How to connect IP telephony for the office and choose a spectacular number? Telephony Equipment for organizing communication in the office

It is difficult to imagine a successful company without high-quality telephone communications: any business requires constant communications with clients, partners and employees. The costs of installing telephones for a large company are quite significant: the purchase of equipment, connection fees and line maintenance. You can reduce costs by using modern technologies in the office - IP telephony. However, not only budget savings are important. Only communications that fully meet the needs of the company can guarantee operational efficiency. We will compare the quality and flexibility of analogue and IP telephony settings, as well as the cost of connecting and making calls within each type of communication.

Which telephony system to choose for the office: truth - in comparison

At the moment, telephone connection is carried out in two ways: using analog and IP telephony. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Classical system - this is the connection of one or more subscribers to a telecom operator with the allocation of an individual telephone number for each of them. This type of telephony is acceptable only for companies for which one or two lines are enough, that is, small businesses, small shops or offices with a low frequency of incoming and outgoing calls. For large companies, this approach carries too high costs, because connecting and maintaining each number will cost money.

An analogue mini-PBX helps to partially solve this problem, which “distributes” existing lines to subscribers’ internal telephones, creating the so-called multi-channel communication system . Thus, many employees can use one number, but the number of simultaneous incoming and outgoing calls will not exceed the number of installed lines. However, this rule does not apply to internal calls - employees can communicate with each other without restrictions. This method of organizing telephony is suitable for small and medium-sized companies for which internal corporate conversations are important and there is no need to make a large number of calls.

Until recently, analogue telephony using a regular telephone cable was the only possible way to ensure the reliability and quality of voice communications. But in recent years, the situation has changed: digital telephony can now provide unmatched sound quality and communication channel stability at significantly lower costs. Thus, the use of IP telephony will reduce the cost of long-distance calls by 30–40%, as well as save 10% on local calls (if compared with prices for analog communications).


  • If you move your office, you can keep the existing number;
  • the call forwarding function to cell phones increases the mobility of company employees;
  • it is possible to organize audio and video conferences, call centers, hotlines;
  • connected services for recording and listening to conversations help improve the quality of service;
  • it is possible to create a complex voice menu;
  • you can easily and quickly manage communication services and change settings within a virtual PBX;
  • An existing analog number can be saved by converting it to IP telephony format.

As a result, office IP telephony has significant advantages over classical telephony, which is why the number of its users is steadily growing every year.

Connecting IP telephony is possible both simultaneously with the Internet connection to the office, and later. For large organizations or those who need a call center, it is advisable to allocate a separate Internet channel for transmitting voice data; this will make the work more stable and make it possible to organize up to 30 telephone lines simultaneously.

According to statistics, the most popular area for using IP telephony is trade (slightly more than 30% of the total number of companies). If we add to this companies providing services (25%), creating websites (more than 8%) and Internet marketing (almost 7%), the total comes out to about 70% of organizations. The Central Federal District is the leader in the number of rooms per company: there are 1.4 rooms per office.

Equipment for organizing communication in the office

With classic analog telephones, the situation is more or less clear: when organizing a traditional type of communication, you need to buy regular telephones and, if necessary, a mini-PBX. These types of equipment differ both in cost (from the most inexpensive models costing hundreds of rubles, to system stations costing several tens of thousands) and in the number of supported functions (DECT phone, conference phone, etc.).

If you opt for IP communication services, then you will need the appropriate IP phones. In Russia, the most popular devices are from manufacturers Gigaset, Cisco, AudioCodes. An alternative to purchasing special equipment is connecting classic telephone sets to an IP gateway - an adapter that converts an analog signal to a digital one. You can connect several phones to such a device at once, thereby reducing equipment costs. It is possible to use regular cell phones and smartphones, using special software or forwarding settings. In this case, no additional expenses will be required for the purchase of equipment. And finally, it is popular to organize telephony through office computers and laptops- the necessary software package is installed on them and in the future all that remains to make calls is to purchase a headset.

Connecting analogue telephony, including the purchase of a mini-PBX and other equipment, will cost approximately 50,000 rubles. Organizing a virtual PBX will cost much less - from 2000–2500 rubles.

There are situations when company offices are located in areas remote from large cities (for example, in the Arctic), where the possibility of organizing analogue and Internet communications is, in principle, absent. In such cases, you can purchase satellite phones and connect the corresponding services. The prices for this type of communication are very high, and the quality is much worse than other options. However, in the absence of alternatives, satellite telephony becomes the only possible solution.

Stages of connecting and setting up office telephony

To install a telephone in the office, you first need to decide what type of connection will be used. As a rule, large organizations first draw up technical specifications, in which they determine the number and types of telephone sets and lines, the need to install a mini-PBX, and also select a provider company, focusing on conditions and tariffs.

If the analog communication type is selected, the action algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Submitting an application for connection to the operator.
  2. Laying cables.
  3. Installation of telephone sets.
  4. Checking system performance and communication quality.
  5. Employee training.

Additionally, a service agreement is concluded. The whole process may take a long time - this will depend on the number of free lines and employees of the operator, as well as on the technical complexity of the connection.

For those companies that have chosen IP telephony, connecting to the service is much faster - 10–15 minutes - and is carried out in the “Personal Account” on the provider’s website. At the same time, the capabilities of the tool are impressive:

  • connecting an almost unlimited number of telephones (this is especially important for organizing call centers or hotlines);
  • detailed statistics on communication costs;
  • connecting the “virtual secretary” function;
  • the ability to quickly configure forwarding and other parameters;
  • call recording;
  • drawing up blacklists;
  • providing reports on any parameter of interest and much more.

