Creating a Facebook page and promoting it. Facebook Promotion: A Guide for Beginners. Types of targeting on Facebook

A guide to effective work for a company on Facebook: choosing a platform (personal page, group or company page), content strategy, news feed generation algorithm, paid promotion and performance tracking.

Facebook and its Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger are probably the only Internet holding that still has room to grow in terms of the Russian audience. According to Mediascope, in August 2017, Facebook services were used on mobile phones on the RuNet more than Yandex services:

Facebook has its own laws for creating a user’s personal news feed, which makes business promotion more difficult than on the usual VKontakte or Instagram. But once you understand them, start following trends, and running effective SMM for your business will become easier and much more enjoyable.

How a business can be promoted on Facebook

As in VKontakte, you can create for a company:

  • group,
  • public page,
  • or sell using personal account.

Only if in VK posts from groups and public pages are shown in one news feed, then on Facebook the content of a group can only be seen by logging into it or seeing a notification about a new post. Only public pages have meaningful statistics on Facebook, groups have slightly less statistics, and personal accounts do not have them at all, while on VK even an ordinary user can monitor the statistics of his page if he has more than 100 subscribers.

Bot or personal brand: how to use a personal account for promotion

You can use your personal page for marketing purposes, but you need to remember:

Promotion using a personal account is a good tool if you have your own business, have the time and desire to invest effort in developing your pages, and, of course, if you have a wide target audience. If promotion is carried out by a hired employee in his account or bot, there is a big risk that when he leaves, he will not give up his page, which means you will be left with nothing. In addition, it is inappropriate to promote specific products and services in a personal account - for this purpose it is better to create a group or public page.

Facebook group (thematic community)

For a group to become “live”, you need to spend a lot of time and effort (encouraging user activity, provoking discussions on the topic, making sure there is no spam or flooding), but it’s worth it - a loyal community can exist on its own for a long time, and the brand can successfully use this platform to promote your products or services. When developing a group, follow simple rules:

  1. Don't name the group after the company - it's off-putting. The name should reflect the essence of the community. Successful examples: Mozzarella Lovers Club (for a cheese manufacturer), Motorists of Moscow (for a network of car service stations), All about Finland (for a guide to Finland).
  2. Don't add your friends to the group without permission - it will cause negativity. Particularly irritable friends will add you in response to the “Group for those who are annoyed when they are added to groups” (such groups on Facebook are also There is).
  3. Make good content yourself and involve members in the life of the community (motivate them to participate in discussions and post). High-quality UGC (user generated content), presence in a group of experts and the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people - these are three components of success for a community.
  4. Encourage the activity of participants - choose community moderators among them, give prizes to the best, organize events (online and offline) only for participants. This will create the desired “closed club” atmosphere.
  5. Do not overuse advertising posts. Experiment with ad formats to avoid boring participants.

Even if you have a group, you can’t do without a public page. From Facebook groups, unlike company pages, limited opportunities:

  • the group cannot be promoted with paid advertising;
  • You cannot write on behalf of the company in the group;
  • You cannot send a message to a group;
  • You cannot add product cards to a group;
  • posts from the group do not appear in the news feed.

Do not start a group if you are not sure that you are ready to support it at the very beginning without any obvious effect - for faster promotion, albeit with a short-term effect, it is better to use the company page.

Company page: design and content

A company page can profitably complement a group, or it can even replace it if you don’t have the resources to develop the community - after all, this is not a quick or easy process. A public page is the most understandable tool for promoting a brand on Facebook, the results of which, with the right approach, are immediately visible.

Public pages have several sections (tabs) - photos/videos, events, a store with goods, reviews, special offers... Facebook has developed standard design options for public pages for different types of businesses - combinations of tabs and buttons for companies, restaurants, sites, non-profits organizations and politicians. For example, a template for a store highlights important points for a page visitor - reviews, a display of goods, special offers.

Designer clothing store page Maskovna store well designed: there is everything a customer needs (reviews, photos, showcase), and even more - events and a newsletter subscription. The video cover perfectly complements the page content. Products from the store are attached to the posts:

The product card, like in an online store, contains all the information, and the order button leads the user to the site. This format is suitable for small stores with an assortment of about 100 items.

