Ready-made practical works on computer science. Practical work in computer science Ms. Word. Number systems used by specialists to communicate with a computer

Practical work in computer science.


A) come up with three numbers in the decimal number system, in each of them the number of digits of the integer part is at least 3 and in the fractional part at least 2 digits

B) Convert the invented numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal and then back to decimal

C) add all three numbers in all indicated number systems.

D) subtraction, multiplication and division

D) binary decimal representation of numbers. Add two numbers with at least 4 characters.


When converting numbers from the decimal number system to a system with a base P > 1, the following algorithm is usually used:

1) if an integer part of a number is translated, then it is divided by P, after which the remainder of the division is remembered. The resulting quotient is again divided by P, and the remainder is remembered. The procedure continues until the quotient becomes equal to zero. Residues from division by P are written out in the reverse order of their receipt;

2) if the fractional part of a number is translated, then it is multiplied by P, after which the integer part is remembered and discarded. The newly obtained fractional part is multiplied by P, etc. The procedure continues until the fractional part becomes zero. Integer parts are written after the binary decimal point in the order in which they were received. The result can be either a finite or periodic binary fraction. Therefore, when the fraction is periodic, you have to stop the multiplication at some step and be content with an approximate representation of the original number in the system with the base P.


1. Convert this number from the decimal number system to binary: a) 464 (10) ; b) 380.1875 (10) ; c) 115.94 (10) (get five decimal places in binary representation).


464 | 0 380 | 0 |1875 115 | 1 |94

232 | 0 190 | 0 0|375 57 | 1 1|88

116 | 0 95 | 1 0|75 28 | 0 1|76

58 | 0 47 | 1 1|5 14 | 0 1|52

a) 29 | 1 b) 23 | 1 1|0 c) 7 | 1 1|04

14 | 0 11 | 1 3 | 1 0|08

7 | 1 5 | 1 1 | 1 0|16

a) 464 (10) = 111010000 (2) ; b) 380.1875 (10) = 101111100.0011 (2) ; c) 115.94 (10)  1110011.11110 (2) (in this case, six decimal places were obtained, after which the result was rounded).

If you need to convert a number from the binary number system to a number system whose base is a power of two, it is enough to combine the digits of the binary number into groups of as many digits as the exponent, and use the algorithm below. For example, if the translation is carried out in the octal system, then the groups will contain three digits (8 = 2 3). So, in the whole part we will group from right to left, in the fractional part - from left to right. If there are missing numbers in the last group, add zeros: in the integer part - on the left, in the fractional part - on the right. Each group is then replaced by the corresponding digit of the new system.

Let's convert the number 1111010101.11 (2) from binary to hexadecimal.

0011 1101 0101 ,1100 (2) = 3D5,C (16) .

When converting numbers from a radix number system P In the decimal number system, it is necessary to number the digits of the integer part from right to left, starting from zero, and in the fractional part, starting from the digit immediately after the decimal point from left to right (initial number -1). Then calculate the sum of the products of the corresponding digit values ​​based on the number system to a power equal to the digit number. This is the representation of the original number in the decimal number system.

2. Convert this number to the decimal number system.

a) 1000001 (2) .

1000001 (2) =1 2 6 +0 2 5 +0 2 4 +0 2 3 +0 2 2 + 0 2 1 +1 2 0 = 64+1=65 (10) .

Comment. Obviously, if there is a zero in any place, then the corresponding term can be omitted.

b) 1000011111.0101 (2) .

1000011111,0101 (2) =12 9 + 12 4 + 12 3 + 12 2 + 12 1 + 12 0 + 12 -2 + 12 -4 = 512 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 0,25 + 0,0625 = 543,3125 (10) .

c) 1216.04 (8) .

1216,04 (8) =18 3 +28 2 +18 1 +68 0 +4 8 -2 = 512+128+8+6+0,0625 = 654,0625 (10) .

d) 29A.5 (16) .

29A.5 (16) = 216 2 +916 1 +1016 0 +516 -1 = 512+144+10+0.3125 = 656.3125 (10) .

To perform arithmetic operations in the radix number system P It is necessary to have appropriate addition and multiplication tables. For P= 2, 8 and 16 tables are presented below.

Correspondences are given in the tables.

  1. Adding and multiplying binary numbers

  1. Adding and multiplying octal numbers

  1. Adding Hexadecimal Numbers


Goal: To instill in students the skills of working in the Microsoft Word word processor. As a result of completing this set of laboratory work, students should learn to use various methods of editing and formatting individual text elements, work with tables and graphic objects, as well as use additional document processing tools.

Practical work No. 1
Working in the text editor MS Word. Formatting and editing a MS Word document.

Practical work No. 2
Using automated lists in Word documents.
Bulleted, numbered, multi-level lists. Creation of mathematical formulas.


Goal: To instill in students the skills of working in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor. As a result of completing this set of laboratory work, students should learn to use various methods of editing and formatting individual elements of tables, work with databases and diagrams, as well as use additional tools for processing tabular forms.

Practical work No. 3
MS Excel. Data types, absolute and relative addressing. Standard Excel functions.

Practical work No. 4
Cell format. Borders and shading. Numerical, percentage, monetary format. Format Date and Time. Application of logical functions IF, AND, OR, NOT in calculations.

Practical work No. 5
Statistical, financial, logical functions. Sorting, database modification, organizing simple queries. Autofilter, Advanced filter. Summing up intermediate results.

Practical work No. 6
Linking worksheets, consolidating tables. Creating, editing, formatting a pivot table.


Goal: To instill in students the skills to work in the Microsoft Access database management system. As a result of completing this set of laboratory work, students should learn how to create relational databases, create inter-table relationships, fill out tables, create forms, reports and queries based on tables.