Modern telephony, abbreviated telephony, largely affects the level of development and quality of life of our society. T Telephone communications have become firmly established in our lives, and above all in business, business telephony used in your business largely affects the dynamics of its development. The quality and functionality of communication has a significant impact on the effectiveness of negotiations. The success of interaction with clients and the efficiency of coordination of working personnel directly depend on telephone communication.

Using outdated telephony with unfavorable tariffs and limited functionality, you do not get any tangible benefit from it. We offer you a profitable solution to this problem in the form of installing modern multifunctional telephony from our company “Canmos”. Our telephony will fully meet the needs and characteristics of your business.

Telephony allows you to organize communications between subscribers and conduct local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone conversations, transmit faxes, and video calls in real time. A set of technical means and equipment designed to implement communications, consisting of telephones, automatic telephone exchanges, and communication lines are called telephone networks.

What is modern telephony and how does it work?

Modern telephony it is primarily digital, operating over the IP protocol and using all physical networks to transmit information: optical cable, copper cable, wireless networks, otherwise called IP telephony. It is a special type that combines all the best features of analogue telephone communication and the Internet. In other words, modern telephony allows you to receive and make calls regardless of the location of subscribers and the method of their connection: Internet, telephone, wireless, mobile network. Thanks to this, in order to connect a telephone, there is no longer a need to wait for a long time to install a telephone cable, purchase expensive equipment and pay for its installation.

Let's look at exactly how modern telephony works using the telephone network and the Internet. A special IP gateway organizes the conversion of the telephone signal into packets that can be transmitted via the Internet; the gateway simultaneously connects to telephone lines and the Internet channel. When an incoming call is received from the telephone network to a subscriber on the Internet, the IP gateway receives the signal, digitizes it and sends it through the IP network. To answer a call, it is enough to have at hand any device with Internet access and a specially installed program on it. It is on this principle that telephony operates outside the telephone network - everything is extremely simple and transparent.

IP telephony technology makes it possible to transmit data over the Internet, bypassing the many standard switches of the traditional telephone system. This gives several important advantages at once: firstly, it reduces the load on communication channels, and secondly, it greatly reduces the cost of a call. Compared to conventional telephony, this option for organizing calls is more profitable in many respects.

Telephone communication using an optical cable refers to more traditional telephony and it allows for high-quality conversations between subscribers in the local optical network, as well as with those who called from another telephone network.

Cloud telephony

Cloud telephony a service designed for subscribers who need constant access to the telephone network from various devices and from various points of the global Internet network. The SIP protocol allows you to find and connect to a telephone server regardless of your location, it is only important that you have an Internet connection and the passage of packets between remote points is reliable and without delays for good quality voice communication. Modern cloud services allow you to receive the service on demand, and the rest of the time telephony can be configured to an answering machine or autoinformer. A multi-channel telephone allows you to distribute calls and telephone conversations between managers evenly or according to a schedule that suits everyone; calls will arrive on the phones at a time convenient for each operator. Cloud telephony has significant advantages over wired telephone communication, because instead of a wire there is the Internet, connecting to which means connecting to a telephone connection. A person, while at home, at work, or on vacation in another country, remains in touch and uses a single company number for incoming and outgoing calls and short numbers to communicate with employees of his company.

What problems does it solve?

Cloud telephony:

  • allows you to save on communication with clients, employees, suppliers and partners thanks to favorable tariff plans;
  • significantly reduces the cost of communication between cities and countries, without compromising the quality and stability of communication;
  • makes it possible to organize the work of an entire call center with one multi-channel number and the optimal number of regular city telephone numbers;
  • improves the image and popularity of a company or brand thanks to a “beautiful” number that is easy to remember and inspires confidence;
  • increases the reliability of the communication environment in the company.

What is the importance of good telephony when communicating with clients?

Having high-quality telephony, you:

  1. Don't make people wait. Just imagine: you want to order a product or service, but you can’t do it because the phone of the online store or company is constantly busy, and you have an important question for the employees that cannot be resolved on your own. You'll likely find a similar product or offering from another company that cares more about its potential customers. Thanks to cloud telephony a person does not hear annoying frequent beeps indicating that the line is busy, and all calls are received on time (provided that there are a sufficient number of people working in the sales department).
  2. Conduct conversations without echoes and interruptions. Let’s imagine another unpleasant situation: you finally got through to the company you are interested in, but you cannot understand the manager’s words due to extraneous noise, and as a result you are forced to refuse the purchase. The quality of communication plays a big role for customers - no one wants to talk to a person who is difficult to hear. Due to poor-quality communication, the client may prefer you to a competitor who cares about the level of service. Thanks to good telephony, this will not happen: you will be able to communicate with potential clients without interruptions and problems on the communication line.
  3. Monitor the service. IP telephony has the function of recording calls for the purpose of further listening and analysis. Thanks to it, you will always be aware of which of the operators is not competent enough in matters of consulting, who shows excellent results, how much time each manager spends on answering a call, and how many minutes on average a client is served. All this is of great importance from the point of view of service - something without which you simply cannot survive in a highly competitive environment.