Be sure to use all the design options for the brand page - this will make the page more interesting, and the user will probably stay on it. Add a call to action button to your page.

The conference page invites you to register for the event.

Facebook offers several call to action button options:

“Book”, “Make an order”, “Call”, “Get a price”, “Watch a video”, “Go to the store”, etc.

Don't forget about a unique page address where your page will be easy to find. Ideally, the addresses in all social networks will be the same, because:

You can change the unique page address only once.

Facebook Public Page Settings That Are Not Easily Findable

There are dozens of guides on how to run a brand page on Facebook, but let’s focus on the most important rules:

  1. You don't need to publish three posts a day when you have time and then disappear for a week. It's best to schedule these three posts a week in advance.
  2. Each post should work to promote the company and contain a call to action - comment, like, follow a link, buy, write a message - the more subscribers interact with your page, the more chances you have to get into their feed with your next posts.

    The Invisible wine service conducts simple activities for subscribers. The costs of such mini-competitions are minimal.
  3. Use videos or gifs to illustrate your posts - no one likes to read a lot. Upload videos directly to Facebook ( under no circumstances on Youtube or Vimeo) and attach a file with subtitles - they will be shown if the user watches the video without sound. A file with subtitles can be attached both when uploading a video and at any time after publication.

  4. Promptly respond to the page’s personal messages, this will motivate a person to write to you (and generally respond - a company must respond to 90% of messages in order to be recognized as “very actively responding” and given a green “online” badge). For example, Tinkoff Bank responds to messages very quickly, even if you miss the chat.

  5. Make your posts mobile-friendly, especially if you use ad layouts with text. Post Becherovka plays well with the gif, turning it into fortune telling. But the GIF tag on mobile devices obscures some of the text.

  6. Go live - you can discuss an important topic with your subscribers, arrange a meeting with an expert who will answer questions, broadcast from an interesting event, hold a competition or prize draw, present a new product. Announce the live broadcast in advance so that viewers have time to tune in. For example, Lancome invited subscribers to an online broadcast of a party with stars in an email newsletter.

  7. Develop a publishing plan to make it easier for you to work with page content. Think over possible topics and formats of posts, collect information, photos/videos for posts in a document in Google docs or in notes on a smartphone. Write your posts in advance and schedule their publication a week in advance.
  8. Pin the most relevant or popular post to the top of the page to focus the visitor's attention on the information you need.
  9. Respond to comments, especially negative ones, promptly, politely and to the point. It sounds trivial, but many people fail to cope with this.

Of course, it's bad that Facebook does this. On the other hand, this should motivate brands to create quality content - one that subscribers will be interested in interacting with.

Facebook Advertising

  1. Before setting up and launching advertising, study Advertising Rules And Terms of Use Facebook. There is nothing supernatural about them, but this will help you avoid getting your account blocked: for example, on Facebook it is prohibited to use images in advertising that hint at the user’s excess weight. Such advertising may undergo automatic moderation, but moderators may detect a violation of the rules and ban the advertising account.
  2. Do not run ads from another country and Crimea (for obvious reasons).
  3. Do not add other people to your advertising account unless absolutely necessary - if their account is blocked for violating the rules, then you will also be at risk, even if you are not guilty of anything.

Facebook Messenger: Why It's Important

Communication between Internet users is rapidly flowing into instant messengers, and social networks are trying their best to keep up with this trend. Odnoklassniki has TamTam, VKontakte has VK messenger, and Facebook is developing Facebook Messenger. And there are also the familiar Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram.

For brands today, the messenger is both the first point of contact with the client and long-term communication. Writing to a company messenger is now as quick and easy as writing to a friend - why not use it? To promote in the messenger, you can use a chatbot or organize live user support with the help of managers.

Chatbots can take over most of the communication with a brand’s audience:

Of course, not all tasks can be handled by bots. Many service companies (Tele2, Onetwotrip, etc.) provide technical support in instant messengers, and this is much more convenient for everyone compared to support on websites and mobile applications:

  • clients receive answers where it is convenient for them, and in the next difficult situation they will not have the thought of writing to other places (the messenger is always on the smartphone, and you can quickly write to the company and just as quickly get an answer - why do we need other tools?);
  • Managers using communication logs in the messenger can see the entire history of interaction with the client.

