Expanding Beeline coverage. Map of Yota base stations

High-quality cellular communication depends on a lot of factors. And one of the most important conditions for a reliable connection is the number of operator radio towers. The more often they are located, the more stable the connection will be. But users cannot independently monitor the distance of radio towers; instead, they should familiarize themselves with Beeline’s coverage area. It contains all the required information, including the quality of the Internet in every point of the country. At the same time, users are able to independently customize the map, choosing the information that they want to find out. This approach allows you to simplify work with the system and make using the service much easier. An important advantage of the information offered by the mobile operator is its scale. Users have access to information about communications throughout Russia in each region.

To view the Beeline coverage map, you need:

  1. visit the official website of the telephone company;
  2. switch to the special section “offices and coverage” (the link is in the top header of the portal);
  3. wait for the page to load and customize it to your own needs.

For user convenience, the section contains the following functions:

  • on the right side there is a tab for turning on and off the display of offices and communication stores (a total of 4 types of sales and service points);
  • on the left side there is a view switching service to indicate different Internet networks (2g, 3g, 4g);
  • at the bottom there are buttons for switching scales;
  • Additionally, the operator offered two buttons for indicating detected errors and obtaining a link.

The listed functionality is enough for users to be able to fully use the site section and constantly receive the required information.

Beeline 3G and 4G coverage area in Russia on the 2019 map

3G is present in almost every Russian city, so users will not have problems connecting to high-speed Internet.

With a 4g connection the situation is more complicated. If you look at a map showing cities, it turns out that it is present only in the central regions of the country and in the largest centers with a population of more than a million people. But perhaps the situation will change in the future. In order to promptly learn about existing changes and expansion of the network, you should visit the company’s official portal more often, follow emerging news and often look at the section with the map.

The Internet in 4G format appeared in Russia relatively recently. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of subscribers rushed to connect to this service in order to be able to work anywhere from their device.

As evidenced by reviews from many users, they are satisfied with the level of 4G communication. Beeline has obviously done a lot to offer subscribers:

  • reasonable price for your services;
  • a strong signal that will be available not only in the center of the capital, but also in other regions;
  • high speed, which allows you to download data packages as quickly as possible.

However, there are still many nuances in the issue of distributing the 4G signal in Russia that companies have yet to resolve. In this article we will talk in more detail about where (at the time of writing) the Internet is available in LTE format, what its speed is, how you can connect to this service, and what tariffs the operator offers its customers.

Briefly about 4G

First of all, we will tell you in more detail about what fourth-generation communications are and what features the LTE connection format has.

So, as we know, there is 2G, 3G and 4G Internet. These formats got their names from the word generation, which is translated from English as “generation”. Now it becomes clear why wireless Internet transmitted via mobile communications is called second, third or fourth generation networks.

Based on the quantitative identifier, it is easy to guess how the evolution of the mobile Internet took place. If at first there was a GPRS format that worked on old Siemens and Nokia phones with a keyboard, then a little later smartphones operating with 2G appeared. Of course, this type of connection was considered revolutionary due to its speed and ability to exchange large amounts of data.

Next came 3G, which became even faster. If in second generation networks the user has the opportunity to exchange messages by mail and on social networks, browse websites and do other similar work, then with 3G you can download media files, listen to music and watch movies.

LTE, or 4G network, has even greater capabilities because it allows you to download multimedia content even faster. In terms of access speed, it can be compared with home Internet (at least if it is provided by the Beeline 4G network).


Since 4G belongs to the category of mobile Internet, it is easy to guess that it interacts primarily with portable gadgets, such as tablet computers and smartphones. In addition, you can use LTE Internet using desktop computers and laptops. True, this requires a special one developed by the company. Tariffs applied to services provided for a desktop PC are somewhat different from mobile ones. However, more on this a little later. Let's just say that the service package provided for a PC is larger, and therefore slightly more expensive, than the same service intended for a portable gadget.

In general, we can say with confidence that the list of devices capable of receiving an LTE signal is quite extensive (or even unlimited).


What are the conditions for using the Internet in 4G connection format? Beeline has developed several service packages with a fixed cost. This was done so that the client could independently decide how much data he would like to order and how much he is ultimately willing to pay for its use.

To begin with, it should be noted that all packages are divided into two groups - those that include only the amount of Internet traffic (they are designed for tablet computers, as well as USB modems for desktop PCs), and those that come as a package along with mobile communications. In particular, they are called “Everything for...”, and by connecting them, the subscriber can count on a range of services from Beeline (4G).

The price of the package depends primarily on the amount of data, as well as on the capabilities that the subscriber receives. Below we present to your attention the characteristics of each of the designated packages.