What results does it give?

good IP-telephony– a real find for companies that want to scale their activities and make big profits. With its help you:

  • take the quality of service to a new level;
  • you will receive more requests;
  • stop missing calls due to forgetfulness and inattention;
  • expand your customer base;
  • get a loyal attitude from regular customers;
  • increase the number of closed deals.

Advantages of canmos telephony

    telephony canmos


    Each subscriber

    In code 495 and 499

    Office in Central Administrative District



    Daily limit


    Price limit


    WebRTC, Call Back

    Android application

    We'll help you quickly

    Fast T/P

    IP telephony

    TLS encryption

    Channels of connection

    Optics, VPN


    Technical support

Functional purpose

Telephony has two important purposes:

  1. Provides internal communication. With its help, company employees can quickly contact each other to resolve work issues and force majeure situations. Thanks to well-functioning telephony, the boss or director is constantly in touch with employees, and does this regardless of his current location.
  2. Provides communication with clients. If you sell goods or provide services, clients will certainly call you. Your job is to make it easy and quick for them to contact you. Properly installed telephony ensures that customers are satisfied with the way they were served.


Call forwarding

Depending on the time or caller number.


You can answer right now. Sends messages to E-mail.

Black/white lists

Black, white, green lists of numbers from which calls are sent, each along its own route.

Receive/send fax

Receive/send fax.

Receive calls automatically

Receiving orders outside of business hours automatically.

Organizing an incoming call

Organization of incoming calls by condition: by time and day of the week.

Auto dial

Calling customers automatically, informing them about promotions and outstanding payments.

Pleasant melody

A pleasant melody for the caller instead of beeps.

Conference calling

Conference calling is the communication of three or more subscribers simultaneously.

Video conferencing

Video calls and video conferences via the Internet using video programs and video phones.

Online calls. Free calls

Organizing free calls to the office from the website.

Detailed reporting

Detailed reporting in your personal account or integration with CRM.

Possibility of limitation

Ability to limit unnecessary calls. Ban on expensive destinations.

Who is canmos telephony suitable for?

IP telephony is in demand in all areas of trade and service provision; it is relevant for businesses of various sizes. We especially recommend it to those who:

  1. Independently launches a new project. You don't want customer calls to arrive on your home or mobile phone and get confused with other calls. In addition, you need a simple and memorable number. WITH cloud telephony you will solve both of these problems.
  2. Does not have its own office. If you have a staff of freelancers who work from home, you will especially benefit from accepting orders from your clients via an omnichannel number. This way, you can save on renting and equipping office space without compromising the quality of service or losing interested clients.
  3. Conducts several advertising campaigns simultaneously. Cloud telephony connected to the CRM system allows you to track exactly where calls and requests come from. This, in turn, makes it possible to spend your marketing budget with maximum efficiency.
  4. He often travels and goes on business trips. If you don't want to miss clients while traveling, install IP telephony and be sure that you receive every incoming call. Cloud telephony is also beneficial because it allows travelers to save on expensive roaming charges.
  5. Has a distributed structure. If your head office is located in Moscow, production is launched in the region, and sales offices are concentrated throughout the country, then you cannot do without cloud IP telephony. With it you can connect all offices and departments with high-quality communications and save on long-distance telephone calls.
  6. Has a sales department. This suggests that the company makes a lot of regular transactions and is constantly in touch with its customers. To take your service to a new level, you can use IP telephony - a functional, convenient and budget solution for any business.
  7. Receives frequent complaints from customers and employees. You may have heard dissatisfied cries that it is impossible to reach your operators, and the managers themselves, for some technical reason, sometimes cannot make outgoing calls. There is a high probability that the problem lies in telephony provider. Try our cloud solution and see the difference!

Telephony functionality

Let's look at the basic telephony functionality, working via the Internet:

  • multi-channel communication lines;
  • receiving and making calls to any numbers;
  • receiving calls even after hours and then calling back;
  • automatic dialing;
  • video calls;
  • complex call transfer scenarios (automatic redialing, call forwarding to another employee, etc.);
  • placing numbers on black and white lists;
  • receiving and sending faxes;
  • recording and further listening of calls;
  • regular detailed reporting.

If desired, the functionality of IP telephony can be significantly expanded by introducing options such as pop-up windows, GSM roaming, etc. All this is possible due to the fact that the Internet and telephone communications are on the same network, which opens up a lot of new opportunities.

Equipment used

If you are already using some other voice communication system, then you do not have to waste your time and money on converting it. With our telephony you can receive calls through:

  1. Standard wired telephones. This is not the most convenient solution, but still a feasible solution. Basically, regular phones are used in offices with permanent staff; they are simply not suitable for mobile businesses.
  2. Special IP phones. They are widely used due to their versatility and functionality. IP phones connect to the Internet without a router or gateway. They perform more functions than regular landline phones.
  3. Video phones. They are the same IP phones, only with the function of transmitting video materials. This allows you to hold emergency meetings and organize conferences.
  4. Tablets and mobile phones. This solution is becoming increasingly popular due to its key advantage – the absence of location restrictions. You can receive calls on the way to work, at home and even on vacation.
  5. Computers and laptops. They are perfect for organizing full-fledged telephony in the office or at home. To start receiving calls using your PC, just install a special program on it and purchase a microphone with headphones.

Select PBX

Canmos provides a free virtual PBX when connecting to telephony with a Moscow city telephone number. Virtual PBX allows you to manage telephone communications.