All the information that previously had to be accumulated from comments on posts on social networks, letters and personal messages in order to work with the client as efficiently as possible is collected in one messenger chat.

Messengers are certainly promising for sales, the main thing is to motivate a person to write to the company. Further sales are a matter of technique (that is, the skill of the client manager).

If you don’t feel comfortable looking at FB messenger all the time, you can use the Callibri multi-widget. Then you can keep only the Callibri tab open, and in it communicate with those who wrote not only in Facebook messenger, but also in VK, Odnoklassniki, Telegram or Viber.

The Callibri widget eliminates the problem when the user has forgotten about the open chat or does not want to be on the site to get an answer to his question

As soon as a person chooses where to get an answer, information about his page on a social network or nickname in the messenger ends up in the client’s card, where other information is also accumulated, automatically or manually by the manager (source of transition to the site, region, phone number, mail address). For the manager, correspondence with the client is collected in one window:

This can be used not only for consultations and the first sale, informing the client about the status of the order and discussing details with him, but also in the future for communication with the client - when you need to remind him of the need to pay a subscription fee, offer additional services, etc. From the dialogue, it’s very easy to create a task with a deadline for the client - call back, discuss a discount, renew the contract - whatever.

The widget combines all requests to the company in one window and allows you to conveniently work with requests - since everything is collected in one place, nothing will be lost, you can distribute dialogues among managers and control their work. Clients can communicate directly with the sales department, bypassing page admins, who, as a rule, do not provide advice on the product.

How to promote on Facebook if your budget is limited

SMM is now at the peak of popularity - hundreds of agencies and freelancers offer promotion services in social networks. Everyone has different approaches: some give guarantees of sales, others promise coverage of the target audience, but often SMM costs are not justified due to the fact that contractors are not involved enough in the life of the company and even mislead customers, and customers expect from social networks quick results and are not ready to work with feedback (negativity, questions from subscribers and clients). You can promote on Facebook with a minimal budget. How to achieve this:

  1. Maintain a page within the company. Only you or your employees can correctly talk about a product or service, answer questions, quickly photograph production, get expert commentary - in a word, create content.
  2. Don't chase quantity. For successful SMM it is not necessary to post three posts a day - even three posts a week is enough. Just don’t forget to work with comments and personal messages from subscribers.
  3. Invest in promoting posts. Launch targeted advertising - look for the right audience by geolocation, interests, age and many other socio-demographic interests. Captivating publications that are often clicked on can bring visitors to your site for 3-7 rubles/click.
  4. Track promotion effectiveness. Use it in the links you provide in posts and monitor the conversion in Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. By looking at the results of SMM on Facebook, you can understand whether it is worth investing money and effort into this advertising tool.

SMM on Facebook: useful links

  1. Facebook Page Manager- a mobile application for managing public pages for Android and iOS.
  2. Facebook Ads Manager- mobile application for managing advertising for

Increase brand awareness, increase sales, attract new customers - all this can be done by promoting a group or website on Facebook. A wide target audience is concentrated here - potential consumers of any product, be it spare parts, equipment or cosmetic services. If you decide to start promoting your product yourself, be careful. You should know the basic rules and common mistakes of promoting a product on social networks.

How to promote a group or website on Facebook

Promoting a resource on Facebook has a number of undeniable advantages. This includes reaching the target audience, high speed of information dissemination, and direct contact with a potential buyer. Let's take a closer look at how to use these advantages to your advantage.

Where to start promoting on Facebook

You need to start promoting on Facebook directly by creating your page, the so-called Welcome Tab. Carefully consider its design and content, principles of maintenance, and published content. The main task of your page is to please the interests and needs of a potential client and capture his attention. When creating your Welcome Tab, follow these guidelines:

Basic mistakes when promoting on Facebook

Let's highlight the main mistakes that hinder doing business on Facebook:

  • Invalid page title. The title should be short, catchy, and reflect the content of the page. It is better not to use lowercase English words for it. Make sure there are no errors or typos.
  • Incomplete page description. Provide all information: from the website address to your actual location and a valid phone number. This is important information for the consumer.
  • Similarity to competitors' pages. Use your imagination and creativity to stand out from other pages and sites. This way you will gain uniqueness and potential consumers will definitely not confuse you with anyone.
  • Misrepresentation or lack of understanding of the target audience. Don't forget, accurately identifying your target audience is already half the success.
  • Lack of at least an approximate content plan. The content plan serves as the basis for filling your page. It cannot be treated superficially or completely ignored. A well-thought-out content plan is the key to effectively attracting an audience.
  • Too frequent or too infrequent publications. Maintain balance: post several posts throughout the day. Just enough so that your audience doesn’t lose you. You shouldn't be too active: social network users don't like intrusiveness.
  • Long delays in responding to messages or user comments. In addition to the fact that this is annoying and causes mistrust, Facebook also assigns a so-called responsiveness indicator for this. Therefore, be careful and try to respond in a timely manner.
  • Features of SMM on Facebook

    There are clients for every business on Facebook. But remember, selling directly here is useless. The client needs to be led to purchase. The audience of the social network is not simple: educated people with middle and high incomes, businessmen, famous bloggers, journalists. And the main Facebook page is not just a person's profile. This is the place where all the news that the user’s friends like is collected.

    For a company or project, creating a page rather than a group is more suitable - it simply has more functions: you can insert advertising widgets, they are indexed by search engines, there is no limit on the number of participants, etc.

    Let's look at some of the subtleties of SMM on Facebook:

  • Create a page and choose what exactly it will represent. If the company has a physical address, then the "Local Business or Location" option will be most appropriate. Here users can check in if they visit your establishment and leave a review.
  • Pay attention to the text and graphic design of the page. Give it a short, relevant URL and make it your company's business card. This way the user will immediately understand what you do and what you offer.
  • Analyze competitors' pages and create your own content plan.
  • Don't forget to put hashtags on your posts. Unique hashtags will serve as a rubricator. With their help, it will be easier for users to find the information they need on your page. Thematic hashtags will help attract new audiences.
  • The content must be unique. Video posts and gifs appear most actively in search results, and only then simple pictures. Use their alternation, and also do not forget to publish interesting stories.
  • For promotion, you can make posts in free groups, hold quizzes and marathons, themed weeks or weekends, collaborate with other groups on mutual PR terms, etc.
  • If you have a budget for promotion, then for successful SMM you can:

  • collaborate with famous bloggers and users who shape the audience’s opinion;
  • conduct a Giveaway, when a prize is announced for reposts, and the winner is selected randomly;
  • publish paid posts in promoted groups with your target audience;
  • use targeted advertising on Facebook.
  • Video: how to properly promote a page on Facebook

    Facebook targeting

    Types of targeting on Facebook

    So, what kind of targeting is there on Facebook:

  • By demographics and location. The simplest type of targeting, which determines the gender, age and place of residence of the client. You can expand the data and select the user’s family composition, marital status, education, etc.
  • By interests and behavior. This takes into account the information that users leave on their page: interests, education, work, likes on certain pages or participation in groups.
  • Based on connections. Ads appear only to those users who, for example, liked your posts, commented on them, etc.
  • There is no time targeting on Facebook. Therefore, you do not have the opportunity to independently set the time for your ads to appear. Here the system decides itself exactly when the user will see them.

    How to increase the number of fans of a Facebook page? How to get them to interact with you? And how to turn these people into clients and customers? Read about all this in our complete step-by-step guide.

    1. Create an original cover and avatar

    • Static cover

    Another thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the cover. As you can see, there is not a single blurred pixel in the picture above. To achieve the same result, you must use an image that is at least 851 by 315 pixels in PNG format. But I recommend using larger images so that when opened on larger monitors, they will be large and look good. For example, twice the recommended size - 1702 by 630 pixels. To understand how this works, look at the following examples.

    This is what a small cover (851 by 315) looks like on a large screen with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels:

    And this is what a large cover (1702 by 630) looks like on the same screen:

    • Static avatar

    The avatar size must be at least 170 by 170 pixels. But, as in the previous example, you can upload a larger image so that when you open it, it will be larger and of better quality.

