the structure of a creative research group: development of a research program (leading specialist) – consistent conduct of research (all group members) – generalization of the results (again leading specialist).

3. Star(Fig. 4a). Open-loop configuration. Characterized by clear centralization and the absence of peripheral connections. Formed on the basis of expanding (guidance structure) or narrowing (feedback structure) connections. Can be used in strictly centralized management systems with weak delegation of authority, as well as as a central element of any centralized structures. Strengthening centralization can be achieved by “lengthening the rays” emanating from the center of the “star” (Fig. 4b).

4. "Wheel"(Fig. 5). Closed centralized configuration. Formed on the basis of narrowing or expanding connections. Represents the synthesis of ring and stellar configurations. In addition to centralized ones, it also has developed peripheral connections. The structures of this configuration are quite common. This could be, for example, the management structure of a company: centralized management of divisions from a single center and peripheral connections between the divisions themselves. This configuration can also be used as the central element of complex centralized structures.

5. "Double Ring"(Fig. 6). Closed configuration. Formed on the basis of expanding and contracting connections. There is no pronounced centralization. But such a configuration is not completely decentralized, since there is a relative center, enclosed in the inner ring, and a relative periphery, enclosed in the outer ring. Such structures are typical for organizations that are managed by a board, each member of which oversees a specific area of ​​activity.

Combining the "double ring" with the star gives a more complete, rational and widespread configuration "double rim wheel", which, unlike the “double ring,” has clear centralization (Fig. 7). Example: the head of an organization has several deputies, each of whom manages a specific department on the basis of delegation of authority.

6. Fan. Open-loop centralized configuration. Formed on the basis of convergent and divergent connections. Depending on the spatial orientation, it can be vertical or horizontal, and depending on the type of base connection, divergent or convergent. An example of a vertical diverging fan is a traditional linear control system (Fig. 8a), a converging fan is a system of feedback and information support for management (Fig. 8b). An example of a horizontal diverging (converging) fan is the technological structure of production with an expansion (reduction) in the number of production sites along the technological process (Fig. 8c).

7. Omnichannel. A closed configuration in which each element of the system is connected to all other elements. Can be formed on the basis of simple multi-channel, narrowing or expanding connections. Main varieties: decentralized and centralized.

Decentralized is similar to ring, but with full deployment of connections of the “Everyone with everyone” type (Fig. 9a). Typical for informal communication groups, creative and other groups that do not have clear leaders.

The centralized one is similar to the “wheel” configuration, also with full deployment of peripheral connections (Fig. 9b). Examples of organizations with such structures are production teams with complete interchangeability of workers or research groups that do not have a pronounced specialization of performers by type of work, provided that these teams have clearly defined coordinating managers.

8. Cellular(Fig. 10). A decentralized configuration with a high degree of regulated connections is formed on the basis of different types of connections. When completed it is closed. An example would be the structure of the system for generating, storing and using confidential information.

Fig.2 Chain configuration

Rice. 3 Ring configuration

Rice. 4 star configuration

Rice. 5 Wheel configuration

Rice. 6 Double ring configuration

Rice. 7 “Double rim wheel” configuration

Rice. 8 Fan configuration

Rice. 9 All-channel configuration

Rice. 10 Cellular configuration

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