Once again about the advantages of our telephony

Telephony online– a new stage in the development of telephone communications. A visitor to your site can call the office completely free of charge using a computer or laptop. Let's look at what its advantages are:

  1. Multifunctionality. Wide telephony functionality This is explained by the fact that in IP telephony the call is placed on the same data network as the computer. By connecting to cloud telephony, you can not only conduct telephone conversations, but also at the same time receive video calls, send messages directly during a conversation, arrange audio conferences and perform a whole range of other useful actions. The main thing is to choose and connect additional functions correctly.
  2. No location connection. To connect to telephony, it is enough to have Internet access. Just imagine: you can easily call your employees through the website even from another country, and they will have the opportunity to receive customer calls from anywhere, including from home. Please note that this will not affect the stability and quality of communication.
  3. Multichannel. This term means that dozens of people will be able to call your number simultaneously without hearing a busy signal and dialing the first time. All calls will be automatically distributed to free operators or operators assigned to regular customers. Not a single person will be deprived of attention and will want to come back for your goods or services again.
  4. Excellent connection quality. With IP telephony you will be clearly heard from any distance. Loud echoes, noises, vibrations, interruptions, sudden communication interruptions - telephony provider ensures that none of the above will disturb you, your operators and clients. No compression protocols are used, so voices are not distorted. Subscribers hear only clear, pleasant sound.
  5. Complete security. The transmitted data stream is carefully encrypted. You don't have to worry about your conversations being wiretapped by third parties and your corporate secrets becoming known to attackers. Networks are constantly scanned for security-threatening traffic. The risk of eavesdropping and other illegal actions is minimized.
  6. Possibility of rapid scaling. If the number of calls increases and your staff expands, you will be able to supplement your telephony with additional numbers. This can be done not only with regular, but also with multi-channel telephone numbers.
  7. No physical lines. Telephone wires can be a thing of the past. If your office or branch suddenly moves to a new location, you will not have to waste time and money on transporting telephony and reconnecting. The number you use will be saved.
  8. Thorough tracking of missed calls. If for some reason an incoming call is missed by managers, this is immediately displayed in the call history. The problem can be quickly resolved by calling the number displayed.
  9. Efficiency of installation. Unlike standard telephony, connecting to cloud telephony takes only a couple of minutes. This is relevant for those who have just moved to a new office and need to maintain continuous communication with clients.

Telephony with call back function

Telephony It has long ceased to be just a convenient and profitable means of communication with a standard set of capabilities. Now you can connect the call back function to it, better known as the call back widget.

Many people don't leave your site because they don't like your products or services. Often this happens only because customers did not find a phone number on your website. As a result, you are left without a new client and profit. This can be easily corrected by introducing a telephone with a call-back function onto the site - the visitor will not refuse such a telephone number (call for free) and quickly receive advice on any issues.

Call back works according to a very simple scheme: the client dials your company’s number, after which they automatically call him back within just 5 seconds. A connection is established and a conversation begins between the potential buyer and the manager. Since the client does not have to pay to contact you, he is more motivated to make a call.

According to recent marketing research, having a call back function on a website increases conversion from 20% to 200%. A call back is beneficial both for you (increasing the number of sales without much cost and effort) and for clients (thank you for the quality service and time spent).

I would like to make a small remark, the work of a telephone number with a call back function turns out to be a company called canmos; beware of similar, but completely different services.

Integration of telephony with CRM

An association telephony with CRM will bring a lot of benefits to your business and will become an effective tool for monitoring employees. Let's look at exactly what functions the two combined channels can perform:

  1. Automatically connect the client to the desired operator. The caller will not have to waste time listening to the voice menu; his conversation with the responsible manager will begin immediately after dialing.
  2. Inform the operator in advance about who is calling him. The client’s personal card with his name and information about him appears on the manager’s screen even before he has time to pick up the phone. Thanks to this, the operator is always aware of how to communicate with each client so that he ultimately places an order for a product or service.
  3. Make calls directly from the database. To contact the desired client, just select his number in the CRM system. Telephony will immediately make an automatic call. This convenient feature allows operators to use their time efficiently.
  4. View phone call history. All statistics are loaded directly into CRM. You can view the call log for a specific client, manager, date and time and always be aware of what is happening with your business and what its efficiency is.
  5. Route calls. If a client cooperates with your company on an ongoing basis, he is automatically assigned to a specific manager. Thanks to our telephony a person does not have to wait until his call is redirected to the right operator and waste his time because of this.
  6. Track the effectiveness of calls. This important function makes it clear where exactly the client called from (website, search engine, ad). Knowing which Internet resource your target audience is coming from, you don’t have to waste money on advertising that doesn’t bring the desired result. Instead, you can invest in resources that bring you real customers who place orders.

Our ready-made solutions for different businesses

Canmos offers profitable cloud solutions for:

  1. Personal business. Even if you work on your own, you definitely need tools to stay in touch with clients. Cloud telephony is the best choice for you. With it, you can answer calls anywhere, having only a phone or device with Internet access and installed software. Monthly costs for such telephony will be minimal.
  2. Small business. Let's assume that you are a start-up company and you have two operators who answer calls. With our telephony you will receive a “beautiful” number that will be easily remembered by potential and existing clients. We will also provide you with the opportunity to conduct two parallel telephone conversations at once. If there are more operators, telephony can be easily expanded.
  3. Medium business. For representatives of medium-sized businesses, we have eight- and sixteen-channel IP telephony in our arsenal. With it, a whole staff of employees will be able to quickly receive incoming calls, without missing a single potential client, and also communicate with each other using internal numbers.
  4. Big business. Does your staff consist of several dozen operators and several offices? We have profitable solutions for you too! Feel free to choose thirty-two-channel or sixty-four-channel telephony, which will perfectly cope with servicing an entire call center.