Practical work No. 7
Creating tables. Table mode. Design mode. Linking tables. Creation and modification of forms. Creation and modification of reports. Forms in DBMS. Creation and modification of forms.\\

Practical work No. 8
Creating queries of various types. Sample request. Request with a parameter. Cross request. Final request.


Practical work No. 9
Boolean algebra. Logical operations. Formulas and their transformation.


Practical work No. 10
Computer architecture. Data storage. Number systems.


Practical work No. 11-12
Linear algorithmic construction. Branching algorithmic design. Recursive algorithm
Block diagrams (block diagram elements, types of blocks).


Practical work No. 13
Basic operations with files and directories in Explorer. Search files. Search options. Additional search options.


Goal: To teach students to use the resources of the global Internet as a means of processing information, a means of communication between people, to systematize existing knowledge and strengthen practical skills. Instill the skills of independently searching for the necessary information to solve various problems.

Practical work No. 14
Network configuration. Setting up access to files and folders, connecting a network drive and searching for information on it.

Practical work No. 15
Mastering the work in the PhotoShop graphic editor.
Basics of composition. Text effects. Simulating volume in PhotoShop. Photomontage.

//inside the task and brief training material for completing each task.


1 Computer Science: Workshop on computer technology: Textbook for universities / Ed. N.V. Makarova. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997
2 Computer Science: Textbook for Universities / Ed. N.V. Makarova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998
3 Alferov A.P. Computer Science for Beginners: A Study Guide. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996
4 Mogilev A.V. and others. Computer Science: Textbook for pedagogical students. universities / A.V. Mogilev, N.I. Pak - M.: Academy, 1999
5 Computer Science: Textbook / Ed. N.V. Makarova. – 3rd ed. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999
6 Ostreykovsky V.A. Informatics: Textbook for technical. Universities - M.: Higher. school, 1999
7 Computer Science: Basic Course / Edited by S.V. Simonovich - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000
8 Computer Science: Basic Course: Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions / Edited by S.V. Simonovich - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001
9 Informatics: Basic course: Textbook for colleges / Edited by S.V. Simonovich - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003
10 Kozyrev A.A. Yudin A.P. Computer science: Lecture notes. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 2000
11 Bogatov D.F. and others. Computer science and mathematics for lawyers: a short course in tables and diagrams: Textbook for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation / Bogatov D.F., Bogatov F.G., Minaev V.A. – M.: Prior, 1998
12 Voroisky F.S. Computer science. New systematic explanatory dictionary on computer science: An introductory course on computer science and computer technology in terms. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M.: Liberia, 2004
13 Alferov A.P. Computer Science for Beginners: A Study Guide. – Rostov-on-Don, 1996
14 Khokhlova N.V. and others. Computer science: Textbook for universities / N.V. Khokhlova, A.I. Istemenko, B.V. Petrenko. – Mn.: Higher. school, 1990
15 Veretennikova E.G. and others. Computer Science: Textbook for universities / Veretennikova E.G., Patrushina S.M., Savelyeva N.G. – Rostov on Don: March, 2002
16 Pasko V. Word 2000: Russified version. – Kyiv: BHV, 1999
17 Marchenko A.I., Pasko V.P. Word 7.0 for Windows 95. – Kyiv: BHV, 1996
18 Kamlish K Word 7.0 Windows 95 for the busy / Trans. from English Yu. Leontyev. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997
19 Kamlish K Word 7.0 for the busy / Trans. from English Yu. Leontyev. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997
20 Kolesnikov A. Excel 2000: (Russified version) – Kyiv: Publishing house. BHV group, 1999
21 Lavrenov S.M. Excel: Collection of examples and tasks. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000
22 Lavrenov S.M. Excel: Collection of examples and tasks. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002
23 Rychkov V. Excel 2002: Self-instruction manual. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003
24 Litvin P. et al. Access 2002: Development of corporate applications: For professionals / P. Litvin, K. Goetz, M. Gundeloy; Translation from English A. Padalki - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003
25 Litvin P. et al. Access 2002: Development of corporate applications: For professionals / P. Litvin, K. Goetz, M. Gundeloy; Translation from English O. Zdir - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002
26 Rybakov V.E., Azov S.V. Norton Commander (3.0) Norton Integration (4.5). – M.: MP “Malip”, 1992
27 Kozlovsky E.A. Norton Commander 4.0: A guide to action for cool, soft-boiled and almost raw users. – M.: ABF, 1993
28 Kreinak D, Hebraken D. Internet. Encyclopedia. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000
29 Kotecha H. Windows 95: Step by step / Translated from English. Edited by V. Koshelev. –M.: BINOM, 1997
30 Akhmetov K.S. Windows 95 for everyone. – 2nd ed. M.: ComputerPress, 1996
31 Kenin A.M., Pechenkina N.S. Windows 95/NT for users or how to learn to use a computer. – Ekaterinburg: Planet, 1998
32 Kozlovsky E.A. Windows 95 or an unaccompanied walk through Chicago at night. – M.: ABF, 1995
33 Figurnov V.E. IBM PC for the user. Short course. – M.: INFRA-M, 1998
34 Figurnov V.E. IBM PC for the user. Short course. – M.: INFRA-M, 1997
35 Figurnov V.E. IBM PC for the user. Short course. – M.: INFRA-M, 1996
36 Figurnov V.E. IBM PC for the user. Short course. 7th ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002
37 Aladyev V.E. and others. Fundamentals of computer science: Textbook for universities / Aladyev V.E., Khunt Yu.Ya., Shishkov M.L. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional, M.: Filin, 1999
38 Khunt Yu.Ya., Aladyev V.E. Fundamentals of computer science: Textbook for universities. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional, M.: Filin, 1999
39 Miklyaev A. Handbook for IBM PC users - 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Solon-R, 1995
40 Franken T., Molyavko S. MS DOS 6.0 ... for the user. – Kyiv: Trade and publishing house. VNU Bureau, 1993

Practical work No. 2

Subject: Quantity and units of measurement of information.