"Everything for 200"

Let's start with the most basic and affordable tariff, which combines both mobile communication services and portable Internet. So, as the name implies, the cost of the package is 200 rubles per month. There are no additional fees for connecting to the service or maintaining it. This is the final payment that allows you to use the option.

The amount of data offered to the subscriber is 1 GB. In principle, for a low-active smartphone user, this traffic will be enough to communicate on social networks, work with mail, and, possibly, occasionally search for information on Google. Of course, it is necessary to clarify that for the service to function, a supporting person is needed.

Within the framework of this tariff, Beeline also offers unlimited calls within the network, as well as special tariffs for other services. Since this does not relate to the main topic of our article, we will not go into detail.

Other "All for..."

In addition to the package for 200 rubles, the operator also has sets for 400, 600, 900, 1500 and 2700 rubles. They are essentially similar to the basic option, with the exception of the amount of data allocated.

In particular, for 400 rubles the user receives not 1, but 2 GB per month, additional minutes and free SMS messages (in a fixed amount). For 600, the operator provides 5 GB per month (traffic will be enough for smartphone owners who periodically play online games and like to listen to music from the Internet). The “All for 900” tariff will give you the opportunity to get 7 GB with prepayment, and 12 GB of traffic on your smartphone with postpayment (this is enough even for TV series fans).

Finally, packages for 1500 and 2700 rubles offer the user 10/20 and 15/30 GB for post- and prepayment, respectively. Of course, they require a 4G smartphone (Beeline provides an additional package of messages and minutes for calls).


In order to activate one of the mentioned tariffs, you need to log in to the 4G Internet service account (Beeline has developed a separate menu for its users). You can also call the phone number indicated on the tariff description page (it includes a unique identifier with which you can automatically, following the robot’s instructions, order the appropriate service). Finally, you can always contact the sales department.

"Internet Forever" + "Highway"

An alternative line of tariff plans is the “Internet Forever” service in conjunction with “Highway”.

Where there is a 4G coverage area, Beeline offers owners of tablet computers a free traffic package consisting of 200 megabytes. In addition to it, the user is required to take the Highway service for 4, 8, 12 or 20 GB. As you can see, the data packages for the Internet on a tablet device are larger than those intended to be consumed by a smartphone. And this is logical, since subscribers tend to spend much more traffic on a tablet.

The cost of packages varies from 400 to 1200 rubles per month. As you can see, this is an order of magnitude cheaper than the “All for...” plans, since mobile communications are not provided here.

How to connect?

Activation of the service is carried out using the same method as described above. That is, the subscriber is given the opportunity to contact the operator and ask him to activate the tariff he likes manually (note that you need to call from the SIM card on which you want to activate the option, so it will have to be removed from the tablet). You can also activate the service on the Internet using your personal account or by sending a short request with the combination specified on the package description page.


How widespread 4G coverage is plays a very important role in the quality of services provided. Beeline, according to messages on the official website, is trying to maximally expand the area in which the Internet signal is available in the format of fourth-generation networks. However, even a person far from telecommunications understands that this is far from so simple. The company is forced to constantly invest new money so that more and more residents of remote regions can use high-speed Internet.

Although not as fast as we would like, the 4G zone is gradually increasing. Beeline has connected only the largest cities to its LTE network, while smaller settlements are forced to make do with 3G Internet, or even slow 2G. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this. Our country has too large an area for one mobile operator to provide a strong enough signal.

Check Beeline 4G coverage

To make it more convenient for subscribers to use the services, the company has developed a special Internet service. It is presented in the form of a map of Russia, which indicates the territories under the signal of different connection formats, including: 4G, WiFi. Beeline, as you know, is creating its own network of fixed-line Internet transmitters on the streets so that its subscribers can use wireless access services for free or at a reasonable cost.

Authorization is carried out using a mobile phone, and deductions for working with the service are made from the subscriber’s account. As for informing users, on the mentioned map everyone can find out where the nearest coverage area is. Beeline, of course, also marked it in detail on it. Here you can also find the addresses of the company’s service centers and stores.

Signal distribution

Some subscribers working with LTE Internet take advantage of the operator’s services in order to provide their other devices with access to the network. In particular, this also applies to stationary devices (laptop or personal computer consisting of a system unit and a monitor). This is done when you have a 4G WiFi router "Beeline".

You can buy it in communication stores - there will be no problems with this. At the same time, such a device, which has a USB output, can be connected to a computer with any operating system without the need to make additional settings. Everything is simple and easy - connect the Beeline router (4G) to the USB hole, and high-speed Internet appears on your PC at a reasonable price. With it, you can perform work tasks on your device without having to think about whether you will find another WiFi hotspot or not.