10 reasons to choose our telephony

We offer you:

  1. Personalized approach. We will provide you with telephony that will exactly match the scale and needs of your business. Our employees will definitely offer the optimal number of telephone lines and numbers. Their number will increase in proportion to the growth of your enterprise.
  2. Only proven and reliable telephone communication. Telephony provider carefully monitors communication security. The latest technologies allow us to be one step ahead in security matters and provide the highest level of customer protection from telephone fraud.
  3. The perfect connection. We are well aware of the importance of high-quality telephone communication for your business. Advanced software, as well as the use of redundant communication and data channels allow us to guarantee perfect service.
  4. Constant access to support. Each client of our company can contact the technical support service at any time, which will promptly answer any question and help solve the problem. Our support team is available even on weekends and public holidays.
  5. Favorable rates. We offer optimal tariff plans for small, medium and large enterprises. With us you can receive incoming calls completely free of charge. For outgoing calls you will only need to pay a small subscription fee, which will not be too costly for your business.
  6. Different redirection scenarios. We can make sure that all incoming calls are transferred to specific departments and certain employees automatically. You don't have to set anything up.
  7. Flexible settings. We adapt cloud telephony to suit your business. Do you want to install an answering machine? Do you want to customize the voice menu at your own discretion? We will help solve any problem.
  8. Complete absence of restrictions on the geography of calls. With our telephony, you can maintain contact with clients and employees from other cities and countries without incurring losses or overpaying for it.
  9. Ease of management and maintenance. Both processes do not take much time and effort, because they are carried out using an intuitive interface. Anyone can easily learn to work with our telephony.
  10. Extremely fast connection and individual configuration. Contact us now and get telephony fully adapted to your work today!

Telephony Moscow

Connecting a telephone connection, connecting a telephone number, creating an incoming call plan - these are the first steps that are necessary for telephony to work. When connecting, the canmos company allocates a telephone number in code 499. Telephone codes for the city of Moscow (495) and (499) - telephony Moscow. Modern telephony in Moscow allows you to make phone calls anywhere in the world; transmitting a telephone conversation over the Internet has become a technically common process. Why is connecting a telephone number in the Moscow code a profitable solution for a company? Moscow is a large metropolis where many companies are located and a significant part of the Russian population lives. For Muscovites calling numbers in codes 499 and 495, the call is free or its cost is negligible.

For the rest of the world, telephone calls to Moscow numbers are also not expensive; in most countries, a call to a Moscow landline number starts from 1 cent per minute; for example, a call to a phone in Belarus costs from 40 cents. Telephony Moscow represents a fairly profitable solution for business.

Telephony tariffs

Tariff for 2x channel telephony

Connecting a telephone with two channels is beneficial for home use and small businesses, when the number of calls does not require a large number of operators and lines; one operator can handle two lines; a larger number requires a greater presence of telephone operators.

1. This tariff allows two employees to simultaneously conduct telephone conversations with external subscribers using incoming or outgoing calls.

2. Connection to such a tariff depending on the connection technology: from 0 rubles to 5,000 rubles, one-time payment.

3. Monthly subscription fee from 200 rubles/month.

4. Included are 200 minutes of outgoing calls to numbers in codes 499 and 495, excess 0.7 rub./min.

5. Incoming calls are free.

One phone number for free.

Tariff for 8-channel telephony

1. Eight telephone lines allow eight employees to talk at the same time, for a total of eight.

2. Connection to such a tariff depending on the connection technology: from 0 rubles to 10,000 rubles, one-time payment.

3. Monthly subscription fee from 500 rubles/month.

4. Included are 500 minutes of outgoing calls to numbers in codes 499 and 495, excess 0.7 rub./min.

5. Incoming calls are free.

for free.

7. All telephone conversations over the internal telephone network are free.

Tariff for 16-channel telephony

1. Sixteen telephone lines allow sixteen employees to talk at the same time or to receive calls or outgoing calls, sixteen in total, internal conversations are not taken into account.

2. Connection to such a tariff depending on the connection technology: from 0 rubles to 18,000 rubles, one-time payment.

3. Monthly subscription fee from 1000 rubles/month.

4. Included are 1000 minutes of outgoing calls to numbers in codes 499 and 495, excess 0.7 rub./min.

5. Incoming calls are free.

6. When connecting, the subscriber is allocated two telephone numbers for free.

7. All telephone conversations over the internal telephone network are free.

Tariff for 32x channel telephony

1. Thirty-two telephone lines allow thirty-two employees to talk at the same time, either for receiving or outgoing calls, for a total of thirty-two conversations simultaneously, not counting internal ones.

2. Connection to such a tariff depending on the connection technology: from 0 rubles to 40,000 rubles, one-time payment.

3. Monthly subscription fee from 1500 rubles/month.

4. 1500 minutes of outgoing calls to numbers in codes 499 and 495 are included, the excess is 0.7 rubles/min.