    • Merged avatar and cover

    To quickly create original covers for personal pages, use the free online service timelinecoverbanner. With it, you can create a fused avatar and cover – they look quite impressive. Especially if the person has not seen such a technique before. This is done very simply: you follow the link indicated just above, click on the Upload Background button, select the desired image and click the Next Step button.

    After that, all that remains is to download the avatar and cover and upload it to your page.

    Please note: for company pages this way Not suitable, because recently in their profiles the avatar began to stand separately from the cover:

    An animated avatar can be made only on personal page. To do this, you need to use the Facebook app for iOS or Android. The algorithm of actions will be as follows (I explain using Android as an example):

    1. Go to your profile and click on your avatar:

    2. Select the “Shoot a new profile video” or “Select profile video” command:

    3. Click the “Use” button:

    2. Come up with a nice address

    So that in the future you do not have problems promoting your page, immediately come up with a beautiful and simple address for it. To do this, go to the “Information” section. If you can’t think of a good name right away, don’t worry, you can change the selected address at any time.

    3. Choose a suitable template

    Go to your Facebook settings, go to the “Edit Page” section and select the template that suits you best (“Services”, “Company”, “Venues”, “Non-Profit Organization”, “Policies”, “Restaurants and Cafes”, “ Shopping" or "Standard"). If necessary, remove unnecessary tabs and rearrange the order of the remaining tabs as you see fit. Here's how to do it on mobile:

    And here's how it is on the desktop:

    4. Install the button

    Once you've chosen a template, your page should have a call-to-action button that links to your website or app. For example, in the “Services” template there is a “Contact Us” button by default. But it can be changed to any other. To do this, you just need to click on it and select the desired option from the list that opens.

    For example, instead of the “Contact us” button, which leads to our contact page, I want to install a “Call” button so that a person can immediately call our office from Facebook. Then I open the “Contact Us” section and select the “Call” command there.

    Now smartphone users can call your company with one click. It's fast and convenient. Especially if your number is toll-free:

    All clicks on this button can be tracked in the “Statistics” section. It can also be promoted as an advertising post.

    It will look like this:

    5. Fill in all fields

    The more information you provide, the more professional and credible your page will appear to consumers. Don't neglect this point. Tell everything you can tell. In every detail and detail. Add photos and videos. Complete the services section if necessary. Ask at least a few of your customers to leave reviews about your company. If you do not have a website, but have a group, you can enter the address of your Facebook group in the “Website” line and thus link them together.

    On your personal page, be sure to indicate your position and place of work. This is necessary so that users can get to your business page through your profile. To enter information about your place of work, go to the “Work and Education” section and start typing the name of your page until Facebook prompts you to select it.

    Please note: in links Not you need to write the full address of the page. You just need to enter your nickname. To check whether the link works or not, try clicking on it. If it gives an error, it means you entered your information incorrectly.

    6. Link your Instagram

    If you have an Instagram page, link it to your Facebook business page. This will allow you to run advertising campaigns on Instagram (they are launched using Facebook Ads Manager), as well as collect accurate statistics on them.

    7. Link your group and page

    People may know about your group but not your page, or vice versa. This will increase the reach and engagement of both platforms. You will also be able to manage the group, create posts and communicate with members both on behalf of yourself and on behalf of your page. And, if anything happens, you can unlink the group at any time.

    If there is no “Groups” tab on the left, go to settings and edit the page:

    Click “Add Tab” and select “Groups”, as it should be after adding:

    This section has now appeared on the left side of the page. And then Facebook itself offers to create or link a group:

    We bind:

    That's it. Your group has been successfully linked to the page:

    8. Invite people from your email contact list

    It doesn’t matter who these people are - your clients, pen pals or just passing acquaintances - invite them all to become subscribers of your page (if they refuse, it’s okay, you have to start somewhere). To do this, click on the button with three dots under the cover of your page and select the command “Invite friends from your email contact list.” mail."

    After that, select the appropriate service (or load a list of emails from a .csv file) and click “Invite people from your contact list.”

    Please note: this function is currently available not for all pages. If you don’t have such a command when you click on the button with three dots, then it’s impossible to do this on your page. And one more thing: this method of attracting new subscribers is very intrusive and can cause a negative reaction. If you are afraid of this, it is better to refuse it.