In addition, there is no need to run additional wires to connect to the network. The signal works wherever you are (provided, of course, that there is 4G coverage there). In addition, it provides its owners with high signal transmission speeds. Reviews from subscribers indicate that with a good signal level on the computer, you can watch a movie or download a video, communicate on Skype, etc. It is even possible to enjoy online games (the connection allows this).

You can purchase a Beeline 4G router in a specialized store, which is also available to visitors to the company’s official website. There should be no difficulties in purchasing a device.

The Beeline mobile radiotelephone communication network is built and operates on equipment of the GSM/DCS (2G network), 3G/UMTS (3G network), LTE TDD and LTE FDD (4G network) standards. Communication services on the Network are provided to Subscribers within the declared Radio Coverage Area of ​​the Operator's network.

Where does Beeline catch?

Beeline coverage area allows you to make calls no matter where the other subscriber is, and also provides access to the World Wide Web. Thus, by connecting to Beeline, you can constantly stay in touch. Becoming a subscriber is very simple: call us. SIMTrade specialists will be happy to connect to Beeline unlimited tariffs or any other selected plan. And if suddenly you haven’t decided on the right one, we are always ready to help in this matter.

Our contacts: 8-495-363-62-61 (sales service, daily, 9.00-21.00), 8-800-250-62-61 (support service, 24 hours a day).

Beeline coverage : familiar and new standards

Modern equipment used by one of the leading mobile operators - Bmline, allows you to support both the well-known 3G standard and the relatively new 4G format for Russia. Beeline 4Gcoverage area- this is what the company has been working on lately to provide even better quality mobile internet Beeline and uninterrupted mobile communications from anywhere in the country. However, with the same goals it improves coverage area 3GBeeline.

All for convenience: Beeline coverage map

If you have any doubts about the coverage area of ​​a particular settlement to which the path led, you will be able to help Beeline coverage map. She will tell you clearly where it works coverage area 3GBeeline, and where has progress already reached with LTEBeeline coverage area.

For simple, accessible and convenient communication of your subscribers Beeline coverage area constantly expands and thereby takes communication to a new level. SIMTrade follows all the innovations of the mobile operator in order to offer its customers only the best and most delicious.

Call and stay in touch with us and Beeline!

In this article we will cover the topic of what Beeline coverage area is, as well as how to find out about its status in a particular region and solve connection problems.

Beeline coverage map and its features

Having studied the map of the location of the operator’s communication towers, you can see that the entire country is covered by them. But communication is not always present where there are well-equipped mobile operator stations. Why so, you ask.

Many users who do not know about the features of mobile communications attribute problems with it to the service operator. But this is far from true.

Network quality depends on many factors:

  1. Insufficient signal emission power from the base tower or the direction of the antennas is incorrect.
  2. Uneven distribution of base stations due to the peculiarities of the geographical location and architectural development of the settlement, resulting in incomplete coverage of the territory.
  3. The quality of communication also depends on the building density of the area, the layout of the building in which the subscriber is located, or even the thickness of its walls.
  4. Weather conditions play an important role– so, rain greatly affects the throughput of communication channels.

Mainly about connection quality and coverage areas the subscriber wants to know in the following cases:

  • Buying real estate (most often outside the city).
  • When going on a trip, picnic or vacation.
  • Going on a business trip.

Below you can see the coverage map:

By the way, on the map, large cities are generally shown with the best signal, but remote settlements, so to speak, the outback, cannot boast of this.

But here a surprise may await you - although the tower may not be indicated on the map, the operator’s connection in this area can be quite tolerable.

For what reason does this happen? Most often, a reflected signal is involved in this, although small inaccuracies in drawing up the coverage map cannot be ruled out.

Where can I get 3g and 4g signals from Beeline?

Having carefully studied the Beeline coverage map, you will notice that the Internet of these categories is not available everywhere. The best signals of 3g technology can be received in the central part of the country, but in the eastern and northern regions the situation is worse.

Regarding the Internet using 4g technology, the coverage here is much more modest. Base stations with this signal are located pointwise, which means that not all operator users can receive the signal.

4g Internet can be used by residents of the Moscow and St. Petersburg megacities, as well as their regions. Residents of certain central regions of Russia also have this advantage.

In other regions of the Russian Federation, 4g signals appear only in the largest cities - the administrative centers of the regions where Beeline LTE base stations are located. This service is provided in 11 regions of the country, increasing its volume to cover more and more new territories every year.

Signal reception problems and how to solve this problem

As mentioned above, the absence of a signal or its poor quality occurs everywhere. And the operator is not always the reason for this. Now we would like to tell you what you can do if you have a bad operator signal on your phone.

Of course, complaining about a small number of base stations or their insufficient power will not speed up the process of installing new ones or upgrading old ones.