Goals: Acquire practical skills in calculating the amount of information. Explore possible ways to encode information.

The student must


Principles of information coding;

functions of language as a way of presenting information;

basic units of information measurement;

be able to:

solve problems to determine the amount of information;

Theoretical background.

1. Amount of information

In computingA bit is the smallest “portion” of computer memory required to store one of the two characters “0” and “1” used for the internal representation of data and commands.

A bit is too small a unit of measurement. In practice, a larger unit is more often used - byte, equal to eight bits. It is precisely eight bits that are required to encode any of the 256 characters of the computer keyboard alphabet (256=28).

Even larger derived units of information are also widely used:

· 1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes,

· 1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 220 bytes,

· 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB = 230 bytes.

Recently, due to the increase in the volume of processed information, such derived units as:

· 1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 240 bytes,

· 1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB = 250 bytes.

Per unit of information, one could choose the amount of information needed to distinguish between, for example, ten equally probable messages. This will not be a binary (bit), but a decimal (dit) unit of information.

2. Measuring information.

The amount of information contained in a message is determined by the amount of knowledge that this message carries to the person receiving it. With a meaningful approach, a qualitative assessment of information is possible: useful, indifferent, important, harmful...

A message that reduces the uncertainty of a person's knowledge by half carries 1 bit of information for him.

Let some message contain information that one of the events occurred. N equally probable events. Then the amount of information contained in this message is X bits and the number N related by the formula:


Example 1.

There are 32 balls in the lottery drum. How much information does the message about the first number drawn contain (for example, ball number 15 was drawn)

Solution: since drawing any of the 32 balls is equally probable, the amount of information about one drawn number can be found from the equation:


But 32=25. Therefore x=5 bits. Obviously, the answer does not depend on which number is drawn.

The alphabetical approach to measuring information allows you to determine the amount of information contained in the text. The set of symbols used to write text is called an alphabet. The total number of characters in the alphabet is called cardinality. If the entire text consists of K characters, then with the alphabetical approach the size of the information contained in it is equal to:

I = K * i,

where i – information weight of one character in the alphabet used (number of bits per character).

Example 2.

The book, typed using a computer, contains 150 pages; each page has 40 lines, each line has 60 characters. How much information is in the book?

Solution: The power of the computer alphabet is 256. One character is equal to 1 byte of information. This means that the page contains 40*60=240 bytes of information. The amount of information in the book:

240*150=360000 bytes.

360000/1024=351.5625 KB.

Example 3.

The message takes 3 pages of 25 lines. Each line contains 60 characters. How many characters are in the alphabet used if the entire message contains 1125 bytes?

Solution: convert bytes to bits: 1125*8=9000. Let's find the total number of characters in the given text: 3*25*60=4500 characters. Next, we determine the information weight of one character in the alphabet used (the number of bits per character) from the formula I = K * i,

i = I / K .

Let's substitute the known quantities: i =9000/4500

i =2.

If the information weight of one character in the alphabet used (the number of bits per character) is 2, then the power of the alphabet is 4 characters: 22=4.

3. Information coding.

In the process of transforming information from one form of representation (sign system) to another, coding is carried out. The encoding method depends on the purpose for which it is carried out: reduction of recording, classification of information, ease of processing. The coding tool is a correspondence table, which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the characters of two different sign systems.

The complete set of characters used to encode text is called an alphabet or alphabet.

Texts in natural languages, numbers, mathematical and special symbols must be able to be entered into the computer. Due to the unconditional priority of the binary number system in the internal representation of information in a computer, the encoding of “external” symbols is based on associating each of them with a certain group of binary characters. In this case, for technical reasons and for reasons of convenience of encoding-decoding, uniform codes should be used, i.e. binary groups of equal length.

To encode two natural alphabets, it is minimally sufficient to have a uniform code for their group of 8 binary characters; in this case, 256 different characters can be encoded. Since 8 binary characters make up 1 byte, they speak of “byte” encoding systems.

The two most common such systems are : EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) And ASCII (American Standard Information Interchange).The first has historically gravitated towards large machines, the second is more often used on mini-microcomputers and PCs. Alphabet signs PC hexadecimal numbers are assigned according to the rule: the first is the column number, the second is the row number. For example, “B” is code 81, “d” is code A4.

But even 8-bit encoding is not enough to encode all characters. All obstacles can be removed by switching to 16-bit encoding Unicode , allowing 65536 code combinations.


1. Explore the theoretical rationale.

2. Complete practical tasks on the options.

3. Answer test questions as directed by the teacher.

4. Prepare a report.

Practical tasks:

Option 1

1. The message that one pencil was taken out of the box carries 6 bits of information. How many pencils are in the box?

2. When guessing an integer in a certain range, 9 bits of information are received. How many numbers does the range contain?

4. How many characters are in the text if the alphabet capacity is 64 characters and the amount of information contained in it is 1.5 KB?

5. The computer's RAM capacity contains 163,840 machine words, which is 0.625 MB. How many bits does each machine word contain?

6. “Low-level directories are nested within and are nested directories of higher levels. The top level of nesting of the hierarchical structure is the root directory."

7. 123$$333122321$$1

13MB in bytes

128MB to gigabytes

0.12MB in bits

0.01GB to kilobytes

40960 bits to kilobytes

Option 2

1. A group of schoolchildren came to the pool, which had 8 swimming lanes. The coach announced that the group would swim in lane number 5. How much information did the students receive from this message?

2. The message that your friend lives on the 9th floor carries 5 bits of information. How many floors are there in the house?