    9. Invite your friends to like your page

    When you are just starting to develop your Facebook page, you cannot neglect any of the methods that allow you to increase the number of likes. Invite your friends to like your page. To do this, click on the button with three dots under the cover of your page, select the “Invite friends” command, check the box next to “Send an invitation to Messenger” (so that the person receives your message personally) and write an invitation that will not cause him negativity. Do you publish cool content? Write about it. Do you want him to like the page in a friendly manner and then unfollow him when you gain a real audience? Just say so, there is nothing wrong with that.

    10. Send an invitation to every new friend

    Every time a new person is added as your friend, send them a message something like this: “Hi. Thank you for adding me as a friend. If you are interested in [insert your topic], join my page. Every day I publish the most interesting and useful content on the topic there. Here is the link – [link to your page]. Come in :)".

    11. Set up quick replies

    By clicking the "Message" button, users can write personal messages to your page. Often many of them hang unnoticed until a moderator visits the page. To prevent this from happening, set up automatic replies. For example, you could write the following: “Thank you for writing to us. We will answer you within today." Then the user will not expect an instant response from you and will remain loyal to your company.

    To set up an automatic reply, go to the page settings and select the “Messaging” section.

    Scroll down the page to the “Answer Assistant” heading and move the slider toward “Yes.” If necessary, change the text of the standard message.

    12. Link your Facebook page to JivoSite live chat

    When you respond to user messages very quickly, Facebook assigns this business card to your page:

    How to achieve this? One of the easiest ways, in my opinion, is to link Facebook to the JivoSite online chat, so that all messages from Facebook are sent to the manager in the chat, and he can quickly respond to them. To connect the two services, go to the “live site” settings and add Facebook as a new channel.

    After clicking the button, you will be asked to add a link to your page. After that, all messages from your Facebook users will be sent to your managers via online chat.

    13. Provide a link to your page in the description of your other social media accounts.

    14. Add a link to your page in your email signature

    And let every person you write to see a link to your Facebook page. To do this in Yandex mail, go to “Setup” - “Sender Information”.

    Enter the required information, format and save.

    Signatures are configured in approximately the same way in all other email services.

    15. Post great content

    Publishing quality content is the surest way to make your page popular. Announce your new blog materials, post high-quality infographics and videos, and start interesting discussions. If you are short of ideas, use our article “”.

    16. Do this on a regular basis

    According to statistics, brands that post content 1-2 times a day have 40% more engaged users than those that post once a week or less.

    17. Consider Facebook features

    Facebook is a rather specific platform. In the video below we talk about its four main features:

    18. If you have an online store, add products

    If you choose a template that has a Shop tab, you have the option to add your products to your Facebook page and tag them in a post. Let's see how this works using an example page " Golden domes ».

    20. Use high-quality branded images

    Beautiful images with your company logo will help you create your own unique style and make your brand more professional and recognizable in the eyes of users.

    Please note: It is desirable that the pictures for posts be large in size - 1200 by 630 pixels for horizontal pictures and 1200 by 1200 for square ones. This size is needed so that users who use large screens do not experience inconvenience. I already talked about this at the very beginning of the article.

    21. Highlight your best posts

    Posts that have received the most likes and reposts should be in the most visible place so that those who have not yet viewed them will do so as soon as possible. To pin a post to the very top of the feed, click on the arrow in the upper right corner and select the “Pin to Top of Page” command.

    22. Encourage users to like and share your posts

    There's no shame in asking people to like or share your post if it's truly worth it. After all, you spent the effort to write it, and you have every right to politely ask for this kind of gratitude.

    23. Recommend your page on all social networks where you have subscribers

    For example, make a post about why your VKontakte followers should join your Facebook page. It is clear that since they read you on VKontakte, most likely, it is more convenient for them, but you may be of interest to a small part of the audience.

    24. Promote your page in your newsletter

    If you run a newsletter, tell your subscribers about your Facebook page and why they should follow it. If you don't have a newsletter yet, immediately start collecting your base. You're ignoring one of the most powerful channels for generating traffic and leads.