5. Incoming calls are free.

6. When connecting, the subscriber is allocated two telephone numbers for free.

7. All telephone conversations over the internal telephone network are free.

Tariff for 64-channel telephony

1. Sixty-four telephone lines allow sixty-four employees to talk simultaneously or receive calls or make outgoing calls, for a total of sixty-four.

2. Connection to such a tariff depending on the connection technology: from 0 rubles to 80,000 rubles, one-time payment.

3. Monthly subscription fee from 3,000 rubles/month.

4. 3000 minutes of outgoing calls to numbers in codes 499 and 495 are included, excess 0.7 rub./min.

5. Incoming calls are free.

6. When connecting, the subscriber is allocated five telephone numbers for free.

7. All telephone conversations over the internal telephone network are free

Quickly connect telephony

Order telephony

Until recently, analog office telephony was the only solution in the communications industry, but today other options are available - satellite and IP telephony. Which one to choose, how to save on communications and increase the efficiency of communications with clients and partners?

Analog telephony for office

Analog telephony is a classic technology familiar to everyone. The signal is transmitted through wires connected to the local telephone exchange - an automatic telephone exchange. It, in turn, connects to the regional automatic telephone exchange and through this chain - to the federal scale. Simply put, with analog telephony, a direct connection is established between the participants in a conversation - the encoded audio is converted into an electrical signal and, upon reaching its destination, it is again converted and, in processed form, reaches the addressee.

As a rule, connecting an office requires a separate line, that is, a cable. To connect an analog telephone to the office, you need to submit an application to the local operator, after which, on the appointed day, technicians will come to the office, stretch the cable, install telephone sets and test the system. If the company is large and a lot of devices are required, the process may take about a month.

The cost of analog communication is relatively low, but the connection itself requires investment. If your company requires a mini-PBX for multi-channel communication, then its purchase and installation, as well as the work of craftsmen and the purchase of telephone sets, can cost 50 thousand rubles or more.


  • Analogue telephony for the office is stable and provides good signal quality.
  • Very low cost of local calls, as well as the low price of the telephone sets themselves.
  • Available in all more or less large settlements.


  • When moving to a new premises, the entire connection process will have to be repeated again, which means new expenses and a change of telephone numbers.
  • Analog communications do not provide sufficient information security; such telephones are easily tapped.
  • Long distance and international calls are quite expensive.
  • Sometimes it is impossible to immediately connect analog telephony - you have to wait until the network is laid, and the wait sometimes stretches for weeks or even months.
  • Analogue communication is not an option for companies located in remote corners of the country, where there are no networks and their installation is not even planned. Moreover, with analog telephony, the possibilities are limited only to conversation, unlike IP telephony.

Large providers: Rostelecom, MGTS.

Analogue telephony can be a good solution for small offices and companies where the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, and the organization itself is located within the Central region.

Satellite telephony

Satellite telephony for the user is practically no different from the regular mobile communications to which we are so accustomed. The only difference is that the satellite phone signal does not disappear anywhere - neither at sea, nor in the taiga wilds. Where there is no network coverage, a satellite phone still continues to work because the signal passes directly through the satellite, which orbits the Earth. Satellite phones come in both mobile and landline types, although mobile phones are still more popular. To connect, you just need to buy the device itself and a SIM card.

The cost of satellite communication services is more expensive than both cellular and analog. A minute of conversation on a satellite phone will cost on average 20–50 rubles, although under certain conditions this figure can reach 150–170 rubles.

Large providers: Inmarsat, Iridium.

This type of communication is practically not used for installing telephones in offices - the exception is those companies whose employees work “in the field” - then it would be advisable to provide them with cell phones. Such communication services are indispensable for organizations involved in geological exploration, at drilling stations, and in the oil-producing industries.

IP telephony

Virtual telephony is a modern way to organize telephone communications by transmitting voice data in encrypted form over the Internet. You can connect to the virtual telephone network:

  • a regular device (this will require a special gateway);
  • smartphone;
  • tablet;
  • laptop;
  • computer;
  • special SIP phone for virtual telephony.

The connection is very fast - just register on the provider’s website and select a tariff. You will have access to your personal account, where you can change settings at any time - connect or disconnect numbers, send and receive faxes, change access parameters for employees and much more.

Historical fact
The first attempts to introduce IP telephony were made in 1991, when the NetFone program was created, which allows you to exchange voice messages over the Internet.


  • Simplicity and speed of connection - everything can be done independently on the provider’s website. The services of a specialist and the cost of equipment are needed only if it is necessary to install gateways and purchase stationary devices for IP telephony. But these costs are on average lower than when organizing analog communications.
  • Flexibility of settings and the ability to change them in literally five minutes. In addition, call statistics are available in your personal account. You can calculate:
    • How long does a call last on average?
    • how many calls does each subscriber make;
    • how often employees use communications for personal purposes.
  • When moving to another office, there is no need to change phone numbers and reconnect.
  • It is possible to create a free corporate network even if employees or branches are located on different continents. The location of the subscriber does not matter.
  • Using IP telephony for the office, you can not only make calls, but also arrange video and telephone conferences.
  • It is possible to connect multi-channel phones with any number. For example, your Moscow clients will call a Moscow number, but the call can be received by operators located anywhere.
  • IP telephony ensures data protection. It is suitable for those for whom confidentiality is extremely important - it is extremely difficult to intercept and decrypt such a signal.
  • Compared to other types of communication, IP telephony for the office is very cheap. This is especially true for long-distance and international calls. On average, the cost of one minute of long-distance calls via IP telephony is 4 times lower than when using a regular telephone. And international calls will cost 20–30 times cheaper! Conversations within the network are completely free, and it does not matter where exactly the employees are located.
  • A wide variety of tariffs allows you to choose the solution most suitable for the specifics of your business.
  • You can connect a federal number 8-800. In this case, calls will be free for all your clients. In general, this has a good effect on call statistics - often people refuse to call, not wanting to spend money.
  • IP telephony for the office can be easily integrated into other communication tools - integration with the company website, CRM systems, etc. is possible.
  • Unlike analog and satellite communications, IP telephony has a large number of additional capabilities.