3. An information message with a volume of 1/512 of a MB contains 2048 characters. How many characters does the alphabet with which this message was written contain?

4. How many characters does a message written using a 32-character alphabet contain, if its volume is 1/128 of a MB?

5. In roulette, the total number of holes is 128. How much information do we receive in a visual message about the ball stopping in one of the holes?

6. Using the binary encoding rule, determine the minimum length of this sequence of characters in bits. ()*&(((())))^&&&*$(

7. Determine the amount of memory required to accommodate the following information (in ASCII codes).

"Catalog is a special file in which other files are registered. If a file is registered in a directory, this means that the latter contains all the information characterizing the file and information about where on the disk the file is located.”

25Kb in bits

512Kb to gigabytes

0.5MB in bytes

0.075GB to megabytes

81920 bits to kilobytes

Option 3

1. In roulette, the total number of holes is 32. How much information do we receive in the message that the ball stops at number 16?

2. When guessing an integer in a certain range, 7 bits of information were obtained. How many numbers does the range contain?

3. A 256 character alphabet was used to record the text. How much information in kilobytes does a message containing 3072 characters contain?

4. How many characters are in a text containing 2 KB of information, if the alphabet capacity is 128 characters.

5. The computer's RAM capacity is 1/8 of a MB. How many machine words make up RAM if one machine word contains 64 bits.

6. Using the binary encoding rule, determine the minimum length in bits of a given sequence of characters. ****???!!$$**!$?*??

7. Determine the amount of memory required to accommodate the following information (in ASCII codes).“The file system determines the ways of organizing and maintaining the file structure, transforming FAT -tables into a hierarchical structure to provide quick and convenient access to data, a simple and user-friendly way to specify the data address.”

256MB to gigabytes

12.8MB in bytes

0.12MB to kilobytes

0.001GB to bytes

73728 bits to kilobytes

1. Topic, purpose.

2. Solving practical tasks using options.

3. Conclusion.

Control questions:

1. What is the smallest unit of measurement of information you know?

2. Name larger derived units of information.

3. Describe how information is measured in the content approach.

4. Describe how information is measured in the alphabetical approach.


1. Beshenkov S.A., Rakitina E.A. Computer science. Textbook 10th grade. – M., 2010.

2. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on information: textbook. allowance. – M., 2014.

3. Mikheeva E.V., Titova O.I. Computer science: textbook. – M., 2010.

4. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and information technology. Textbook 10–11 grades. – M., 2010.

Practical work No. 3,4

Subject: Translation of numbers and arithmetic operations in positional number systems.

Goal of the work: learn to represent numbers in different number systems, learn to perform arithmetic operations in different number systems.

The student must


    principles of representing numbers in positional and non-positional number systems;

    rules for performing arithmetic operations in positional number systems;

be able to:

    convert numbers from one number system to another.

Theoretical background .

1. Number system.

Notation is a set of techniques and rules by which numbers are written and read.

There are positional and non-positional number systems.

In non-positional number systemsthe weight of a digit (i.e. the contribution it makes to the value of the number)does not depend on her positionin writing the number. Thus, in the Roman number system in the number XXXII (thirty-two), the weight of the number X in any position is simply ten.

In positional number systemsthe weight of each digit varies depending on its position (position) in the sequence of digits representing the number. For example, in the number 757.7, the first seven means 7 hundreds, the second - 7 units, and the third - 7 tenths of a unit.

Any positional number system is characterized by its basis.
Base positional number system - the number of different digits used to represent numbers in a given number system.

In each number system, the digits are ordered according to their meanings:

1 is greater than 0, 2 is greater than 1, etc.

Promotion the numbers call its replacement the next largest.

Integers in any number system are generated using the Counting Rule.
To form the integer following any given integer, the rightmost digit of the number must be advanced; if any digit becomes zero after promotion, then you need to promote the digit to the left of it.

Applying this rule, we write down the first ten integers

    in binary: 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001;

    in octal system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11.

2. Number systems used by specialists to communicate with a computer

In addition to decimal, systems with a base that is an integer power of 2 are widely used, namely:

    binary (digits 0, 1 are used);

    octal (digits 0, 1, ..., 7 are used);

    hexadecimal(for the first integers from zero to nine, the digits 0, 1, ..., 9 are used, and for the next numbers - from ten to fifteen - the symbols A, B, C, D, E, F are used as digits).

It is useful to remember the notation in these number systems for the first two tens of integers:





















Of all number systems especially simple and therefore The binary number system is interesting for technical implementation in computers.

The conversion of numbers from the decimal system to the binary system and vice versa is performed by a machine. However, to use a computer professionally, you must learn to understand the word machine. This is why the octal and hexadecimal systems were developed.

Numbers in these systems are almost as easy to read as decimal ones; they require, respectively, three (octal) and four (hexadecimal) times fewer digits than in the binary system (after all, the numbers 8 and 16 are, respectively, the third and fourth powers of the number 2) .
3. Converting an integer from the decimal system to any other positional number system.

To convert a whole decimal number N into a number system with a base q required N divide with the remainder (“entirely”) by q , written in the same decimal system. Then the partial quotient obtained from such division must be divided again with the remainder by q , etc., until the last partial quotient obtained becomes equal to zero. Number representation N in the new number system there will be a sequence of division residues depicted as one q -ary digit and written in the reverse order in which they were received.

Example: Let's convert the number 75 from the decimal system to binary, octal and hexadecimal:

75 2

1 37 2

1 18 2 _

0 9 2

1 4 2

0 2 2

75 10 =1001011 2

75 8

3 9 8

1 1

75 10 =113 8

75 16

11 _ 4

75 10 =43 16

Answer: 75 10 = 1 001 011 2 = 113 8 = 4B 16 .