    25. Contact the admins of other publics on Facebook

    And agree on co-marketing. Let them recommend your page to their subscribers, and you – theirs. The same can be done with the newsletter, if you have approximately the same number of subscribers, and with any other channels for attracting traffic.

    In 2016, the number of Facebook users crossed the 1.5 billion mark. Human. Therefore, it is not surprising that this social network has long become an effective platform for commerce. Both professionals and amateurs are actively engaged in promotion on Facebook. How to achieve tangible results from promotion? How to avoid stepping on the same rake over and over again? This is what we will talk about now.

    Where to start promoting on Facebook?

    The first step is always the same - create a strategy. There's no need to rush here. It is important for yourself to understand the goals of promotion and what you ultimately want to get. Are you already planning to create and design a page? Stop! Now is the time to study your competitors. The number of competitors studied does not matter. The quality of the research is important. Competitor analysis should be prepared in the form of a comparative table in Excel or World.

    The more in-depth the analysis is carried out, the better.

    When researching a competitor's Facebook page, pay attention to:

    The best way to create a strategy is in World.

    To automate the analysis of competitors, there are special services, which we will talk about in the block about the tricks and tricks of promotion on Facebook.

    Let's start designing a Facebook page

    Hooray! The competitor analysis is ready, the strategy is drawn up. Finally you can create your masterpiece.

    First you need to determine what you will promote: a commercial page, a group or a personal account.

    There are a number of significant differences between a group and a Facebook page.


    • can be closed (participants can join by invitation, entries are visible only to participants);
    • Applications cannot be added to the group;
    • to a greater extent, intended for communication between people of similar interests;
    • there are no statistics on interaction with the group,
    • you can invite people without their knowledge, which, of course, annoys users;
    • there is survey functionality,
    • limited advertising opportunities.

    Example of a public Facebook group design

    Closed group on Facebook: information, list of participants and administration are visible. Posts are not visible


    • visible to everyone - both registered Facebook users and not;
    • perfectly adapted for commercial activities (you can successfully sell any product or service);
    • the number of fans a page has is not limited (likes);
    • there are advanced analytics, where you can immediately compare the audience engagement of your Page with the pages of your competitors,
    • no survey functionality.

    This is what the MAVR company page looks like for those who are not registered on the network

    Personal account:

    An example of creating a personal account for commercial purposes. The first account that popped up after searching for “furniture”

    If your ultimate goal is to sell goods or services, increase brand popularity, and receive leads, then a Facebook page and promotion is the best option.

    With a personal account everything is clear. But for the page you need to determine the type. Facebook offers 6 types of business pages to choose from:

    • Local companies;
    • Company, organization or institution;
    • Brand or product;
    • Performer, musical group, or public figure;
    • Entertainment;
    • A common idea or community.

    Depending on the goals of promotion through Facebook and the type of your product, determine the type of page and category (page topic).

    First, if your business has a physical address, the Local Business type will be most effective. By indicating your address, in the future, users who have visited you and want to leave a post will be able to check in (put a geolocation with your address), which will also become advertising for your page.

    Secondly, the “Reviews” option is available to the “local companies” type, thanks to which your customers will be able to leave real reviews, thereby raising the company’s rating.

    IMPORTANT! Don't skip fields in the first stages of page design. The more data you enter, the better. Remember, a Facebook page is a business card of a company, just like a website. And in some cases, its promotion is carried out without the existence of a website.

    The purpose of designing a page or group is to make sure that when visiting it for the first time, visitors understand what kind of company you have, what products or services you have.

    PAY ATTENTION to the page url
    . If the page name is entered in Russian, then your url will look something like this: D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0% B8%D0%B5/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4 %D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B0/% D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%80-356209378049958

    To put the address in order, you need to enter the username in Latin letters in the “information” section. The correct link looks like this:

    Not only the text design should be logical and complete. Visual content is equally important. So, if you sell shoes, the banner at the top of the page should have a photo of your shoes in any variation. Give preference to your own photo content. And only in its absence, use pictures from the Internet.

    The banner can be branded (with the company logo, slogan and other attributes).

    It is equally important to choose the right profile photo. It would be logical if this would be a logo or photo of your product. If you provide services, this could be your personal photo. In any case, the picture should evoke associations with the information provided on the page.