  • In some cases, it is necessary to spend money on additional equipment.

Large providers: MTT, Rostelecom, TTK.

IP telephony is suitable for any company, but is especially relevant for organizations with more than 50 employees. This is also a good option if you have remote offices and need to provide high-quality call forwarding, including to mobile numbers. IP telephony is a reliable, cost-effective solution for any business and the ability to use a telephone number regardless of location.

So what should you choose?

Which communication method is preferable for the office? This depends on the size and operating principles of your company. For a small company with a dozen employees who call mainly numbers in your region, regular analog telephony is also suitable. This same communication method should be chosen if for some reason the Internet connection is unstable or not too fast.

Satellite telephony is only suitable for those companies whose employees work in hard-to-reach places where there are neither telephone cables nor the Internet.

IP telephony for the office is the best option for any enterprise: from small companies to huge corporations with branches on all continents. It is suitable for those who mainly call colleagues within the network, and for organizations whose activities involve receiving a large number of calls.

How to choose an office telephony service provider?

Sergey Maslov, head of the marketing department at MTT, says:

“IP telephony is gradually replacing analogue, and this is understandable. By connecting IP telephony, you can reduce communication costs by at least half. In addition, virtual telephony helps all employees stay in touch, regardless of where they are - in the office or on the road, in Moscow or New York. You can make calls from anywhere where there is internet. In this case, a smartphone, tablet or laptop is used as a telephone.

Reduced hardware costs are another notable benefit of cloud communications. Virtual telephony can do everything that analogue can, and much more - and its cost is lower. This is why IP telephony often helps small companies that do not have a large IT budget. In this case, all costs for maintenance and software updates are borne by the provider. However, to experience all the benefits of IP telephony, you need to choose a trusted provider.

A trusted provider is a large company with a good reputation, solid experience and a large number of clients. All these characteristics correspond to the service of the national operator of international and long-distance communications OJSC MTT. More than 15,000 companies throughout Russia are already cooperating with us. A variety of flexible tariffs, ease of connection and account management, competitive prices, free intra-corporate calls - this is what attracts our clients.

We provide IP telephony services, Callback, multi-channel landline numbers, Sitephone service and much more to develop your business. Registration on the site takes five minutes. After this, you will be able to manage your account settings yourself, changing it to suit your needs.”

P.S. - one of the largest telecommunications companies in the country, represented in the telecommunications market for more than 20 years. Provides services for connecting a virtual PBX, direct city numbers, numbers 8-800 and 8-804, as well as favorable tariffs for long-distance and international communications.

The landline telephones we are all familiar with are becoming a thing of the past today. They are being replaced in offices and enterprises by IP telephony - the ability to communicate by phone via the Internet. In our material we will look at the rules for organizing telephony in the office, choosing a suitable communication system, provider and telephone sets.

Analog and IP telephony

Analog telephony
- this is a familiar method for receiving and transmitting a telephone signal, which consists of encoding audio messages, converting them into an electrical signal, which is then transmitted through communication channels through an ordinary telephone cable. Before reaching the second subscriber, the encoded information is decrypted and then transmitted to the recipient.

IP telephony is a method of receiving and transmitting voice data over the Internet from one server to another server, while encoding occurs according to protocols, the signal is transmitted digitally over the communication channel, and the volume of data is compressed. Also, IP telephony today, in addition to voice data exchange, includes video communication.

Today, analogue telephony is being actively “displaced” from the service market by IP telephony - calling via the Internet is convenient, fashionable, and cheap. But when choosing the appropriate type of telephony to equip a company office, it is worth considering both options, since each has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Telephony via computer networks became popular in the world at the beginning of the 21st century. Today, IP telephony is used by both ordinary users of the World Wide Web and corporate clients - firms, offices, corporations. Thanks to the peculiarities of the system, IP telephony is much cheaper than traditional analogue telephony - the cost of calls, especially long-distance and international calls, is much lower here.

IP telephony has a number of functionalities. The telephone connection speed of IP telephony is really high, which means that when using it, it is possible to transfer more than one telephone call. That is, an additional telephone line, one or several at once, can be easily and simply added to the office. Since with IP telephony calls are made through computers, there is immediately the possibility of making conference calls, forwarding calls, automatically redialing a number if the subscriber was unavailable, caller numbers are determined automatically, and all this without charging an additional fee. In analogue telephony, such features can also be connected, but an additional fee will be charged for all listed options.