4. Converting a number from binary (octal, hexadecimal) to decimal.

Converting a number to the decimal system x written in q -ary number system ( q = 2, 8 or 16) in the form x q = (a n a n-1 ... a 0 , a -1 a-2 ... a -m ) q comes down to calculating the value of the polynomial

x 10 =a n q n + a n-1 q n-1 + ... +a 0 q 0 + a -1 q -1 + a -2 q -2 + ... + a - m q - m
using decimal arithmetic.


    1. Let's convert the number 10011.0101 from binary to decimal.

10011 2 =1*2 4 +0*2 3 +0*2 2 +1*2 1 +1*2 0 =19 10

    1. Let's convert the number 105.12 8 from octal to decimal system.

105 8 =1*8 2 +0*8 1 +5*8 0 =69 10

    1. Let's convert the number A5,E2 16 from hexadecimal to decimal.

A5 16 =A*16 1 +5*16 0 =10*16+5*1=165

5. Perform arithmetic operations in different number systems.

Let's look at the basic arithmetic operations:addition, subtraction.The rules for performing these operations in the decimal system are well known - these are addition, subtraction, multiplication by a column and division by an angle. These rules apply to all other positional number systems. Only addition and multiplication tables must be used specific for each system.

  • Addition. Addition tables are easy to create using the Counting Rule.

When adding, the digits are summed by digits, and if there is an excess, it is transferred to the left.

Addition in binary system

Addition in octal system

Addition in hexadecimal

Example 1. Let's add the numbers 15 and 6 in different number systems.

Hexadecimal: F 16 +6 16

Answer: 15+6 = 21 10 = 10101 2 = 25 8 = 15 16.
Example 2. Let's add the numbers 15, 7 and 3.

Hexadecimal: F 16 +7 16 +3 16

Answer: 5+7+3 = 25 10 = 11001 2 = 31 8 = 19 16.

Example 3. Let's add the numbers 141.5 and 59.75.

Answer: 141.5 + 59.75 = 201.25 10 = 11001001.01 2 = 311.2 8 = C9.4 16

Progress :

    Consider the proposed examples;

    Complete a practical task on the options;

    Create a report.

    Answer test questions as directed by the teacher.

Practical tasks:

Option 1.

Exercise 1.

Convert numbers to decimal system

a) 1011011 2 b) 517 8 ; c) 1F 16;

Task 2.

Convert a number from decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal

259 10 ;

Task 3.

Add the numbers and then check the results by performing the appropriate decimal additions:
a) 1011101 2 and 1110111 2; b) 437 8 and 675 8; c) 5A1 16 and 27F 16;

Task 4.


a) 10100 2 -111 2 b) 230 8 - 155 8 c) 31 16 - 1A 16

Option 2.

Exercise 1.

Convert the numbers to decimal and then check the results by doing the reverse conversions

a) 10110111 2; b) 1010 8; c) ABC 16;

Task 2.

429 10 ;

Task 3.

a) 1011101 2 and 101011 2; b) 165 8 and 37 8; c) 1A9 16 and 2BC 16;

Task 4.


a) 1101 2 -1011 2 from b) 102 8 -47 8 c) 2A30 16 - F9E 16

Option 3.

Exercise 1.

a) 11100001 2; b) 1234 8; c) 1010 16;

Task 2.

Convert a number from decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal, and then check the results by doing the reverse conversion

881 10 ;

Task 3.

Add the numbers and then check the results by performing the appropriate decimal additions:

a) 10111 2 and 11011 2; b) 575 8 and 146 8; c) A5B 16 and E7F 16;

Task 4.


a) 10010 2 -1111 2 b) 567 8 -101 8 ; c) B92 16 -19 F 16

Option 4.

Exercise 1. Convert the numbers to decimal, and then check the results by doing the reverse conversions:

a) 1000110 2; b) 34 8; c) A4 16;

Task 2.

Convert a number from decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal, and then check the results by doing the reverse conversion

372 10

Task 3.

Add the numbers and then check the results by performing the appropriate decimal additions:

a) 1011111 2 and 110101 2; b) 617 8 and 407 8; c)2 E9 16 and 5F 16.

Task 4.


a) 111011 2 - 10001 2 b) 3001 8 -1654 8 c) 5678 16 - ABC 16

Option 5.

Exercise 1. Convert the numbers to decimal, and then check the results by doing the reverse conversions:

a) 11010011 2; b) 1231 8; c) 1DE 16.

Task 2.

Convert a number from decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal, and then check the results by doing the reverse conversion

612 10 .

Task 3.

Add the numbers and then check the results by performing the appropriate decimal additions:

a) 1100101 2 and 11010 2 b) 562 8 and 127 8 i) A12 16 and FDA 16

Task 4.


a) 10100 2 -1101 2 b) 123 8 -56 8 c) A 2 D 16 -17 F 16

    Title and purpose of the work.

    The result of completing practical tasks.

    Answers to test questions as directed by the teacher.

Control questions .

    What number systems do you know?

    What are the features of the binary number system? (Table)

    What are the features of the octal number system? (Table)

    What are the features of the hexadecimal number system? (Table)

    How is the connection between “2”, “8”, “16” number systems?

    How to convert an integer decimal number to the “2”, “8”, “16” number system?

    How to convert a number from the “2”, “8”, “16” number system to the decimal number system? Show with an example.


    Beshenkov S.A., Rakitina E.A. Computer science. Textbook 10th grade. – M., 2010.

    Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on information: textbook. allowance. – M., 2014.

    Mikheeva E.V., Titova O.I. Computer science: textbook. – M., 2010.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and information technology. Textbook 10–11 grades. – M., 2010.

Select a document from the archive to view:

21.65 KB contr1.gif

23.39 KB contr2.gif

339.14 KB workfile.rar

Individual tasks.docx


Individual tasks to develop skills in working with the WORD text editor

Select material on the specified topic and create a newspaper leaflet based on this material.