But by sending a request to the operator indicating your location and the characteristics of the signal you are receiving, you can be sure that the operator will definitely consider this request and check the settings of its stations in this region, which may simply need additional correction. This is why feedback from its users is very important for Beeline.

In addition, the problem may lie in the gadget itself, which simply does not receive a signal due to the fact that it does not support this type of communication. To avoid this, when purchasing equipment, be sure to ask the seller about the functions of receiving communication signals.

To solve connection problems in remote areas of the region where the signal does not penetrate well, such as in the country, you can install special cellular amplifiers.

It is also worth paying attention to the time of registration on the network. The fact is that during peak hours, when the network experiences a large influx of users, the signal scatters and there simply may not be enough for everyone, or its quality begins to “limp”.

It will be useful to view:

Grand total

In order to stay connected, users need to have an idea of ​​the quality of communication in the area where they are located. To do this, the Beeline operator has posted a very accessible map of its network coverage on its website. If the subscriber is not satisfied with the quality of the signal, the company is always ready to listen and help solve the problem. In addition, today the solution to many connection problems is not limited to adjusting antennas at base stations, but you can find out exactly what solutions to problems exist in this article.

MTS coverage map

To provide quality services to subscribers, MTS has created a modern telecommunications infrastructure, including its own mobile networks and services available to subscribers.

MTS coverage area

Currently, the operator offers a whole range of telecommunications services based on three main standards. A map of MTS coverage in the capital and regions is posted on this page, including the zones:

  • 2G – cellular telephone communications;
  • 3G – telephone communications and services, including conference calls, voice mail, access to multimedia and the Internet at a limited speed;
  • 4G (LTE) – Internet, access to multimedia and various communication services, TV, video, video communication without speed limits.

Currently, MTS has deployed a serious technical infrastructure that allows it to receive various communication services while meeting the requirements for reliability, security, confidentiality and signal stability. Work continues on services that will be available to subscribers in the near future.

The proposed coverage map will help determine whether your geographic location falls within the MTS coverage area. At the same time, keep in mind that the Internet speed will be higher if you move no faster than 12 km per hour (namely, on foot or on a bicycle), slower if you are in a car. When moving between coverage areas of Moscow and other regions, seamless switching is carried out, invisible to the subscriber.

To use 4G (LTE), you need a special USIM SIM card and a device that supports LTE.

MTS coverage map in Moscow

MTS is one of 4 companies that is developing the 4G standard in Russia and has dual-band frequencies for these purposes. Almost all major cities in Russia already provide full coverage for all MTS telephony standards, including 4G. In terms of coverage area, LTE is available not only in the terrestrial segment, but also in the metro and underground garages - the MTS 2017 coverage map is available below. With MTS you can use one of the most modern and expensive engineering infrastructures in the field of telecommunications with many integrated services.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, due to the heavy load on communication networks, backup channels have been deployed that support a high level of communication and are flexibly configured to serve all subscribers in the coverage area. If 3G completely covers the capital, then the MTS 4G LTE coverage map, as for a developing standard, has areas of uncertain reception. This information will be useful to you if you want to install a modem for Internet access at home and need to check zones.

MTS coverage area in Russia

Many subscribers connect to MTS because they know that this company provides the largest reception area in Russia. You will have MTS communications available almost anywhere in the country. If you want to make sure of this, use the MTS coverage map in Russia. When doing so, pay attention to the communications standards you typically use and the availability of services where you travel. The current coverage map for MTS in Crimea is available on the website, which will be useful for residents of the peninsula to assess the available signal in their area of ​​residence.

Internet speed test from MTS

Subscribers often complain about insufficient speed of Internet access from MTS. Typically, this may depend on a number of factors:

  • you are not connected to the 4G standard;
  • you are in an area of ​​​​uncertain 4G reception or there is significant interference at the access point;
  • The device does not provide reliable signal reception, provided it is in the coverage area.

Each MTS subscriber, purchasing a range of services, first of all, gets access to high-quality communications. For this reason, if your mobile device works well and you are in the required coverage area, you should have normal access to telecommunications services and the Internet, incl.

If this does not happen, you need to record the facts of a decrease in speed by first checking your location in the area of ​​reliable reception, and then conduct an Internet speed test from MTS.

How to do an Internet speed test from MTS?

You can check your Internet speed using a number of Internet resources. The provider does not offer its own web service, but subscribers can use a mobile application or provide data from third-party services. What you need to do for this:

  • this can be done from the site http://pr-cy.ru/speed_test_internet/ or the site http://www.speedtest.net/ru/
  • when you log in, you will have information about the access point in the form of a table;
  • run a speed test;
  • write down the data and check it with the provision agreement; if you receive access in 4G format, the speed must be at least 112 Mbit/s (outgoing and incoming traffic has different speeds), check for more detailed information on the provider’s website or at an MTS store.

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