Also, using IP telephony, the subscriber can immediately protect himself - the telephone signal will initially be digitized and encrypted. Also, the convenience of IP telephony lies in the fact that to make a call you only need an Internet connection and a connection to an IP telephony provider. The Internet today is almost everywhere. Using IP telephony, subscribers can connect video calling functions, exchange messages while a call is in progress, create audio conferences, create their own address books, find out online whether other subscribers are available for calls, and the quality of IP telephony communication is really high.

Awareness of all the possibilities of IP telephony forces company owners to equip their offices with this particular type of telephony. But don’t forget about the advantages of analog telephony.

First of all, it must be said that this method of telephone installation is simple, proven, traditional, and reliable. The level of quality of analogue telephony communications today is quite high, and the equipment - landline phones - are quite cheap. A simple landline telephone today can be installed in any office, in any room; this does not require serious time or money, and the Internet and computers are not required to make calls.

As for the disadvantages of analogue telephony, this includes the high cost of long-distance and international calls, difficulties when it is necessary to connect an additional number - this will require a separate line.

Experts attribute the disadvantages of IP telephony to the need for a stable Internet signal and sufficient data transfer speed from 512 Kbps. But in general, all companies and offices that switched to IP telephony after analogue telephony note a significant reduction in the cost of calls, and time is also saved for company employees - calls are made quickly and conveniently.

So, if the activities of your small company do not involve calling other subscribers and receiving numerous incoming calls, then it is better to organize an office PBX using traditional analog phones using analog mini-PBXs. If the company’s activities will be directly related to the work of employees “on the phone”, or receiving calls from all regions of the country, then the best option is to organize IP telephony in the office.

How to connect telephony for the office

In order to connect telephony in the office, it is necessary to purchase additional equipment, the choice of which is quite large today.

First of all, for an office in which several telephone subscribers are expected to work at once, it is necessary to install a mini-PBX. Installation of a Mini PBX is necessary in companies with more than five employees who sit in different rooms. If the company is small, located in one office and the specifics of the work are not related to making outgoing and processing incoming calls, then organizing office communications will not be necessary. Mini-PBXs can be analog (for making calls through regular landline phones in the office) and virtual. A virtual PBX is a local telephone exchange necessary for making calls to a company. If an analog mini-PBX is installed directly in the office, then a virtual mini-PBX is physically located at the provider, and the client only pays for connection to it and pays a monthly subscription fee. The mini-PBX is configured by the provider.

Virtual mini-PBX services are provided today by almost all major Internet providers, telecom operators, as well as companies offering IP telephony services. A virtual PBX can be installed in an office, regardless of how many employees will be making phone calls. Using a virtual mini-PBX, you can organize wireless communication within the office and configure the necessary functions depending on the need for a specific enterprise or employee. Installing a virtual mini-PBX today is low-cost and quite simple - the virtual PBX market in our country today numbers more than 80 thousand companies, and among the huge number of telecom operators providing these services, every office owner will be able to choose the most suitable option.

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To make calls using IP telephony to the office, you will need to install IP phones. An IP telephone is a telecommunications device for providing communication between two subscribers using IP telephony for voice communication. Externally, an IP phone looks like a regular, familiar “home” phone to all of us. It has keys for dialing a number, a display where the telephone number of the called subscriber is displayed, a handset, and a connector for connecting to an IP network. Connect such an IP phone to a computer or directly to an Internet line. The familiar IP phone is chosen by users who are “accustomed” to a regular handset. But for greater convenience, IP phones are now being widely replaced by so-called softphones.

Softphone is software for a personal computer that allows you to make telephone and video calls over the Internet without using a telephone, thanks to the use of a special headset. A softphone can be installed today on any computer or mobile device - as an example, we can cite the well-known Skype program, which works using its own specialized protocols. Thanks to the use of softphones, users can also exchange instant messages, carry out voice conferencing, and receive numerous other capabilities. Softphones are also called “free softphones.” They are convenient from the point of view of use and beneficial from the point of view of saving money - there is no need to buy a separate telephone set. To run the program on a computer and make a voice call, you only need a headset - headphones with a microphone that connect to the computer, and a pre-installed program.

The disadvantage of using softphones is the dependence on the quality of the Internet connection - if the Internet speed is low, then calls will freeze or be completely interrupted due to low traffic. Also, another “minus” is that using a softphone is only possible if you have a computer - if the subscriber is not near the computer, he will be able to miss an important incoming call.

Select a number for IP telephony

The telephone number for any organization is its “face” and “business card”. First of all, the office manager needs to decide which number is needed for the operation of his company - a multi-channel number or the simplest landline number. Depending on the needs - the need to create a call center or ensure communication within the office between employees - he will have to make his choice.

Multi-line phone number today it is a tool that helps business development. By installing such a number, you can receive several calls at once, and calls received at such a number are forwarded to company employees who are not busy talking on another channel at that moment. Connecting such multi-channel numbers is ideal for call centers and companies specializing in promoting their services over the phone and receiving numerous calls from clients. Thanks to such a multi-channel telephone number, the client will no longer hear the characteristic “busy” tones on the handset, and the connection will occur in the shortest possible time.

Virtual multichannel number is a service that many telecommunications companies provide today. The essence of a virtual multichannel number is that it is not tied to a specific location, but allows you to remotely connect to the company’s equipment to forward calls. By connecting such a virtual number, for example, with the Moscow code, calls can be received by a company that is actually located in another region. That is, it creates the appearance that the office is located in the city the subscriber needs. Also, such calls can be forwarded not only to the company’s office, but also to personal numbers of employees and even home phones.

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