Please note that in the newspaper you must indicate the name (come up with a creative and beautiful one) of the topic or newspaper, the issue number and date, and the names and addresses of the creators.

Provide texts with titles, pictures, and quotes.

Don't forget that editorials are usually placed on the first page, and the articles themselves are arranged in columns.

Topics for newspaper sheets:

1. Newspaper dedicated to the New Year.
2. Newspaper dedicated to February 23.
3. Newspaper dedicated to March 8th.
4. Newspaper dedicated to Teacher's Day.
5. A newspaper covering events in your educational institution at the moment.
6. A newspaper dedicated to events in KVN (the club of cheerful and resourceful people).
7. A newspaper dedicated to the graduating class (course).
8. A newspaper telling about your class (group).
9. Newspaper dedication to high school students (students).
10. A newspaper telling about what happens in computer science lessons.

Document selected for viewing Control work option 1.docx



Create text with the following content and format.
Pay attention to the points:

1) All text is in Times New Roman font; The size of the main text is 12 pt, choose the size and style of writing the headings yourself so that you get a text similar to this one.

2) The title “Quadrilaterals” is a WordArt object.

3) Near the heading “Parallelogram”, put the usual footnote to the text: “Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics: Reference. materials. - M.: Education, 1988. - p. 399".

Document selected for viewing Control work option2.docx


Test on the topic “Word word processor”


Create text with the following content and format.
Pay attention to the points:
1) All text is in Times New Roman font; The size of the main text is 12 pt, choose the size and style of writing the headings yourself so that you get a text similar to this one.
2) The title “Reduction Formulas” is a WordArt object.
3) Near the word “derived,” put the usual footnote on the text: “The derivation of each formula can be accompanied by a drawing.”

Document selected for viewing№1.1.docx


    Tools for working with text documents.

    Main groups of operations.

    Processor windowWord.

    Basic page parameters.

Tools for working with text documents

When preparing printed materials, creating multimedia publications and electronic publications for computer networks, the user solves three problems:

    Preparetext documents (uses text editors and word processors).

    Prepareillustrations (uses graphic editors).

    Lay out text blocks and illustrations , creating the original layout of a printed publication suitable for reproducing the document using printing methods (uses desktop publishing systems) or an electronic document distributed over a computer network (uses web page editors).

Successful solutionfirst task is the main condition for creating professional documents. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the process of preparing text documents for their further processing.

Text documents representblocks of text , consisting of words typed in symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.). To work with text documents, text editors (for example, Notepad or WordPad) and word processors (for example, Word) are used. It should be noted thatpossibilities word processorWord so wide that it allows for document layout.

Main groups of operations:

    Entering text - allows you to translate text from its external form into an electronic document, that is, into a file stored on a computer. Text input can be done by typing using a keyboard or by scanning a paper original and then using pattern recognition to convert the document from a graphical character format to a text format.

    Editing (editing) - allows you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files into one or, conversely, splitting a single document into several smaller ones. Entering and editing text is often done in parallel. During these operations, it is formedcontent document.

    Formatting - design of the appearance of the document. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how a document will look on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.

All electronic text documents require input and editing, but not all require formatting. Therefore, there are two types of programs -text editors (perform 1 and 2 groups of operations) andword processors (perform all 3 groups of operations).

Alltext editors save "pure" text in the file and thereforecompatible with each other (that is, a document created in one of the text editors can be successfully read and, if necessary, edited in the other). And variousword processors write formatting information to the file differently and thereforeincompatible together.

However, many word processors have the abilityconverting text from one format to another (for example, inWord To do this you need to run the command: menuFile (left-click on this command in the horizontal menu - in the future these words will be implied by me)Save as... (left-click on this command in the vertical menu - in the future these words will be implied by me)in the dialog boxSaving a file in fieldFile type you need to select the required format from the list.

Document selected for viewing№1.2.docx


Word processor window

Before you start working with documents, you need to study the main elements of the Word processor window:

At the top there are:

    System menu icon button.

    Title line (if the document window is open in full screen, then the program and document titles are written separated by a dash, in one line)

    Buttons for controlling program sizes.

    Buttons for controlling document sizes.

    Horizontal menu (for brevity in the future - menu).

    Toolbar Standard.

    Formatting toolbar.

    Horizontal ruler.

Left - 9. Vertical ruler.

On right -10. A vertical scroll bar, at the bottom of it there are buttons for moving to another page (or to another object - in Word 97).

At the bottom of the window are:

    Horizontal scroll bar.

    Buttons for switching operating modes.

    Status bar.

In the center, in the working area of ​​the window - 14. Document page.

Navigation button groups


1 - to previous page


2 - to next page

Word 97


1 - to previous page


3 - to the transition object (to page, section, table, footnote, heading, picture, etc.)


2 - to next page

Groups of buttons for switching operating modes Different versions of Word differ:

Purpose of operating modes

1 - normal mode used for simple text input and editing. In this mode, the computer's processor works faster with data, but it is advisable to use it only for quickly typing a document test, since special page elements, pictures and columns of text are not displayed in this mode. You cannot format text in this mode.

2 - page layout mode . The document appears on the screen exactly as it will appear when printed on paper. This mode is very convenient for formatting a document. Therefore, if your keyboard typing speed is not fast enough,I recommend that you work in markup mode.

3 - structure mode convenient for working on a document outline (composing, viewing, editing), especially if your document consists of many pages.

4 - electronic document mode most convenient when it comes to viewing a finished document. An additional panel with the contents of the document opens on the left. It gives a clear idea of ​​the structure of the document and provides a convenient transition to any section. In this mode, the buttons for switching operating modes disappear on the screen, so to exit to another mode, run the command: menuView Page layout (For example).