    REMEMBER, sometimes originality lies in simplicity. You won't be able to surprise thousands of people. Be clear to your target audience. That's the whole secret.

    How to create a content plan for promotion on Facebook?

    When the page is ready, for effective promotion it is worth developing a content plan. It will allow you not to fuss at the last moment, looking for videos, processing photos or writing texts. Leave some space in your plan for situational publications. Determine for yourself the time and frequency of posting (this is where competitor analysis comes in handy).

    It is convenient to draw up a content plan in Excel, where on the first tab you place information about the dates and times of posting, according to tags or categories, on the second tab - the content itself.

    Are hashtags necessary on Facebook? Many people respond negatively: “Hashtags? Facebook? Nonsense! To be tagged or not is up to you to decide. But let's figure out why they are needed.

    • Unique (those that only you use);
    • Thematic (those that correspond to the topic of the post).

    Tags are a kind of rubricator. If you have a content plan, then you have probably defined post categories for yourself. Tags will help both you and your readers avoid confusion. For example, you run an advice section on your Facebook page with the tag #petrov_advises. Readers see your post in the feed. They like your post and want to read all the other posts on the same topic. What to do? Go to a page and then spend a long time searching for what you need? Only a few are capable of such feats. But tags will make the task much easier.

    By the way, unique tags are part of branding when promoting a company on Facebook. One style - one concept. Moreover, in the future, people will be able to post posts about your product/service using a unique company tag.

    What to post? You can post in real time, you can use delayed posting on Facebook itself, or you can use various third-party services. The most popular is SMM Planner.

    Advice - when choosing delayed posting, use third-party services. According to numerous observations of SMM managers, Facebook ranks such posts better.

    Uniqueness of content. Of course, it's nice to read unique content. And if it is useful and visually easy to perceive, that’s a huge plus. But in war, all means are good. Therefore, combine your content with what the World Wide Web offers.

    In my experience, Facebook ranks posts containing video content best. In second place are GIFs. The third one contains ordinary pictures. But this does not mean that you should only post videos and GIFs. Promotion of groups on Facebook should include the whole range of measures - alternate types of content. Moreover, you can safely try to write longreads (long posts). The main thing is to hook the reader from the first lines. Storytelling (real and fictional stories from life) is especially well received.

    How to get your Facebook followers to comment, share and like your posts to the maximum? Every website owner sooner or later asks this question. With around 30 billion posts being created on Facebook every month, getting the attention of users is becoming a challenge.

    Large companies spend a lot of resources on promoting their Facebook page. But can a company with a small budget achieve success on this social network? We are sure it can. And we'll tell you how. We've got a few tricks up your sleeve that will help you spice up your Facebook page for free. Read and remember:

    stay tuned

    Basic things remain the same, but as you know, details make all the difference, so Facebook often pleases us with updates. If you want to maintain activity on your page, you need to always be aware of the latest innovations on the platform and use them in your strategy. A great way to keep up with the news is to regularly visit blogs that cover all the news and events related to social networks (for example, All Facebook or).

    The most significant change in recent times is the decline in organic reach for brands. This means that Facebook intentionally limits the number of views each post on your page receives. There are two ways to deal with this situation: periodically pay to promote the most important posts or optimize them so that they appear in free (organic) search results. Here are a couple of tips to help you promote your content for free.

    Post at the right time

    Both in everyday life and online: timing is everything. It is important not only to publish interesting and useful content, but also to do it at the right time, otherwise there will be no one to read it. Define your target audience and find out what hours these users are usually online.

    Free online tools HootSuite and Buffer can help you analyze Facebook page activity and create a posting schedule that best suits your target audience. These apps will also help you set a time frame for posting so that your posts don't appear in your news feed too often.

    Test different types of publications

    Depending on the content of your Facebook page, different types of content may produce different results. Your job is to understand what your target audience responds to best: images, videos, text links, questions, funny observations, or memes.

    Social marketing is not possible without testing. Try different types of publications and compare the audience's reaction to them. This will give you the information you need to further optimize your content.

    Don't be afraid to ask people to click the "Like" button, share your posts, or tag their friends in them. If you provide them with quality content, they will be only too happy to oblige. You can experiment with content that already encourages this type of action.

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