Understanding the Windows Clipboard

Clipboard is a special area of ​​the computer's operational memory in which Windows objects created in any program (text fragments, pictures, diagrams, etc.) can be temporarily stored. Objects available in this areadelete (and then they are deleted from the document where they were created) orcopy (and then they remain in the document where they were created, and a copy of them is placed in the buffer).

Only one object can be placed in the buffer at a time. It remains there until a new object is placed there or until the computer is turned off. While an object is stored on the clipboard, a copy of it can be pasted into another document as many times as you like.

This technique is widely used for working with one document, with several documents created in one program, as well as with documents created in different programs, and it is very convenient.

Example: on the web pages of this lesson there are pictures, the text for which is written inWord , copied to the clipboard and pasted into drawings created in a graphics editorAdobe PhotoShop (see the lesson start page:Lesson 1. Theory - drawings “Lesson 1”, “Lesson topic”, “A little theory”, etc.)


1. Tocopy object to the clipboard, you need

2. Toinsert object from the clipboard, you need:

3. Tocut object to the clipboard (be careful - when performing this operation the object will disappear from the document!), you must

This operation is used much less frequently than the copy operation.

Basic page parameters

The term "default"

This term is widely used when working with a computer.


1. When creating a document, the program window can be configured differently, since there are several configuration options


    document size in the window,

    character size,

    its style (bold, italic, etc.), etc.

Until the user has chosen another configuration method, the program offers one of the options. This option is called "default".

2. After starting the program, the first time you save a document, the program will most likely offer you a folderMy Documents. And, if you don't find your folder, it will save your document in this folder, that is, it will offer you it by default.

Another thing is if you are not the only one working on your computer, but there are other users, it is not advisable to use this folder: each user should have their own folder. The number of documents (files) created by each user is gradually growing, and if you store them all together, eventually confusion will occur. That's why


1. Be sure to create your own folder on your hard drive, give it your name
and store your documentsonly in it!

2. To keep documents organized, create several folders in it according to
topics relevant to documents, andnesting depth
folders into each other
not limited .

Document selected for viewing№1.3.docx


Document selected for viewing№1.4.docx


7. Task for consolidation. Working with the clipboard (commandsCopy AndInsert ).


1. First, count the number of paragraphs (there are11 ), means the keyEnter you need to click no more in this text10 times (at the end of the last paragraph Word will put it itself)!

2. Since the text of each next paragraph contains the text of the previous one, to use the capabilities of the computer, select the paragraph, copy it to the clipboard, place the cursor in the new paragraph where you want to paste the text of the previous paragraph and paste the fragment from the clipboard.

3. When entering poetic text, the paragraph is a stanza. The transition from a line to the next line within a paragraph must be forced, since the cursor does not yet have time to reach the end of the line. To do this, press the keys successivelyShift (press and hold) andEnter (press and release both keys), in the future, for brevity, I will writeShift + Enter. The non-printing character of such a forced transition is the character.

(write it in one column!):

Here's the house
Which Jack built.

And this is wheat

In the house,
Which Jack built.

And this is a cheerful tit bird,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

Here's a cat

Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

Here's a dog without a tail

Which scares and catches the tit,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

And this is a hornless cow,
Kicked an old dog without a tail,
Who pulls the cat by the collar,
Which scares and catches the tit,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

And this is an old woman, gray-haired and stern,
Who milks a hornless cow,

Who pulls the cat by the collar,
Which scares and catches the tit,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

And this is a lazy and fat shepherd,

Who milks a hornless cow,
Kicked an old dog without a tail,
Who pulls the cat by the collar,
Which scares and catches the tit,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

Here are two roosters
Which wake up that shepherd,
Who scolds the strict cowshed,
Who milks a hornless cow,
Kicked an old dog without a tail,
Who pulls the cat by the collar,
Which scares and catches the tit,
Which cleverly steals wheat,
Which is stored in a dark closet
In the house,
Which Jack built.

Translation by S. Ya. Marshak

8. The placement of text on a page (formatting) is the topic of the next lesson.

9. Save document: menuFile Save .

10. Close the processor window. To do this, use one of the following methods: click on the buttonin the upper right corner of the program window.

Document selected for viewing№1.docx


Task No. 1 “Text Formatting”

Target: learn to format text (paragraphs and characters); insert characters in a font other than the default one.

Type the following text, stretching it to the page and respecting all paragraph and character formats: alignment; left and right padding; spacing between paragraphs; type, size and style of fonts; spacing between characters. pay attention to , located after the text suggested for typing (the keys will tell you which formats you need to apply). Write the text into your folder under the namemath_games.doc .

Keys to task 1

1. For all text (which we will type while completing tasks No. 1-No. 11), set the left indent to 0 cm, the right to 15.5 cm, the font Times New Roman, character size 12 pt, justification.

2. The left indent for a line with the character set “G96” is 1 cm.

3. Before the paragraph containing the words “Domoryad Alexander Petrovich”, set the indent to 140 pt. For this and the five paragraphs following it, the left indent is 5 cm. For three paragraphs, the spacing is set to 2 pt. spacing between characters. Please note that the combinations "Mathematical games and entertainment" And"Favorites" are highlighted in bold.

4. The formatting settings for the paragraph beginning with the words “Designed for typesetting” are as follows: indent before the paragraph 50 pt, left indent 0 cm, font size 10 pt (all other settings are the same as for the entire text). Please note that the symbol " ¼ " can be found among the elements of the "Courier New" font, and the symbol "" is in the "Symbol" font.

5. Before the next paragraph, indent 200 pt. In future, the font size will be 12 pt.

6. Before the paragraph “The book presents...” indent 24 pt.

7. Before the paragraph “ISBN 5-09-001292-X...” the indentation is 24 pt, all characters in it are bold. Please note that the character set “BBK 22.1я2я72” has been moved to the right edge, which is done without using tabs or a lot of spaces .

It is enough to do the following:

    set width alignment;

    after typing “BBK 22.1я2я72” press the keys (Shift+Enter) (forced line end, which is used when you yourself need to determine the end of a line within a paragraph);

    notice that the distances between the four words of the line are the same, but we need only the distance between the combinations “ISBN 5-09-001292-X” and “BBK 22.1я2я72” to be “stretched”;

    To eliminate the error, replace spaces that do not need to be stretched with non-stretchable spaces by pressing the keys (Shift+Ctrl+Space).

8. The paragraph “© Publisher...” is right aligned. The symbol “©” can be found, for example, among the elements of the “Syimbol” font.

Document selected for viewing№10.docx


Task No. 10 “Creating a title page”

Target: consolidate the ability to create drawings using Word; learn to insert and edit pictures from the ClipArt collection or from a file; learn to work with WordArt objects.

Open the file math_games.doc . INbeginning plain text (make the first page of text the second by inserting a page break) create a title page similar to the one following this paragraph. pay attention to . Save the document in your folder under the namemath_games.doc .

Keys to task 10

1. The title page frame is created using two rectangles: blue and white with rounded corners on top of it. To do this: stretch a rectangle across the entire typing strip, fill it with blue and place it behind the text; Using the AutoShapes button, select a rounded rectangle from the main shapes, stretch it over the first one and fill it with white, then place it behind the text.

2. The book title elements "Math Games and Fun" and "Favorites" are WordArt objects. To create such an object, you can use the “Add WordArt Object” button in the “Drawing” panel.

3. Place the phrases “A.P. Domoryad” and “Publishing house “Shkolnik” Volgograd, 2003” using the “Inscription” button.

4. A drawing of a person can be found among the pictures using the menu item “Insert > Drawing > Pictures...” (ClipArt drawings). If you couldn’t find such a picture, paste it from the file circus.wmf , which is located in the archive (when completing task #2, you should have extracted all the files in this archive and placed them in your own folder). Set the desired size of the picture, respecting the proportions.

5. A drawing with cubes can also be found among the pictures in the ClipArt collection or in the file block.wmf (WorkFile.rar archive). But in this case, you will first have to edit the drawing, i.e. remove the gold bars and their shadows, move the cubes towards each other. To change the embedded picture, use the menu item “Edit > Edit Picture” (before this, you must select the desired picture).


    First, delete unnecessary objects (mark and use the Delete key).

    Before moving one cube to another, group all the objects included in it.

Remember to reduce the borders of the drawing so that the entire free area on the left is not included in the drawing.

Document selected for viewing№11.docx


Document selected for viewing№2.docx


Task No. 2 “DOS text, text formatting”

Target: learn how to convert DOS text into Word text; copy part of the text; format text according to requirements; use a numbered list.

1. To complete the task you will need a file preamble.txt , which is contained in the archive . Extract all files from the archive into your folder and open the text located in the filepreamble.txt , converting it from "DOS Text" format to "Word Document". Copy the contents of this file to the end of the text you wrote under the namemath_games.doc .

2. Edit the copied text according to the requirements: left indent 0 cm; right margin 15.5 cm; red line 1 cm; single line spacing; There are no indents before or after paragraphs; width alignment; character size 12 pt; font "Times New Roman"; normal style; symbol color is black.

3. Correct the errors that are underlined with a red squiggly line, or skip those underlined words that you think are not in error.

4. Please note that at the beginning of the text you must use a numbered list, the format of which can be changed using the menu item “Format > List...”.

5. Don't forget to write down the text under the same name math_games.doc .

Document selected for viewing№3.docx


Task No. 3 “Tables, columns, assigning keys to symbols”

Target: learn to use tables in the text; arrange text in several columns; assign “hot keys” to inserted characters.

Open the file math_games.doc math_games.doc .

Keys to task 3

1. The text heading is a level 1 heading, with the following formatting settings: Times New Roman font; character size 14 pt; bold style; central alignment.

2. Note that the text often uses symbols , And, which are located among the symbols of the Symbol font. Of course, you can insert a symbol every time or copy a symbol to the desired location, but it is better to assign “hot keys” to frequently used symbols. Assign to symbolkey (Ctrl+a), symbol- key (Ctrl+b), symbolkey (Ctrl+g).
To assign a key (Ctrl+a) to a character
perform the following procedure: select the menu item “Insert>Symbol”; set the font to “Symbol”; mark the symbolin the table; press the "Key" button; in the “New keyboard shortcut” field, press (Ctrl+a) and confirm the selection with the enter key; close the dialog boxes.
Now, when you press the key (Ctrl+a), the symbol will be inserted into the text
Note that the symbol
is used only twice in the text, so it does not need to be assigned a hotkey.

3. Symbol " " is located among the symbols of the Symbol font.

4. Attention! First, arrange all the tables in a row, one after another, and after filling them out, you will place them in different columns of text.
Note that the tables are very similar, so you can create, format and fill out one of them first, and then copy it and make the necessary corrections.
To insert a table, you can use the menu item “Table > Add > Table”. Don't forget to center both the table itself and its contents. The first row of the table contains bold characters.

5. Once you have created three tables, mark them and divide the marked text into three columns. To do this, you can use the menu item “Format > Columns...”.

Document selected for viewing№4.docx


Task No. 4 “Tables, columns, lists”

Target: learn how to change table borders; use text wrapping around tables; use a list and arrange it in several columns.

Open the file math_games.doc . At the end of the plaintext, type the text that follows this paragraph, following all formats. pay attention to , located after the text suggested for typing. Write the text into your folder under the namemath_games.doc .

Keys to task 4

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